No trace of espionage

Chapter 299 Specific Layout

Chapter 299 Specific Layout
Back in her room, Lou Fangyi took out a pen and paper and drew up an order.

"Sport crab: Tomorrow at [-]:[-] p.m. from the Yangskinjuan Detention Center, there will be two prison cars and seven guards driving to Jigoose Lane via the bridge. location, be sure to bring these two back. Yeju"

"Yeju" is the code name of Yunzi Nakano.

When she came to Nanjing, the Japanese base camp specially assigned her a contact group.

The group code name is "Crab".

A total of five special agents were dedicated to her service, inquiring about news, contacting the base camp through the Shanghai Yingzuo agency, and taking charge of peripheral security.

The team leader is "portunus".

Folding the note and putting it in the wallet, Lou Fangyi took off the cheongsam, put on a skirt jacket and flat shoes and went out.


Huang Fulin expected it well, this operation inevitably involved the Operations Division.

Not long after Lin Chuang returned to the office, he received a call from Li Chunfeng's secretary Bai Zuxiang.

"Leader Lin, please come to the office immediately."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Lin Chuang put down the phone, got up and walked to Li Chunfeng's office.

Bai Zuxiang was waiting for Lin Chuang. Seeing him coming, he quickly opened the door and let him in.

Lin Chuang walked in and saw that Huang Fulin, Ma Jun and Li Jintan were all there.

Salute to Li Chunfeng, and salute to Ma Jun and Li Jintan.

Ma Jun and Li Jintan nodded with a smile in return.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the appreciation in the eyes of the two is very strong.

"Lin Chuang, I have approved your action plan, and we will proceed according to your plan. You will preside over it, and the Operation Section and the Telecommunications Section will send personnel to assist." Li Chunfeng said.

"Yes!" Lin Chuang agreed.

"Any more questions?" Li Chunfeng asked.

"Yes!" Lin Chuang replied.

"Speak." Li Chunfeng said.

"Did the escort be notified in advance of this operation?" Lin Chuang asked.

Lin Chuang also wanted to ask Xu Tao what to do?
"No, everything is going on as it is." Li Chunfeng said.

"Lin Chuang, it's not that we are hard-hearted, but that if we inform in advance, the escorts will definitely show their flaws in their actions. If the enemy sees the opportunity and gives up the rescue, all previous efforts will be wasted." Huang Fulin explained.

"I understand." After Lin Chuang finished speaking, he glanced at Ma Jun.

"Don't look at me, and don't be afraid of offending me. As soldiers of the party and country, even if they die for the country, it's nothing." Ma Jun smiled and said to Lin Chuang.

"When thinking about these actions, it's boundless. Lin Chuang, when you think about things in the future, don't get entangled in these details." Li Chunfeng said.

"Yes, I understand." Lin Chuang replied.

"Okay, Ma Jun, Jin Tan, which of your two subjects will participate?" Li Chunfeng asked.

"Group leader Chen Shu." Ma Jun said.

"Tian Biyu, deputy head of the listening team," Li Jintan said.

Tian Biyu has just been promoted to deputy team leader, and her military rank is still captain.

"Okay, that's it. You hand over the people to Lin Chuang, and follow Lin Chuang's command in everything, and you are not allowed to give birth to Yao'ezi." Li Chunfeng knocked.

"Yes." Ma Jun and Li Jintan agreed in unison.

"Get ready to go." Li Chunfeng waved his hand and issued the order to evict the guest.

The four left Li Chunfeng's office. Ma Jun waited for Huang Fulin and Li Jintan to leave, and then entered Lin Chuang's office.

"Lin Chuang, the Operations Division is in your favor this time, I know it. As for Chen Shu, don't worry, I've already scolded him severely, and I won't show off with you again. Ma Jun said to Lin Chuang with a smile.

"It seems that Huang Fulin has already told Ma Jun about Chen Shu, and this is a special show of favor." Lin Chuang secretly said.

"Officer Ma, don't worry, I won't think too much about it. Commander Duomeng values ​​it, so this time, I will hand over the task of catching Lou Fangyi to Team Leader Chen, how about it?" Lin Chuang asked.

If the judgment is correct, Lou Fangyi has a great background and is also a female spy. If she is caught, it will be a great achievement.

Ma Jun didn't expect Lin Chuang to be so generous that he would give such a large piece of fat to the Operations Department.

"Lin Chuang, with your kindness, you are much stronger than Lao Huang. That guy always hides and hides, like a thief. Don't worry, the first achievement is yours, and no one can take it away. Thank you!" Ma Jun patted Lin Chuang's shoulder gratefully and said.

"Mr. Ma, you don't dare to take a humble position as Xie Zi. It's all for the party and the country, so you don't have to be polite." Lin Chuang quickly shook his hand and said modestly.

Of course, Lin Chuang didn't want to give up his first achievement, but because of Xu Tao, he had to scold Jiaqiao for hosting.

Since the Operations Division has already participated, they simply want to sell more favors.


After sending Ma Jun away, Lin Chuang called Shu Qi into the office.

"Shu Qi, immediately notify Shengli, Qingming, Chen Shu from the Operations Division, and Tian Biyu from the Telecommunications Division to my office for a meeting. Shao Jijun is on a mission, so don't notify him," Lin Chuang said.

"Team leader, is there a big move?" Shu Qi asked.

"Yes, there is a big move. It is estimated that a big fish will be caught this time." Lin Chuang said.

"Great! Our team hasn't done any meritorious service for a long time. I didn't expect that when the team leader came, he would bring a big case. I think everyone will be crazy about it." Shu Qi said excitedly.

"I'll explain the specifics of the case in detail later, you can make a notice first." Lin Chuang smiled slightly and accepted Shu Qi's compliment.

"Yes!" Shu Qi said loudly, and turned away.

In less than 10 minutes, all participants are present.

"Everyone, since the establishment of the '502' prison robbery case task force, after careful investigation, the case has become clear. Not only that, but during the investigation process, we discovered that the case involved Japanese spies. Therefore, I have formulated an action plan. The intention is to use Zhang Shouzheng and his wife as bait to wipe out the spies. The action plan has been approved by the director, and I will be responsible for the specific actions, with the assistance of Team Leader Chen and Deputy Team Leader Tian. Do you understand?"

After Lin Chuang basically introduced the case, he asked loudly.


Headed by Shu Qi, Tian Biyu, Sun Shengli, and Dan Qingming raised their chests and stood at attention in unison.


Chen Shu hesitated for a moment and said.

He didn't want to fall down in front of Lin Chuang, but he just suffered from the section chief's crying, and at this moment he felt that he couldn't be too different, so he agreed with everyone.

"Okay, let me introduce the specific case..." Lin Chuang briefly introduced the specific case.

"The case is clear, and I will make the following arrangements." Lin Chuang said.

"First, set up three ambush points between Yangpi Lane and Ji'e Lane, focusing on the Huajia Bridge. The second team is responsible for the section from Yangpi Lane to the Huajia Bridge, and the third team is responsible for the section from Huajiaqiao to Ji'e Lane , the first team is in charge of scolding the bridge. Shu Qi, Shao Jijun and others are in the Zhuao company, and I will go to work in the company tomorrow, so you are responsible for recruiting the rest of the staff. Meet you. Do you understand?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I understand!" Shu Qi, Sun Shengli, and Dan Qingming responded in unison.


(End of this chapter)

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