No trace of espionage

Chapter 312 Let Chen Shu Take One Step

Chapter 312 Let Chen Shu Take a Step

All in all, although there are some regrets about the action of cursing the bridge, it is generally successful.

Li Chunfeng nodded in satisfaction.

"Did Lou Fangyi catch it?" Ma Jun asked.

"No, the operation failed. I received a phone call from Team Leader Chen, saying that after they carried out the arrest operation, they found that the house was empty. I rushed over and asked about some situations. I preliminarily judged that Lou Fangyi had other accomplices hiding in the west. Neighbors, the two rooms have already been opened by them, and there is a secret passage leading directly to Lou Fangyi's bedroom." Lin Chuang replied dejectedly.

"What, ran away?" Everyone in the room was moved, including the usually calm Lu Ze who also showed a surprised expression.

"Chen Shu, you idiot!" Ma Jun's face was livid, he punched the armrest of the sofa angrily, and cursed.

"Virgin, this person must be arrested and brought to justice, otherwise there will be endless troubles. Fortunately, Lin Chuang reminded me that I had the police station blockade the train station and the pier early on. I guess she can't escape, and she is still in Nanjing. "Huang Fulin said.

"Well, Ma Jun, it's not that I'm looking at Lin Chuang. Compared with him, your Chen Shu is simply a pig! I don't need to check, I know that it must be his people who showed their flaws, which surprised Lou Fangyi.

Ma Jun, let me tell you that Lou Fangyi is very important and cannot be regarded as an ordinary spy. This is related to a major plan for us in the future. "

Considering the late implementation of the hibernation plan, Li Chunfeng, who has always been calm and calm, became anxious and called Chen Shu a pig.


Ma Jun stood up and listened to the training obediently.

"Have you found out the reason?" Li Chunfeng asked Lin Chuang angrily.

"How the news leaked is still unknown. At about seven o'clock, Zhang Fulin, the team leader, once saw a suspicious mother and son, pretending to be sick and leaving the alley, and judged by the humble judge that the mother and son were pretending to be Lou Fangyi and her subordinates. However, ..." Lin Chuang said hesitantly.

"But what?" Li Chunfeng asked.

"However, Team Leader Chen doesn't seem to agree with the low-level judgment." Lin Chuang said.

"Is it difficult to check whether it is approved or not?" Li Chunfeng asked.

"Zhang Fulin has been sent to investigate. The original residents in the alley do not have this pair of mother and child." Lin Chuang said.

Li Chunfeng understood it, and so did the others.

Lin Chuang had a conflict with Chen Shu.

"Old Ma, Chen Shu is a veteran, and he is also very capable in doing things. Letting him listen to Lin Chuang's command seems a bit condescending. How about this, you don't need to coordinate any detention center with your Operations Division for Lou Fangyi's case, our Intelligence Division will Just come, I won't bother you." Huang Fulin said in a strange way.

Just now the principal criminal was gone under Chen Shu's nose, Huang Fulin also praised him as "capable" and said that he was "unqualified", the irony in it was too obvious.

"I am convinced of Lin Chuang's ability. What right does Chen Shu have to tell Lin Chuang? Has he ever solved a spy case? Has he recovered a set of code books? Ma, you have to take care of it." Li Jintan was also doing Taiping Fist beside him.

Li Jintan is a monkey spirit.

Lin Chuang not only seized several sets of cipherbooks, but also allowed the Telecommunications Division to make great achievements in cracking the Japanese code. He owes him a debt, and he is also the son-in-law of the Telecommunications Division.

The most important thing is that he is still a Virgo student.

Of course he knew who to turn to.

Lin Chuang successfully raised the fire, seeing that everyone turned on Chen Shu, he was secretly happy.

"Capturing the enemy is nothing but envying the virtuous and being jealous, hum!" Li Chunfeng was angry when Huang and Li said it, and gave Chen Shu a very bad comment.

Just when he was about to say that the next case would not be carried out by the Operations Division, but by the Intelligence Division alone, Lin Chuang interrupted.

"Virgo, I think that it's not that Team Leader Chen is not wise enough, but that Lou Fangyi is too cunning. Besides, Team Leader Chen is not very clear about the danger of Lou Fangyi's escape, so some slack is inevitable. Therefore, I boldly suggest , the punishment will be exempted?" Lin Chuang said.

This sounds like a good person, but it is actually adding fuel to the fire.

He made up his mind that Chen Shu must be kicked away in the next action, otherwise, it would be half the effort to act with restraint.

Li Chunfeng heard Lin Chuang's words, and thought: "When did I say that Chen Shu was going to be punished? This kid is really smart, it seems that he really doesn't want others to get involved."

Ma Jun also understood Lin Chuang's meaning, and quickly said: "Virgin, what Lin Chuang said is reasonable. From the point of view of his humble position, let Chen Shu have a chance to take the blame and make meritorious service."

"Old horse, come on, you still don't want to let go? Lin Chuang gave Chen Shu the chance to make the first contribution, and he screwed it up himself! What's the matter, do you still want him to screw it up again? "Huang Fulin replied unceremoniously.

"No, no, Virgo, Lao Huang, that's not what I meant. This time, our Operations Division didn't show their faces, so no wonder others. In this way, I will handle this case myself, and I must catch Lou Fangyi. It can be regarded as making amends." Ma Jun said quickly.

When he said this, neither Huang Fulin, Lin Chuang, nor Li Chunfeng could say anything.

Ma Jun's words made it clear that he wanted to save the Operations Department's face.

If you think about it, if you kick them away, the Operations Department will really lose face.

As the head of a department, how can Ma Jun mess around in the department?

Lin Chuang knew very well that if Ma Jun took the initiative to invite Ying, Li Chunfeng would definitely give him face.

So, he thought about the matter quickly, and felt that there was no harm in handing over the case, and his arrangements did not leave any sequelae.

"Old Ma, you're really good at it, you're trying to steal meat from my bowl." Huang Fulin said dissatisfied.

"Old Huang, let me give you a chance, brother, thank you." Ma Jun bowed again and again.

Li Chunfeng glanced at Lin Chuang calmly.

Lin Chuang said: "Virgin, it is better for Section Chief Ma to go out in person than to be humble. I believe that Section Chief Ma will be successful in the first place."

"Okay, that's it. Ma Jun, you all try your best to solve the escape case of Lou Fangyi. Lin Chuang, you are responsible for hunting down the three fugitives."

"Yes!" Ma Jun and Lin Chuangli are taking orders.

"However, Ma Jun, I will give you five days to solve the case within a time limit. If Lou Fangyi cannot be caught within the time limit, then I will hand over the case to someone capable." Li Chunfeng added.

"Yes!" Ma Jun said.

"Li Chunfeng is still facing Ma Jun. The five-day period is too long. With so many people in the Operations Division and the assistance of the police, Lou Fangyi can be arrested and brought to justice in less than three days."


After leaving Li Chunfeng's office, Huang Fulin called Lin Chuang to stop, and said quietly: "Lin Chuang, don't feel uncomfortable, just let Chen Shu take a step. The old horse snatched it himself. It's not good to not give him this face. Besides, You have done enough meritorious service, but you have to be careful of others' jealousy."

"Yes, Section Chief." Lin Chuangying said.

Seeing Lin Chuang's reluctance to agree, Huang Fulin quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, the old horse is on fire, Chen Shu won't be happy."

"Hey hey..., section chief, why do you feel that you are a little gloating, that's not very kind..." Lin Chuang laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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