No trace of espionage

Chapter 1118 Paintings

Chapter 1118 Paintings
After discussing some details, Gao Quanling and others left.

Lin Chuang called Zhang Jin and told him about the discussion. Zhang Jin was very excited, his eyes sparkled, and he immediately stood at attention, "Crack!" With his feet together, he saluted Lin Chuang: "Thank you principal for cultivating!"

Damn, why is this word so familiar?
Lin Chuang understands that there are two main points of his excitement.

One is to lead troops independently, which is every man's dream;

The second is that this operation to clear the countryside is aimed at our party's army. As the leader of the army, he can act cheaply and provide help to our army.

"Zhang Jin, this burden is not light. Is there any difficulty? Talk about your thoughts." Lin Chuang said.

Zhang Jin was silent for a few minutes, and said: "Principal, there is no difficulty. Although the students have never led soldiers, the principal provided us with a template for our training at the police academy, and the students will lead soldiers according to the principal's teaching."

Lin Chuang nodded.

He knew that Zhang Jin must have been in the army before entering the police academy, so there was no need to worry about leading the troops.

He said this, firstly, to give himself face as the principal, and secondly, to conceal his identity well.

Lin Chuang said: "Leading troops is nothing more than strict military discipline and clear rewards and punishments. I have never led soldiers before, so I want to lead troops with the things of the police academy. It shouldn't be bad.

The one I emphasize is military discipline.

Our tax police team must never be an army that harms the people. If there is any violation, it must be severely punished. "

"Yes, the student wrote it down."

"You will punish the junior officers and soldiers if you violate military discipline; if you violate military discipline, or lead the tax police team into a team that does all kinds of crimes, Zhang Jin, don't blame me for not remembering the old friendship."

"Yes! Please rest assured, the principal, the students will definitely not disappoint the principal."

"I'm at ease with you. What else can you ask for?"

"Principal, the student has only one request, can Li Shui be the student's assistant?"

"Tell me why."

"First, the student cooperated with him very well when he was in the police academy, and we have no problem cooperating; second, the student has a solid mind, while Li Shui is more flexible and has a lot of mind, and he has spent a long time in the intelligence department dealing with the Secret Service. The head is familiar."

Lin Chuang understood that Zhang Jin was worried about being tricked by Li Shiqun.

"Okay, let Li Shui be the chief of staff, and Wang Mu will be the chief of the intelligence section temporarily. Are there any more?" Lin Chuang asked.

"That's all for the time being. If you encounter any difficulties, the students will report to the principal in time. In addition, the principal's security students recommend Wen Xin. Wen Xin is more careful than the students."

Xi Wenxin was originally the director of the attendant office of the tax police station, and also a student of Lin Chuang. There is no doubt about his loyalty. It is also within his scope of responsibility to let him be responsible for Lin Chuang's security work.

However, Xi Wenxin is different from Zhang Jin in that he is not an underground party.

But Zhang Jin recommended him, and Lin Chuang suspected that he might have been given a job by Zhang Jin and others.

"Okay, the director of the attendant's office at the police station asked Director Yi to take over temporarily, and instead of looking for someone else, let Wen Xin follow him at ordinary times." Lin Chuang said.

"Yes, the student will go to Li Shui now, and explain to Wen Xin."

"Go. After finishing these things, you should discuss with Li Shui immediately and come up with an army building plan as soon as possible."

"Yes." Zhang Jin saluted and left excitedly.

"elder brother!"

Zhang Jin walked on the front foot, and Brother Dong came on the back foot.

"Brother, look at these portraits of me." Brother Dong handed Lin Chuang two paintings.

Lin Chuang unfolded it and saw that one was drawn by Toda Maszo and the other was drawn by Sun Qiuming.

Lin Chuang didn't know how to paint, but he felt that he could paint well.At the very least, the painting of Brother Dong is very similar and beautiful, especially the painting by Sun Qiuming, which vividly draws the spirit of Brother Dong's eyes.

"Not bad, not bad, I see that Sun Qiuming's painting is better than Toda Shozo's." Lin Chuang praised.

"Brother, it's over if you're not bad? Give Sun Qiuming a good drawing, it seems that you really don't know how to draw." Brother Dong asked with a smile.

"Isn't it?"

"No. Toda Shozo is good at drawing, but Sun Qiuming's skill is still a bit behind him."

"Then I really can't see it."

"Mr. Toda Shozo said that this painting he painted is the most proud painting in his life, and he also said that he wants to show it to his friends." Brother Dong said happily.

"His friend? Chinese or Japanese?"


"The Japanese..." Lin Chuang pondered: "There are many Japanese painters in my Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center, who is it? Come and listen, maybe I recognize it."

"You don't know if you tell me." Brother Dong said: "His friend is not among you, and he is not a professional painter, just like Mr. Toda Shozo, he is an amateur."

"What's your name? What do you do?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Why? Why are you asking so detailed?" Brother Dong asked hesitantly.

"Brother Dong, you don't know the Japanese. They are humble on the surface, but they are so bad in their bones. I am afraid that you will suffer." Lin Chuang said seriously: "It's fine if you mess around in school, old boy Toda Masan It's not a good thing, but he is afraid of my existence and dare not do anything to you. But don't come into contact with the Japanese outside the school, those people may not be afraid of you."

"Brother, are you really worried about me?" Brother Dong asked softly with affection in his eyes.

"Of course, you are my sister, shouldn't I be worried?" Lin Chuang hurriedly pulled back.

Lin Chuang looked at Lin Chuang silently, until Lin Chuang looked a little hairy, and then said leisurely: "Brother, I am very happy, you have me in your heart."

Lin Chuang waved his hand and said, "Don't interrupt. Tell me, what is his friend's name? What does he do?"

"I heard that his name is Tabe Iwa. He has a serious job and is a university professor."

"Tabe Iwa? University professor?" Lin Chuang was startled, narrowed his eyes, and asked, "Which university professor?"

"Kanazawa University."

Brother Dong finished speaking, seeing Lin Chuang's face no longer smiling, he picked up the scroll, held it in his hand, and said, "Brother, don't worry about it, Tianbe Jinghe is in Japan. Well, there is one more thing, the tofu brain has been tested It worked, come and have a bowl tonight."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left: "Don't come, I'm leaving."

Lin Chuang's eyes flickered, and he said quickly: "What's the rush? Brother Dong, I must go to drink tofu nao tonight. But, please leave this painting of Toda Masamune to me, and I will give you how much."

"No, Mr. Toda won't sell it. Didn't you say that? He wants to show off to his friends." Brother Dong refused.

Lin Chuang said again: "Then, you can also give me Sun Qiuming's card."

"That doesn't work either. Mr. Toda said that Sun Qiuming's painting skills are considered very good at his age. He said that he would show a piece of his painting to Tabe Jinghe. Qiuming introduced to him that if Sun Qiuming falls into the eyes of Tianbe Jinghe, then Sun Qiuming may enter Kanazawa University to study in the future." Brother Dong refused again.

"Then why did you let me see these?"

"Hee hee hee... Brother, I'm so good at showing off."

After Dong Ge finished speaking, with a playful smile, he walked away with one shoulder high and one shoulder low.


(End of this chapter)

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