No trace of espionage

Chapter 242 Bandit Kidnapping

Chapter 242 Bandit Kidnapping
That night, Mr. Wu chatted with the villagers who came to visit until ten o'clock, and then he went to sleep on the kang.

"Don't move! If you move, I will kill you!"

Mr. Wu, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by a loud shout. He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw two masked men holding short guns on his forehead.

Mr. Wu was frightened and said in his heart, "It's broken, have you recruited bandits?"

"Keep quiet, we only want money, not life!" one of the bandits whispered.

Mr. Wu was frightened and nodded quickly.

The two bandits covered his eyes with a cloth, gagged his mouth, tied his hands, and escorted him out of the yard quietly.

Mr. Wu was very anxious, and said to himself: "What is this for? Isn't it asking for money? My son has money, so he can give as much as he wants, why is he still going out? Could this be kidnapping?"

After walking for a while, I found out about Zhuang. Mr. Wu felt pushed into the car, and two bandits sandwiched him from left to right, and then he heard the sound of the car starting.

"Ah, are you still using the car? Where are these bandits? Could it be that Ce'er showed his whites on the way back and let the bandits come with him?"

It felt like the car had been driving for a long time, and he heard the sound of the river roaring again. He was even more confused: "It's broken, this may be from crossing the Yellow River, and the bandits are from Jinan?"

After a short time, the car stopped, and the bandits led him into a room and let him sit on a kang. Then a bandit said: "Stay well, wait for your son to get money to redeem him." You, don't move around, I will kill you if you move around."

"Sit at home with nothing to do, and disaster comes from the sky. It seems that the old man's hexagram is accurate. I really have to go to the south to hide. Alas, I am also confused. I will leave in the afternoon. Why are you still staying at home?" Mr. Wu said. Sometimes, thinking of the words of the old fortune teller, I felt regretful and afraid, and hoped that my son would come to save him quickly.

It wasn't until almost noon that Mr. Wu heard his son Wu Liangce's voice: "Father!"

Hearing the sound of father, Mr. Wu felt as if he heard the sound of a fairy, not to mention how nice it was, his hanging heart finally let go.

"Father, are you okay?" Immediately afterwards, Mr. Wu's hands were untied, and the black cloth from his eyes was also removed.

"It scared me to death, my son, why did you come here? Huh, huh..." The moment he saw his son's face clearly, Mr. Wu burst into tears.

"Father, don't cry, don't cry, it's okay, it's okay." Seeing his father crying like a child, Wu Liangce comforted him guiltily.At the same time, he cursed in his heart: "Lin Xiaozhai, Lin Xiaozhai, what kind of bad idea did you come up with? It's not your father, you don't feel bad."

While talking, Mr. Wu found that Lin Jiafu's family and his own family all rushed in, even his eldest grandson.

"Ah, what's going on here? Why are you all here?" Mr. Wu asked.

"Master, after you were kidnapped, the bandits left a letter on our gate, asking our family to take 1000 yuan to Dianzi to redeem you. Xiao Zhai and Ce'er discussed whether the bandits wanted money or not. Anyway, we It's also a move, so the two families simply joined together, and came together, and even redeemed you, without delay. The head of the family, they didn't beat you, right?" Aunt Wu said, wiping her tears.

"No, no, isn't it good? Don't cry." Only then did Mr. Wu understand what was going on.

"Brother, I'm not talking about you. You've been too pretentious these two days. You've been spreading the word in the village that your son is rich and has become an official. I'm afraid others won't know. Don't you know if your wealth is not in vain? Has this caused trouble?" Lin Jiafu had an irresistible relationship with Mr. Wu, so he insulted him unceremoniously.

"Jiafu, don't talk about it, I've regretted it for a while." Old Master Wu said.

"Master, I moved the house without discussing with you. You said we can't go back? It's easy to go back anyway." Lin Chuang came up to him and asked, seeming to respect him.

"No, no, no, I'm not going back. I've been targeted by the bandits, so I'm looking for trouble if I go back?" Mr. Wu shook his head repeatedly when he heard this.

"Then, don't you say you want to hold a concubine ceremony for the fat man? Don't do it?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No, no, no, I won't show up anymore. When we arrive in Nanjing, let Mrs. Yan pour tea for Mrs. Zhao, and our two families can witness it. But, it's too simple to leave like this? It's like fleeing from a refugee. It's not an honor at all." Mr. Wu said.

Lin Chuang raised his eyebrows at Wu Liangce when he heard the words, Wu Liangce gave him a look back, and both of them showed imperceptible smiles.


The so-called bandits, of course, were played by Qin Guang's soldiers, and the ransom was paid to cover up people's eyes.

Only Lin Chuang, Wu Liangce, Qin Guang and a group of subordinates knew about this matter.

Wu Liangce repeatedly asked not to disclose it to anyone in the two families. If the old man knew the truth, he was sure that the old man would fuck his ass.


I stayed in a hotel in Jinan for one night, and finally boarded the train back to Nanjing on the morning of the [-]th.

Finding a place to stay and buying a bus ticket were all handled by Qin Guang, and he didn't let Lin Chuang interfere.

Before getting into the car, Qin Guang finally got a promise from Lin Chuang: "Chief Qin, about the information about the verbal agreement between Tada Hayao and Chairman Gan Han, you should report to Section Chief Huang on the radio as soon as possible after you go back."

Upon hearing this, Qin Guang beamed with joy, and thanked repeatedly: "Yes! Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."


At four o'clock in the afternoon on the [-]th, Lin Chuang and his party of [-] people finally arrived at Xiaguan Station.

No one picked up the station.

There are two reasons, one is that the communication is not well developed, he has no way to inform Hao Ligang and Tian Biyu; the other is that Lin Chuang's trip back to his hometown is a secret, he has to go to the hospital to replace Chang Facai, and act out that he is discharged from the hospital. In order to make a public appearance.Therefore, before he acted in this play, he did not dare to mobilize the crowd.

After leaving the station, Lin Chuang asked Wu Liangce to hire several rickshaws, and took the two families to live in the Meihua Hotel, while he put on sunglasses, and under the protection of Ji Laoliu, he found a pay phone to call Huang Fulin. , Reporting that he has returned to Nanjing.

Huang Fulin asked him to wait at the station on the phone and not to move around.

Half an hour later, Shao Jijun drove to the station, picked up Lin Chuang and Ji Laoliu, and secretly returned to the Secret Service.

Lin Chuang went to see Huang Fulin first.

Lin Chuang is very careful in doing things before public affairs.

"Report to the section chief, come and return to your job!" Seeing Huang Fulin, Lin Chuang stood at attention and saluted, and reported loudly.

"Hahaha, Lin Chuang, you must be very tired from the long journey. Why are you in such a hurry to return to your life if you don't go to accompany your father?" Huang Fulin greeted him with a smile, patted Lin Chuang on the shoulder and said.

"Put public affairs before private affairs, as it should be." Lin Chuang replied.

But he said in his heart: "I'm very anxious, okay? How can I inquire about Xu Tao's news until the official business is handed over?"

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(End of this chapter)

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