No trace of espionage

Chapter 162 Killing Kishida

Chapter 162 Killing Kishida
Daisuke Kishida was not afraid of death.

However, the film hidden on his body became his only concern.

He had to send the film out, and only by completing this mission would he be able to live up to the training that the Great Japanese Empire had given him, and be able to meet Amaterasu with peace of mind.

Hearing the shouting outside, Daisuke Kishida stopped beating Shi, and nervously thought about how to escape successfully.

"That woman named Li Wei is right. For them, this woman really doesn't care too much. Although Yu is Chinese, she did help us unintentionally. To the Chinese, she is a A sinner, so the Chinese don't care about her. The reason why they didn't attack immediately is probably to find a way for themselves, after all, she is also a Chinese, and it doesn't sound good to spread the word."

Thinking of this, Daisuke Kishida felt that the cards in his hand were getting weaker and weaker, and Yu's use value was getting lower and lower.

"What should I do? How can I escape?" Time was passing by, and Daisuke Kishida still couldn't figure out a way, and cold sweat came down his face.

"Half a minute, Daisuke Kishida, have you thought about it yet?"

The voice called Li Wei from outside came again, Daisuke Kishida panicked, and said in his heart: "Forget it, in order to send the film out, I will reveal a little information."

Thinking of this, Daisuke Kishida shouted loudly: "Listen, Li Wei, I can reveal some information to you, and I can also hand over this woman to you, but you have to promise me one condition."

"Don't play tricks on me, tell me first, what information?" Li Wei's voice came, and Daisuke Kishida could hear his impatience.

"Are you interested in the wolf group?" Daisuke Kishida asked.

"Wolf group? Is it your latent group?"

"Sorry, don't talk to me, that's all I can say."

"Okay, it can be exchanged. Tell me about your conditions."

"Remove everyone, prepare a car for me, fill up the gas, and no interception is allowed along the way. As long as I get out of Nanjing safely, I will let Yu Shi go, and then write down the information of the wolf group for Yu Shi Bring it to you, what do you think?" Daisuke Kishida shouted.

"Okay. It's getting dark, I don't have time to spend with you, so it's settled." The voice of "Li Wei" came from outside.

After Yu Shi heard Lin Chuang's interrogation of Dawei Shizhi, she already had the will to die.

Although she is frivolous and indulgent by nature, the objects of indulgence must be Chinese.When she learned that her "brother Hao" was Japanese named Koji Baba, she felt as if she had been insulted by a beast, and she didn't want to live anymore.

This is the traditional concept of chastity that deeply affects her, and it plays a role at this moment.

At the same time, as a profiteer, she was very clear about the psychology of this Daisuke Kishida, whose alias Tao Hu said, he must be fooling people outside.

As long as he can get away, how can he provide you with information about the wolf group?Saying this is nothing more than giving you a hot jar to hold.

But the officer Li outside didn't seem to see Daisuke Kishida's real thoughts clearly, so he agreed.

So, Yu Shi, who was no longer afraid of death, had an idea.

In fact, she didn't know that the person outside was not called Li Wei at all, and he wouldn't be fooled by Daisuke Kishida.

Lin Chuang was indeed in a hurry, because it was getting darker and darker, and if Daisuke Kishida was not lured out, the sniper rifle would be useless.

After a while, Lin Chuang asked Jun Jiang to signal to Ji Laoliu that he was ready to shoot, and then said loudly: "Daisuke Kishida, I have already prepared the car and filled up the gas. After you get in the car, drive south and it will rain. Huamen, after crossing the Yangtze River, I handed over the hostages and intelligence at Dongguan. I have already withdrawn the guards along the way. However, our car will follow you, and if you do not keep your promise, we will shoot you. Hear it ?"

It sounded like that, but he hadn't made any preparations at all.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Now, you evacuate people, including those on the roof." Daisuke Kishida was very happy, thinking that "Li Wei" had been fooled by him.

"It's impossible to withdraw, we have to follow you, but don't worry, we're just following you from a distance and won't get close to you." Lin Chuang replied.

"Okay, let's do it!" Daisuke Kishida said.

"Withdraw! All retreat to the street!" Lin Chuang shouted loudly.

After speaking, Lin Chuang picked up Yinger and retreated into the store.

From Lin Chuang's point of view, as long as Daisuke Kishida showed his body a little on the road from hijacking Yu's house to the street, Ji Laoliu could kill him, and his plan would be considered a success.

Daisuke Kishida led Yu out of the house.

Daisuke Kishida was very vigilant, and hid his whole body behind Yushi completely, except for the arm strangling Yushi's neck, no part was exposed.

After making sure that there was no danger behind him, he slowly escorted Mrs. Yu into the store. When he saw Lin Chuang and the others standing in the store, he shouted loudly, "Back back, get out immediately!"

With a wave of Lin Chuang's hand, the policemen slowly left the shop.

During this process, Lin Chuang found that after Yu Shi saw Yinger, tears flowed down his cheeks, and at the same time, his eyes were fixed on Lin Chuang, and the pleading was very obvious.

Lin Chuang understood what she meant. She was begging Lin Chuang to treat Yinger well, and she was ready to die.

Lin Chuang shook his head at her, then pointed at Yinger, implying that she should not mess around and think about the child.

Yu's tears were streaming down, and the expression in his eyes was very determined.

Lin Chuang was anxious, and thought: "You don't want to die, you are going to die, who will take care of the child? I am not married, should I send her to an orphanage?"

Lin Chuang did prepare a car, which was just outside the store, and the ignition was already on, and the door was already opened.

Daisuke Kishida stood at the door of the store, and seeing the police stepping back more than ten meters away, he looked left and right, and after making sure that there were no policemen behind him, he pushed Mrs. Yu to the car.

Lin Chuang was in a hurry, so far he has not found that Daisuke Kishida has shown any flaws. If he hijacks Yu Shi into the car, it will be troublesome.

At this moment, Yu Shi suddenly smiled at him miserably, lowered his head, opened his mouth and fiercely bit Daisuke Kishida's arm!
With one bite, he actually bit off a piece of Daisuke Kishida's meat!
"Ah!" Daisuke Kishida felt the pain, straightened his body, and stood up.

"Bage! I'll kill you bitch!"

Daisuke Kishida cursed, raised his gun and hit him.

Lin Chuang quickly stretched out his hand to cover Ying'er's eyes.


There was a gunshot from upstairs in the distance, and Daisuke Kishida burst out a flower of blood between his eyebrows. The powerful impact of the bullet brought his body back and fell back, with a "plop", like a sack of wheat, falling on the ground. On the ground—with regret, I went to see his Amaterasu.

 Thank you book friends for your never-forgotten friendship and the rewards that shine brightly in my heart.It's almost the end of the month, book friends who have a monthly pass in hand, hurry up and vote for it.

(End of this chapter)

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