Chapter 29
Yuan Zuocai didn't dare to connect with him online, and the investigation focus of the Secret Service shifted to Yuan Zuocai's online, and he and his brother didn't participate in it, and Yuan Zuocai didn't know it—this was Lin Chuang's strategy of "fishing in troubled waters" given to Gao Yuan.

Although it's not easy for him to stand out, it doesn't mean that Yu Gaoyuan won't.


After get off work on the afternoon of the [-]th, when Yuan Zuocai walked to the entrance of the alley, he pretended to tie his shoelaces and drew a cross on the wall with a charcoal pencil that he had hidden long ago. The black writing was written on the corner of the wall. Hard to spot.

Yuan Zuocai got up satisfied and went home with peace of mind.

This move of his naturally cannot escape Chen Huaijun's eyes.

After Yuan Zuocai left, he immediately went downstairs and went to the corner to check.

After seeing the black cross, Chen Huaijun was convinced that this must be the contact signal from Yuan Zuocai—the big fish he was waiting for was about to be hooked.

"From now on, pay close attention to the people who pass by the alley, and pay special attention to whether there are people who look at the corner. In addition, if Hu Cheng is called, Yuan Zuocai's neighbor's house wants to enter us, and we will be closely monitored. Those who come into contact must be checked. 200,000 French currency is not one or two, and it is not that easy to get it out quietly. You all have to keep your eyes open and watch carefully." Back to the restaurant, Chen Huaijun Immediately deployed accordingly.


In the evening, the originally quiet papermaking alley suddenly had more people. Most of them were female students. Some walked, some sat in rickshaws, and some sat in cars. When they came to the entrance of the alley, they got off and walked into the alley.

This change overwhelmed the spies who were monitoring and taking pictures.

"What's the matter? Go and have a look." Chen Huaijun saw that the situation had changed, and hurriedly asked Xu Baokun to go down to inquire.

After a while, Xu Baokun came back to report: "Captain, the students of Jinling Girls High School are going home on vacation, so there are many people and vehicles."

"Jinling Girls' High School? Isn't it a boarding school? Today is not a weekend, nor is it a holiday. Why is it a holiday?" Chen Huaijun asked.

"I have inquired. I heard that the students are going on strike and will take to the streets tomorrow."

"Why are there school strikes and demonstrations?"

"I heard it was to appeal to the Communist Party to fight against Japan."

"Alliance with the Communist Party against Japan? After the 'Double Twelve Incident', hasn't it been decided that the United Communist Party has resisted Japan? What are the students doing?"

"I don't know." Xu Baokun replied.

Chen Huaijun thought for a while, now that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are negotiating on the establishment of the army, is it because of this that the students went on strike and marched?

If it is for this reason, then it is understandable.

However, is this too coincidental?Could it be something the Japanese did to muddy the water in Papermaking Alley?

Thinking of this, Chen Huaijun smiled: "I'm really overly nervous. The Japanese don't know how to do this kind of thing, and they can't do it. If they want to do it, they are from the underground party. However, the matter of Papermaking Lane has nothing to do with the underground party. It doesn't matter at all."

"Don't put your energy on the students and keep a close watch on other people." Chen Huaijun instructed.



A female student with short ear-length hair was holding a few books in her arms, and walked over with a few classmates. When she reached the entrance of the paper-making alley, she saw the inconspicuous black cross, her eyes flashed, and then quickly He looked away, chatted and laughed with his classmates and entered Papermaking Alley.


"Clap clap clap!"

On the morning of the [-]th, someone knocked on the door of Yuan Zuocai's house.

Xu Baokun, who was watching at his neighbor's house, immediately raised his ears alertly to listen carefully.

"Here, who is it?" Yuan Zuocai's voice came from the door of Yuan Zuocai's room.

"Me! Sir, dig out the latrine?"

"The latrine? Take it out, I'm looking for someone to take it out."

Then the sound of the door opening was heard.

"Sir, you will be given one yuan for digging out the latrine, do you know about this?"

"I know, I know. It's really strange. You take away the dung and sell it, but we pay for it."

"Sir, you people in the city are all decent people. Who would do such a dirty and smelly job? When the latrine is full, there will be more flies and maggots. The smell is strong, it is unhygienic, and there are more flies and it is annoying. Let's take them away." Dry it in the sun and sell it for money, and you will also get clean, isn’t it just two times cheaper?”

"Stop talking, it makes you want to retch! Remember to sprinkle lime in the latrine."


Xu Baokun listened to the conversation between the two and did not hear anything wrong.I also felt that the appearance of the dung collector was very suspicious at this time, so I hurried back to the house and asked the owner: "Does the dung collector come often?"

"I come here frequently, and people come to ask about it every week." The master replied.

"Everyone asks?"

"Not necessarily. People who often dig out dung know who should do it and who's not in time. They only ask about what needs to be done. However, after they finish digging, they usually stop at the entrance of the alley or somewhere. Stop, wait for a while, and see if someone will take the initiative to ask them to pick it up."

After listening to the master's introduction, Xu Baokun had an idea.Although I feel that there seems to be no problem with this manure digger, I am still worried.

He called another companion and asked him to report to the restaurant, while he continued to monitor.

After a while, a strong stench came over, and Xu Baokun quickly covered his mouth and nose, for fear of retching.

"Sir, after digging out, lime is also sprinkled in the latrine."

"Okay, here's your money."

Hearing this, Xu Baokun hurried to the gate, and through the crack of the gate, he could see the front of the dung truck.

I can roughly see a more than 50-year-old farmer coming out of Yuan Zuocai's house, pouring a lot of dung from a dung bucket into the top of the dung truck, and putting a bucket of lime and a long dung spoon on the truck. Then pull up the car and head towards the alley in the direction of the restaurant.

"Could this person be the jointer? He won't put the money in the dung truck, right? Two boxes of money can only be transported out by car. However, it's unlikely to be used by dung truck? Where to put it?" Is it under the car?" Xu Baokun thought.

He thought so, and so did Chen Huaijun.

According to the report from the special agent, he saw that the excavator parked his car in a hidden place at the entrance of the alley. He pretended nothing happened and went to have a look. , did not see anything.

He felt relieved and ruled out the suspicion of the dung truck.

"Sir, do you want to dig out the latrine?" The old farmer squatting aside and smoking a pot, saw Chen Huaijun approaching, and asked quickly.

"What latrine is digging? It smells so bad, get out!" Chen Huaijun covered his nose and said impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go. Sigh, everyone thinks we are stinky. If we don't stinky, your house does." The old farmer knocked the cigarette pot on the sole of his shoe, stood up and pulled the cart and left, muttering softly as he walked.

"Bah! It smells so disgusting. However, there is some truth to what you said. It seems that every industry has a reason for its existence." Chen Huaijun watched the dung truck go away, thinking to himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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