Chapter 27

Xiaolin Zhengtai, 26 years old, is the leader of a Japanese spy team secretly sent to Nanjing by the Shanghai Yingzuo Organ.

The main task of his team is to instigate rebellion against the generals of the Nanjing Garrison and collect military intelligence.

Half a month ago, an agent code-named "Qiankong" reported that Yi Mingjie, a combat staff officer in the Jiangyin Fortress, had been instigated.Yi Mingjie told "Qian Kong" that as long as he was given 200,000 French currency, he could get a garrison map of the Jiangyin Fortress from others, and he could provide all the numbers, weapons and equipment of the Nanjing garrison.

This news made Kobayashi Zhengtai overjoyed. He immediately telegraphed the news to Shanghai and asked for 200,000 French currency as funds.

Because 200,000 French currency is not a small amount, a carrying target is too large.Therefore, instead of taking the train, the agent chose to drive here.

As a result, on the road, I encountered the 36th Division setting up a card to check.

Unable to escape, the Japanese agents had no choice but to lie that they were businessmen, carrying a large amount of legal currency in order to import a batch of cotton cloth from Nanjing.

The soldiers found 200,000 French currency in the trunk of the car, and quickly reported it to the chief of staff of the division, Xiang Juxian. When Xiang Juxian heard the identity of the visitor, he immediately became greedy for ink.Make up a reason and withhold the money.

The agent quit, making a lot of noise and arguing to go to a military court, but he was beaten to death by the soldiers and sent back to Shanghai.

After Kagezuo Renxiong got the news, he couldn't get together the huge sum of money for a while. Second, considering that the safety along the way could not be guaranteed, he sent a telegram to Kobayashi Zhengtai to find a way to raise funds on the spot to ensure that he could get the important military information.

Reluctantly, Xiaolin Zhengtai used Yuan Zuocai's secret, and only then did the "200,000 legal currency fraud case".

This case made a lot of noise, and Xiao Lin Zhengtai knew it very quickly. Of course, he immediately understood that this must be Yuan Zuocai's handwriting.

Immediately, the police blocked the station, docks, and major traffic intersections, and strictly checked the passing pedestrians.

Xiaolin Zhengtai didn't dare to go to Papermaking Lane to check the movement at the first time, and wanted to wait for the news to pass.

But what he didn't expect was that on the second day after the incident, the police's strict investigation ended, and after inquiring, it was said that the police had caught the fraudster.

Xiaolin Zhengtai was shocked, and immediately asked for leave from the school to observe the situation near Papermaking Lane.

He wasn't worried about his own safety at all. Even if Yuan Zuocai finally got overwhelmed and told all the secrets, the police wouldn't be able to find him.

Because, he knew everything about Yuan Zuocai, but Yuan Zuocai didn't know anything about him.

Yuan Zuo was released the next day, and Xiao Lin Zhengtai didn't know the reason.

Did Zong Yuwen come forward to protect him, or was the police playing hard to get?Or has Yuan Zuocai already betrayed?Is the 200,000 French currency still there?He wasn't sure about all of this.

Logically speaking, even if the police sentenced Yuan Zuocai to death, Xiao Lin Zhengtai dared to say that with the training Yuan Zuocai had received, it was impossible for the police to destroy his will within 36 hours.

Therefore, he was more willing to believe that Zong Yuwen had come forward.

However, the most dangerous thing to do in intelligence work is that any sign of danger may eventually lead to catastrophe.Therefore, he must figure out the reason before he can decide how to implement the next step.

To be on the safe side, I chose to follow Yuan Zuocai.He believed that if Yuan Zuocai was still under surveillance by the police, he would be able to find out the clues.

Xiao Lin Zhengtai put on makeup when he was about to go out, which made some wrinkles on his face and the corners of his eyes. He wore several layers of clothes under his long robe, making him look fatter. He hunched his back a little while walking, and he changed from a young man to a young man. A middle-aged uncle.

Early the next morning after Yuan Zuocai was released, Xiao Lin Zhengtai followed him from his home to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and found no one following him. Moreover, he was delighted to find that Yuan Zuocai himself also took several anti-stalking actions.

This shows that he has not betrayed, and he is also determining whether he is safe.

Throughout the morning, he observed around the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and found nothing unusual. He even saw Yuan Zuocai greeting his colleagues with a smile on his face. It could be seen that he was in a good mood.

At noon, after Xiao Lin Zhengtai followed Yuan Zuocai to his home, he walked south along Papermaking Lane without stopping. When he turned to Trillium Lane, he stopped for a while in front of the dilapidated yard where the dead letter box was located, and found nothing. Abnormally, he has increased his confidence in Yuan Zuocai's safety.

His residence is on Jixiang Street, not far from the east of Trillium Lane.

Just out of Trillium Lane, when turning a corner, Xiaolin Zhengtai found out of the corner of his eye that someone was following him a hundred meters behind him.

At a glance, he memorized the person's clothes and walking posture in his mind.

After walking for a while, he found that the man was always following behind him unhurriedly. He was fast when he was fast, and slow when he was slow, always keeping a distance of [-] meters.

He understood that this was being watched.

However, he has a way to get rid of this tail without leaving hidden dangers.

A year ago, when he first came to Nanjing, he found a good place to get rid of the stalking, which was a fish restaurant called "Yijiang Fresh" on Taiping Street.This fish restaurant has a back door, which can be found when guests go to the latrine, and the back door is not locked.

After discovering this, Xiao Lin Zhengtai never went to this fish restaurant to eat again, just for the purpose of getting away in the future.

Xiao Lin Zhengtai turned into Taiping Street with that "tail" and it was time for dinner. There were many customers in "Yi Jiang Xian".

Back home, Xiao Lin Zhengtai removed his disguise, calmed down and analyzed secretly: "It seems that Yuan Zuocai is still exposed. It's not that the police didn't monitor, but the surveillance is more secretive. I followed Yuan Zuocai and appeared twice in the paper making It also shows that they did not find the money in Yuan Zuocai's residence, which further shows that their focus is on money rather than money. Yuan Zuocai is a person. From this we can judge: first, Yuan Zuocai did not reveal his true identity; second, Yuan Zuocai did not admit that he was a fraudster; third, the reason why the police followed me was likely to suspect that I was his accomplice in fraud; fourth, the police had no key points Evidence, as long as the money is not taken out as stolen goods, then Yuan Zuocai is safe."

"So, in the near future, I absolutely can't go to Papermaking Lane anymore, and I can't use other methods to contact Yuan Zuocai. As for the funds, I should call the chief of the film office and think about other ways."


(End of this chapter)

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