No trace of espionage

Chapter 123 Negotiations

Chapter 123 Negotiations ([-])

The special plane of the US business delegation arrived at the airport at ten o'clock, and all members of the Chinese delegation arrived at the airport to greet them at half past nine.

The head of the delegation is Vice President of the Executive Yuan and Minister of Finance Gong Hanzhang. The deputy heads are Foreign Minister Wang Qun, Minister of Industry and Commerce Zong Yuwen, and Minister of Propaganda Zhu Daoshan. , as the representative of Meihua Company, Min Tuo is also among them.

Gong Shi also appeared in the welcoming team, but he participated as the special secretary of the Ministry of Finance, and standing with him was Lin Chuang's acquaintance Qian Boli.

The welcome crowd was divided into three small groups, Gong Hanzhang and other dignitaries gathered together, Zhong Yuhan was with those experts, and Min Tuo and other business people gathered together.

Lin Chuang stood not far behind Zhu Daoshan, very nervous.

He knew that the Japanese spies must be among these people. He looked at them one by one, and found that except for those important officials, the smiles on the faces of the others were all very hypocritical, and they might all be the targets he was looking for.

"Who is it?" Lin Chuang asked himself over and over again.


At the same time, Baba Koji met the head of the crane group "White-necked Crane" in a teahouse called "Zhiyin".

"Section Chief, the red-crowned crane has successfully entered the Chinese delegation. According to the information he sent back this morning, the Central Hotel's security measures are very tight. It can be said that there is no leak. The kitchen cannot be entered at all, and it is impossible to tamper with the food." Bai. The necked crane said in a low voice.

"Poirot likes drinking coffee and playing chess, if not, let's start with his two hobbies." Koji Baba said.

He used Mrs. Yu to successfully evade the inspection at the train station, won Mrs. Yu's heart, and lived in Mrs. Yu's home. Not only was he accompanied by a woman, but he also avoided the eyes and ears of the secret service in hotels and inns. It can be said that he is now in a very safe situation. .

Today he came out to meet with the white-necked crane under the pretext of discussing business.

"Yes, section chief. The red-crowned crane is a veteran agent with a lot of experience. He will definitely complete the task." The white-necked crane said.

"One more thing. After the 'Xiaolin' group was exposed, the Shanghai side sent an order to the Skylark group, ordering them to find the culprit. The report said that it was the Chief of the Investigation Section of the Police Inspection Division. The Shanghai side ordered him to be killed. A few days later, the Skylark team was wiped out again. This shows that it was not the chief of the investigation section who investigated the Kobayashi team, and probably killed the wrong person. Immediately use all your strength to find out who investigated the two cases I brought a sniper this time, and once I find out who that person is, I will kill him and avenge the Skylark group!" Koji Baba said viciously.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." The white-necked crane replied.

"Okay, this is the phone number of the woman. If you have any news, you can call and ask Mr. Ma. If you ask, you can say that you are a businessman and you want to talk to me about a business." Koji Baba handed the white-necked crane A piece of paper with a phone number written on it.

"Okay." The white-necked crane took a look, and handed the note back to Koji Baba, who took out a match and burned the note.


The special plane of the American delegation landed, and Poirot walked down the gangway first.

Gong Hanzhang went up to meet him, hugged Poirot, and then said hello in English, and then introduced the members of the delegation.

Lin Chuang saw that Poirot was tall and tall, with arrogance in his gestures and gestures. Only when he saw Zhong Yuhan, the expression on his face was truly happy.

"Bah! Mad, what are you proud of? It's like giving us alms." Lin Chuang heard someone cursed in a low voice behind him.

The voice is very small, but Lin Chuang has very good hearing and can hear clearly.He quietly turned his head and saw that the speaker was a more than 30-year-old man. Lin Chuang remembered that this was Zong Yuwen's secretary Wang Hongjing.

Wang Hongjing and Lin Chuang didn't know each other. When he was waiting for the plane just now, he asked Gong Shi, and Gong Shi told him quietly.

Although he didn't know him, Lin Chuang still had an impression of this name.When investigating Yuan Zuocai, he was also investigated. At that time, he was still a section chief of the commercial department. Unexpectedly, within a month, this guy became Zong Yuwen's secretary.

"Is he complaining intentionally for me to hear?" Lin Chuang's heart moved, and he said to himself, "Did Yuan Zuocai's case really have nothing to do with him?"

After the meeting of the members of the two delegations, the welcoming team marched to the Central Hotel.

Let Poirot rest for a while, and the two sides began the first round of negotiations in the meeting room on the second floor.

Lin Chuang and the secretaries of other important officials sat behind their chiefs, and Wang Hongjing happened to be next to Lin Chuang.

Since he couldn't talk now, Lin Chuangchong nodded to Wang Hongjing as a greeting, and Wang Hongjing also nodded as a return.

"My respected Chinese friends, today our American delegation came to China and brought us a loan of 5 million US dollars, as well as the sincere friendship of the American people."

After the prologue was over, Poirot began to get down to business.

"Thank you, thank you for the helping hand extended by the people of the United States. The great friendship between the people of China and the United States has a long history and will surely be carried forward with the implementation of this loan to China." Chief negotiator Gong Hanzhang continued the conversation.

"Respected Vice President Gong, you are an old friend of the American people, and also my personal friend. However, there is a saying in your China that 'the bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road'. Friendship is friendship, and public affairs are public affairs. I have to get to the bottom of it first. This loan has an annual interest rate of 1.25%, which is very low. As compensation, we hope that China will provide us with 500,000 barrels of tung oil for free. Vice President Gong, is there any problem?" Poirot Te's speech went straight to the point, very frank in the West, but, to Lin Chuang, it was an extremely hypocritical frankness.

Lin Chuang is very clear about the attitude of the United States towards China in the Second World War. While providing loans to China, they also provided Japan with military raw materials. According to statistics from later generations, 70% of the bullets fired by the Japanese at China It is made of steel sold by the Americans to the Japanese, and the amount of their aid to China is less than 10% of the trade with Japan.

They put on a hypocritical face. They neither hoped that China would be defeated nor won. They just hoped that the war would last longer and drag the Japanese into the quagmire of the war so that they could make a lot of money from the war.

It was not until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor that they were hurt that the United States completely changed its attitude.

Going back to the loan to China this time, the loan of 2500 million US dollars is quite a lot, but the interest is not mentioned, and 50 barrels of free tung oil have to be taken from China. Is this considered aid?Almost like robbery.

Therefore, the so-called great friendship between the people of China and the United States that Polot said is a fucking bullshit!
However, China's current economic situation is very bad. Although we understand the sinister intentions of the Americans, we cannot refuse to eat this poisonous fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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