Chapter 119

"Okay, let me talk about it then."

Lin Chuang carefully put away the paper promise, and said to Gong Shi: "Last month, I went to the Ministry of Finance to investigate the case. I once found an official document from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce applying for funding, which said, 'Please allocate 100,000 yuan for the purchase of office equipment. Legal currency'. At that time, I thought, should the Ministry of Finance, as the payment unit, have a supervisory function when the government purchases goods, projects or labor services? How can this supervisory function be realized? Then I thought of a way, which is this Four words - government procurement."

When Lin Chuang said this, he saw that Gong Shi and Min Tuo both raised their ears and listened carefully. Gong Shi was better, but Min Tuo's eyes lit up.

Min Tuo licked his lips—Lin Chuang had noticed that he had done this several times, as if he was extremely thirsty—and said, “Slow down, Team Leader Lin, what do you mean, all government departments’ purchases , projects, and labor services can all be purchased by the Ministry of Finance?"

"It's not 'can', it's 'must'." Lin Chuang nodded and said.

"Oh, yes, it is necessary. If this can be realized, then all ministries only need to submit demands to the government, and then the Ministry of Finance will purchase them uniformly?" Min Tuo asked.

"Yes, General Manager Min deserves to be engaged in economics, and he can see through it at a glance." Lin Chuang appreciated Min Tuo's reaction very much, nodded and continued: "The benefits of doing this are very obvious. First, it strengthens the supervision function of the Ministry of Finance. , can effectively prevent corruption; second, it can save a lot of money. For example, the Ministry of Finance can order office furniture directly from the manufacturer, and the cost is much lower because there are fewer middlemen to make the difference. Projects can also be procured by the national government through unified bidding. In short, all projects purchased by the Ministry of Finance can be included in the national government procurement project.”

After Lin Chuang finished speaking, Min Tuo looked at Gong Shi happily, and said, "Master, it seems that Meihua Company can expand its business."

Gong Shi understood it a long time ago, and after hearing what Min Tuo said, he slapped the table excitedly, then gave a thumbs up, and praised: "Gao Ming, really smart!"

Everyone understands that if Lin Chuang's proposal is realized, the corruption of other departments can be cut off, the status of the Ministry of Finance will be improved, and it can openly intervene in the construction of various places.

Most importantly, Meihua Company can completely monopolize these businesses by relying on its own relationship-the profits in this are not comparable to selling a few pens and a few pieces of paper.

Moreover, Gong Hanzhang is very supportive of this policy first, because the Ministry of Finance has expanded its powers, and because his son can play tricks and take the profits or kickbacks back to his family.Secondly, the chairman of the committee must be willing to promote it, because it will definitely save the government a lot of money. In today's very difficult financial situation, this policy seems so timely.

The more you think about it, the better it is, and the more feasible it is, Gong Shi said excitedly: "That's it, my parents always say that I don't have the talent for politics, if I write a report on 'National Government Procurement' and submit it, then Both public and private are of great benefit, let’s see what they say.”

"Master Gong, remember, the report can be written, but in the procurement process, it must include the item of open bidding and strengthening competition. Only in this way will it appear fair, and it will also show the young master's political talents." Lin Chuang said.

"Of course, of course, you have to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway. You have to say something high-sounding, and your stomach is full of male thieves and female prostitutes. This is a must-have for an official."

Lin Chuang was startled when he heard the words.

This sentence is not right, it is tantamount to sweeping his father into it.

Unexpectedly, this guy immediately said another sentence: "I'm good at this."

"Hahaha...!" Lin Chuang couldn't hold back when he heard this, and laughed loudly.At the same time, he thought to himself: "This is a joke made out of self-defeating."

"What are you laughing at? I'm telling the truth." Gong Shi couldn't help but stare at Lin Chuang's smile.

"Yes, yes, Young Master Gong... is bright and aboveboard, talented, and suave, well, it is true that men steal women and prostitutes!" Lin Chuang said with a smile.

"Slip of the tongue, I was a slip of the tongue. I mean, I'm good at what I do." Gong Shi was laughed at by Lin Chuang, and then he realized that what he said just now was indeed inappropriate.

After laughing for a while, Lin Chuang finally stopped.Ask Gong Shidao: "Master Gong, how is it? Are these four words worth one hundred thousand dollars?"

"Value, absolute value." Gong Shi replied straightforwardly, very sure.

"Then, can we brothers go?" Lin Chuangji was concerned about his business, and he also had his senior brother and Tian Biyu's worries in mind, so he proposed to leave.

"Let's go? No way!" Gong Shi waved his hand and said unquestionably.

"What? Master Gong, do you still want to force us to stay?" Lin Chuang straightened his face and looked at Gong Shi.

"Oh, Lin Chuang, oh Lin Chuang, I have convinced you so much. You are just a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard. Forget it, for the sake of you being my lucky boy, young master I don't care about it with you anymore. It's noon, let's go after eating." Gong Shi sighed and said helplessly.

"I still have work to do, how can I have time to eat with you, an idler?" Lin Chuang felt relieved when he heard that Gong Shi didn't turn his back on him, but wanted to make friends.

However, he really had to leave quickly. Up to now, he hadn't met Zhu Daoshan yet.

So, stand up and keep going.

"What kind of bullshit business? Isn't it just to report to Minister Zhu? Don't worry, I'll call him later, and I won't be late in the afternoon. Lin Chuang, don't be ignorant. I have no friends, so it's hard to see you pleasing to the eye. If you don't give me face, don't blame me for turning my face and denying others, let me tell you, if you leave, I won't recognize you for half of the profit." Gong Shi stared at Lin Chuang and said impatiently .

"You want to play a rogue?" Lin Chuang asked.

"This rascal is just playing tricks, what's the matter with you?" Gong Shi said indifferently.

"I really can't do anything about you. Well, let's eat before leaving. Let me tell you, Team Leader Wu and I are gourmets. If the food in your hotel is not delicious, don't blame me for flipping the table." Lin Create the way.

Man, it's very strange.

It is very important for two strangers to meet for the first time. As long as they overwhelm each other in momentum at the beginning, they will definitely have a great psychological advantage in the subsequent exchanges.

This is the case with Lin Chuang and Gong Shi.

Although Gong Shi is the top "official second generation", because of Lin Chuang's one-pass, two-hundred-five operation just now, I don't know if he has any other benefits. Anyway, he is not inferior to Gong Shi in terms of momentum.

"Hey, people who beg to eat with me every day are like crucian carp in the river. I have a meal with you and still ask you. It's really evil." Gong Shi himself didn't understand why Lin Chuang took him to death. Dead, sighed, waved his hand, and his subordinates hurriedly dragged away the two big men who were unconscious on the ground.

Gong Shi stood up and took the lead to walk to the box on the second floor.

At this moment, Lin Chuang turned his head and found that Min Tuo was sweating profusely on his face, and he didn't get up all of a sudden.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chuang was secretly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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