No trace of espionage

Chapter 1067 Strange Murder Scene

"Director Lin, do you want to take a look at the scene first?" Wan Lilang asked.

"it is good."

Lin Chuang responded, followed Wan Lilang to the stairs, and Li Shiqun followed silently.

He, who was supposed to be the master, became like a marginal figure at this time because of his antagonism with Lin Chuang.

When encountering such a situation in the past, Liu Ermeng would not follow.But today's situation is special, Liu Ermeng followed closely behind Lin Chuang.

"After the case happened, we came to the scene as soon as possible. Because Deputy Director Li said that he would invite you to come, the scene was well protected, and everything basically remained the same without moving." Wan Lilang introduced the situation while walking.

Lin Chuang nodded.

Go to the second floor, walk through a narrow corridor, and come to the main entrance.

The door was wide open, and a bloody smell came straight to the mouth and nose.

"Director Lin, please bring this." Wan Lilang handed Lin Chuang a mask.

Lin Chuang took it over and saw that it was a white medical mask.

"Tian Chuncai's family." Wan Lilang introduced casually.

"Oh." Lin Chuang put it on.

This is not the first time Lin Chuang wears this kind of thick cotton mask.

I don’t know when I wore it last time, but I wore it when I was a child in that time and space.

What Lin Chuang remembers most about this kind of mask is that after wearing it in winter, it will not take long before the inside is full of snot, and he is embarrassed to say it in front of people, so he can only suppress his nausea and wait for people When not paying attention, take off the mask and blow it quietly.

Therefore, his mask had not been used for a long time, so he had to tuck it into the pocket of his cotton-padded jacket, and throw it to his old lady when he got home, and let her wash it.

He wears it a lot, even though it sucks.Because in those days wearing a big white mask was very cool.


Now, Lin Chuang puts on this mask and feels that the effect is very good, the bloody smell is very light, and the most important thing is that there is no runny nose.

He stood at the door and did not go in. He looked at the door first, and then at the general structure of the hall.

There are two hall doors, the kind that open and close, with lock noses, and an iron lock hung on the doorknob, with no key in the lock.

The hall is divided into inside and outside rooms.

The scenery outside can be seen at a glance.

On the east side behind the door is a long sofa, and in front of the sofa is a square table with two oiled paper bags on the side table, and the sides are full of bones.Two pairs of chopsticks, two wine glasses, and an empty wine bottle crooked beside them.

To the north is the window. There is a pot of Chinese roses on the windowsill, and there is another pot under the windowsill, which is red roses.

The window was closed, and a white gauze curtain was pulled back and closed to the east side of the window.

To the west is the inner door.

The door is a single leaf with a locking nose, and a brass lock is also hung on the handle.

The door was also open, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly from the door.

The bloody smell came from the two corpses outside, one was just behind the door, with its head and feet facing up, and there were large bloodstains on its neck, which covered its neck and face, and it was almost impossible to see its true colors.

The other body was on the sofa, face up, with one leg on the sofa and the other slumped below.

Looking from a distance, this corpse had the same cause of death as the one at the door, the artery under the neck was cut, and its face could not be seen clearly.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, both of them were wearing black Chinese tunic suits with guns pinned to their waists. One could tell at a glance that they were agents of the Secret Service.

The blood flowed all over the place, only the edge of the room did not see blood.

Not a single bloody footprint was seen.

This is very strange.

Lin Chuang secretly thought that the secret agents must have arrived immediately. They have experience. In order to protect the scene, it is understandable that they deliberately stepped on the open space without leaving footprints, but how could the murderer leave no footprints?You know, the murderer can't kill standing at the door, he will definitely get closer to kill.

When the artery is cut, the blood must be gushing out wildly, and the murderer can't dodge it, it is impossible not to leave footprints.

Unless his agility is faster than the speed of spurting blood, he dodges in time.

But is this possible?Who has such a quick movement?Is it really a ghost?
Keeping the question in mind, Lin Chuang stepped on the open space and walked carefully along the edge to the door of the inner room, and also stood at the door to observe first.

There was a bed in the bedroom, and on the bed lay a male corpse, covered with a quilt, only his head was exposed, his eyes were closed, his expression was peaceful, and he looked as if he was asleep.If the bed was not covered with blood, and the quilt was also dyed red, no one would believe that this person had met Hades.

Undoubtedly, this person is Tian Chuncai, the defector in Li Shiqun's heart, and the traitor in the eyes of the underground party.

Looking at the windows again, they are closed tightly just like the outside room, the difference is that the curtains are drawn.

After observing, Lin Chuang stepped in, followed by Wan Lilang, Liu Ermeng, and Li Shiqun.

There is a bedside table in front of the bed with a lamp on it and a medical textbook.

Lin Chuang walked up to the corpse, lifted the quilt, and saw that Tian Chuncai's death was exactly the same as the two people outside.

Lin Chuang stretched out his hand, and Wan Lilang immediately handed over a pair of white gloves.

Lin Chuang put it on and cleaned up the blood clot on Tian Chuncai's neck, exposing the wound.

The wound was horizontal, thick and deep into the flesh.

"What do you use to cut it? It's not like a dagger. A dagger is usually pierced. If it is wiped, one hand must be hugged behind the back and the other hand wiped in front. Tian Chuncai is facing up, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it." There are traces of struggling or moving, so it should not be a dagger." Lin Chuang said to himself.

"Could it be a scalpel?" Wan Lilang looked at it and suggested a possibility: "If it was a scalpel, it would be much easier and the scope of the investigation would be much narrower. You must know that all the people living here are doctors. "

"I don't think so. The blade of the scalpel is thin, and the wound is obviously thick. In this way, Tian Chun is the surgeon. There should be a scalpel at home, right? Director Wan, find a scalpel and let's try it." Lin Chuang said.

"There's a scalpel, it's on the first floor, I'll get it right away." Wan Lilang said, and turned to go out.

Soon, Wan Lilang came back with a scalpel in his hand.

Lin Chuang took over the scalpel and made a gesture towards the wound. Sure enough, it did not match the shape of the wound, and there was a big gap.

He still felt that this was not enough to prove, so he stabbed Tian Chuncai on the other side of the neck.

According to Chinese customs, any destruction and desecration of dead bodies will be accused of immorality and disrespect for the dead.

Ke Linchuang thinks, where is the traitor worthy of respect?

Therefore, by handling the case, he punished Tian Chuncai in a grand manner.

No, it was the ghost who punished the traitor.

His move, none of the few present felt that it was inappropriate, but felt that it should be taken for granted.

So, no one made a sound.

When a person is dead, there is no blood pressure, and the blood will not flow. Moreover, Tian Chuncai's blood has already drained. Therefore, Lin Chuang's cut did not ooze blood at all, only white flesh was exposed.

It is precisely because of this that the wound is clearer.

Comparing the two, it is clear without further explanation that the wounds are completely different.

In other words, the murder weapon was definitely not a scalpel.

"It's weird." Lin Chuang said softly, handing the scalpel to Wan Lilang.

"There are even stranger ones."


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