No trace of espionage

Chapter 35 Yuan Zuocai is really smart

Chapter 35 Yuan Zuocai is really smart
"I said, I said, I dare not hide anything." Yuan Zuocai completely collapsed. Without Lin Chuang asking, he told about his situation in Japan, the ins and outs of the "fiat currency fraud case" and how to transfer the stolen money. All recruited out.

Lin Chuang was not at all interested in what Yuan Zuocai confessed to.The reason why he wants to interrogate himself is that he wants to drag Xu Shou into it first, which is also what Wu Liangce indicated just now.

"Bank of Communications, do you have an internal response?" Lin Chuang waited until Yuan Zuocai was completely bald before he began to ask the first sentence.


"Huh? No? Do you still want to have a taste of electrocution?" Lin Chuang raised his voice while staring at Yuan Zuocai viciously.

"No, no, no, don't go to torture. There is..., there is an internal response." Yuan Zuocai tried to answer, and looked at Lin Chuang's eyes. Seeing that his eyes were relaxed, he knew that his answer was in line with his intentions, so he hurriedly said in an affirmative tone. Said.


"It's...Xu Xiangli? Yes, it's Xu Xiangli. Hey, let me think about it, what's his name?"

"Xu Shouxian."

"Yes, it's called Xu Shouxian. In fact, the warrant I made has many loopholes, and I can't hide it from anyone with a discerning eye. Xu Shouxian helped me cover it up. If he wasn't there, would I have chosen the Bank of Communications?" Yuan Zuocai tried to say Xu Shouxian's name. Seeing Lin Chuang nodding slightly, he immediately understood: "It turns out that Lin Chuang wanted to frame him."

After trying to understand this section, this guy started to make things up, conceived the plot by himself, and made it as round as possible.Including how I knew him and how I instigated him, I made up a complete story.

"Have you reported his situation to the above?"

"It's not too late. He is my downline, and my upline doesn't know his existence yet."

"By the way, I asked Xu Shou to identify you that day. What you said at the time was 'the surname is Lin, what is Xu Xiangli or Xu Xiangli? I don't know someone Yuan. Who knows where you found it? 200,000 French currency is not a small amount. The crime is too great, and I want someone Yuan to confess his guilt, unless the sun rises in the west.' Does that sentence imply something to him?"

"This..., yes, yes, yes, I just want to imply two meanings to him, one is to reassure him that I will not confess him, and the other is to tell him that the money has not been found by you, and I have made proper arrangements. "

Not to mention, Yuan Zuocai is very smart, and he can understand what it means when Lin Chuang reminds him.

After these words, Lin Chuang understood that Xu Shou was finished first.

"Chen Bai, the bank manager, are you involved?" Lin Chuang didn't intend to end it, and pointed the finger at Chen Bai again.

"Yes! Yes, yes! He was also my instigator. No, no, no, I don't know if he was involved, but, from what Xu Shou said, it seems that he knew? Yes, yes, from what Xu Shou said, he knew. .”

When Lin Chuang asked, Yuan Zuocai thought that Lin Chuang also wanted to make Chen Bai a spy, and said without hesitation that he was also instigated.

After seeing Lin Chuang's eyes, he realized that Lin Chuang only thought that Chen Bai was involved, and didn't want to make him a spy.

So, quickly changed his mind.

"Chen Bai didn't go to work that day, did he do it on purpose?"

"Ah? That's right, that's right, Xu Shou first said that Chen Bai would deliberately not go to work that day, one is to facilitate the two of us to do things, and the other is to clear the responsibility, so that he can pretend that nothing happened."

"Okay, you're being honest. Make a bet."

Lin Chuang nodded in satisfaction, and personally compiled a record of the interrogation, and asked Yuan Zuocai to sign it.

"Leader Lin, please see that I am Chinese, please give me a way to survive. I already know that I am wrong, my father is determined not to let me marry Kadai, I have violated his old man's wishes, I am not filial Team Leader Lin, I'm the only male in my family, please, for my father's sake, give me a way to survive, and leave a good root for our Yuan family. Huh, huh..." At the end, Yuan Zuo cried and begged road.

"As long as you really repent, it's not impossible to give you a way to survive. That's enough, Chen Tou, take him down." Lin Chuang said.

He really wanted Yuan Zuocai's life.

One is because he is a traitor and a "leading party" who helps foreigners bully the Chinese. In Lin Chuang's heart, this kind of person is more hateful than the real Japanese.

The second reason is that he will punish Xu Shouxian and Chen Bai in the future, and the existence of Yuan Zuocai will always be a scourge.If he retracted the confession and said that he recruited all these because he induced the confession, wouldn't he create big trouble for himself?

However, Yuan Zuocai's last words made Lin Chuang's heart a little loose.

From Yuan Zuocai's words, his father is still very respectable, with lofty patriotism and national integrity that would rather die than surrender.

Such a respectable old man raised such a rebellious son, it is really sad to think about it.

If the news of Yuan Zuocai's treason reached his ears, Lin Chuang couldn't imagine how painful and humiliating this old man was, and whether he could survive is really unknown.

"Well, if Yuan Zuocai is honest and doesn't talk nonsense, then let his life go. If he is not honest, he will never let him out alive." Lin Chuang secretly said.

After finishing this matter, Lin Chuang called Zhang Qiang in: "Yuan Zuocai made a confession, and Xu Shouxian is his internal correspondent. Take a few people and arrest him."

"Yes!" Zhang Qiang agreed, turned around and left.

Lin Chuang got up and went to another interrogation room. As soon as he entered the door, he was shocked when he saw Gao Xutai's appearance: "Fuck! The fat man is also a pervert, right?"

In just over two hours, Gao Xutai had already turned into a blood gourd, with blood dripping from his head and his entire face.

"Fatty, didn't you kill him?" Lin Chuang asked uncertainly.

"No, I have a lot in hand, how can I kill him."

"Then this one?"

"Do you think he looks like the old eight in our hometown?"

"Old Ba? The one who stabbed his head?"

"How can I see this, it's all bloody."

"Come on, come on, wipe his face, let Team Leader Lin see clearly."

Wu Liangce greeted karate.

A thug dipped a dirty rag in the water and wiped the blood off Gao Xutai's face, revealing his original appearance.

"Don't say it, it's really similar."

"So, I think he looks like the old man, so let him practice the kung fu of piercing the head." Wu Liangce said.

Of course Lin Chuang knew who Lao Ba was, and he also knew why Wu Liangce hated Lao Ba so much.

It turns out that in their hometown, there is a kind of people who specialize in the profession of blackmailing people, this kind of profession is called "stabbing the head".

Such people often have their heads shaved brightly, and hold a sickle without a sickle handle in their hands, and the blade of the sickle sharpens very thinly and quickly.

They will be in the market, asking for money one by one.If people don't give it, they will stab the sickle on the head, and the head will be pierced, and the blood will flow.If you don't give it again, he will rub his head on the things you sell, whether you are selling cloth, shoes, or vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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