Chapter 376
"Is there any smoke in the house? Boil some water and drink it and it won't hurt." Lin Chuang asked She Aizhen anxiously.

"Yes, yes, Ah Bao just brought it back." Hearing this, She Aizhen quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from the inside.

Lin Chuang glanced at it, and saw that the packaging was intact, with three lines of writing on it, and the upper two lines were written vertically: "The smoke and clouds change when you breathe, and the place where you talk is fragrant with orchids."

On the lower line, write three characters "Deyilou" horizontally.

How could Lin Chuang let Qu Rubing really drink the smoked soil water?
After she understood the word "Deyilou", she quickly said to She Aizhen, "It's not this one, it's a big smoked gourd. Boil water with smoked earth and drink it, it's fatal."

"Hey, I forgot to make you so noisy, there are painkillers at home." She Aizhen put away the cigarettes, found a painkiller, and asked Qu Rubing to drink it.

Soon, Qu Rubing's "stomachache" disappeared.


On the way home, Lin Chuang said to Ji Laoliu: "After Chen Huaijun rebelled, he must have known that he was in danger all the time, because the military commander would never let him go.

Therefore, Li Shiqun will definitely not let him go to the opium den to smoke opium, then there is only one possibility, that is to buy back opium and let him smoke in his residence.

Now it is basically certain that Wu Sibao must have personally handled the matter of buying opium for Chen Huaijun. This guy is the master of plucking the wild goose. If he can get some of the smoke soil in his hands, he probably won’t be able to sleep at night. .

Just now at his house, I saw the smoke soil he just brought back. I bought it from Deyilou.

Tomorrow, you and Fa Cai will split up. One will watch Wu Sibao to find out about Chen Huaijun's current living environment and security personnel, and the other will watch Deyilou to see if Wu Sibao buys cigarettes every few days. Is there any pattern? "

"Yes, boss." Ji Laoliu replied while driving.

After returning home, Qu Rubing put on her pajamas, showing her snow-white thighs for Lin Chuang to see: "Look, you've already pinched green."

"Your performance is too bad, it doesn't look like you are in pain at all." Lin Chuang replied.

"This reason is far-fetched, you are playing tricks!" Qu Rubing said.

"Who did it wrong? If you don't pinch you, can you shed tears?" Of course Lin Chuang refused to admit it.

"Then I don't care, rub it for me..." Qu Rubing pouted and acted like a baby.

Lin Chuang looked at the snow-white thighs, clearly trying to seduce him, quickly turned his head away, and said angrily, "What are you rubbing? It will be fine tomorrow."


Early the next morning, Ji Lao Liu called Chang Facai, and the two carried out a division of labor.

Chang Facai went to watch Wu Sibao, and Ji Laoliu went to guard in Deyilou.

The reason for this arrangement is that Ji Laoliu felt that he was too familiar with Wu Sibao, even if he specially put on makeup, he might recognize him from his gait.

And Chang Facai has been living with Shao Jijun and the others in the factory, and has never met Wu Sibao.

Chang Facai knew Wu Sibao, but Wu Sibao didn't know Chang Facai.


Chang Facai is very clear about the role he plays, knowing that he actually appeared as Lin Chuang's substitute.

But he has no regrets about it.

First, he was a soldier, and his education made him hate the Japanese very much.

Especially in the Battle of Songhu that just passed, 300,000 Chinese soldiers were killed or injured, and in the Battle of Nanjing, the Japanese massacred another 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians.

In just four months, 600,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed by the enemy.

This number made Chang Facai's hatred of the Japanese to the extreme.

Second, he sincerely admires Lin Chuang.

Since becoming a subordinate of Lin Chuang, he has never missed every action.Especially after successfully arresting Lou Fangyi, he admired Lin Chuang even more.

In his opinion, as long as he keeps up with Lin Chuang, he will be able to create miracles one after another.

Third, since joining the Secret Service, he has gradually realized the importance of intelligence work.

As a soldier, he yearned to face the enemy in front of him, fighting with a knife and a gun—the kind of life-for-life fighting, even if he died, he died vigorously, and as a soldier, he died well.

But the two wars that have just passed made him clearly see the gap between the Chinese and Japanese armies.

This gap is not in morale, nor in strategy and tactics, but in weapons and equipment, and in economic logistics.

Lin Chuang gave these subordinates an in-depth analysis of the two wars, and told them that China has been weak for a long time. If it wants to defeat Japan, it will not happen overnight, and it must be prepared for a long-term struggle.

And they who are behind the enemy must bury their hatred in their hearts and take root deeply in order to obtain more information and give more and greater support to the soldiers on the front line.

Chang Facai deeply agrees with this.

Not to mention anything else, just say that after they entered Shanghai, in less than a year, Lin Chuang led them to open up the situation.

Especially those with the trademark of "Hao Shou" are actually traditional Chinese medicine preparations of anti-inflammatory drugs, which are secretly transported to the mainland. He can imagine that these drugs will surely save more soldiers.

Isn't this a war of resistance?Isn't such a job very meaningful?

With the above three points, Chang Facai has no resentment for being Lin Chuang's stand-in.

Not to mention being a stand-in, he even imagined that if there was a bullet shot at Lin Chuang, he would definitely rush forward without thinking and protect him with his own life.

Because he is the hero in his own mind, a great hero.

It is precisely because of such awareness and self-awareness that Chang Facai has exhausted his mind in imitating Lin Chuang's every move.

Let's put it this way, if the face is made up to look like Lin Chuang, then he will be no different from Lin Chuang, except for these few trusted subordinates, outsiders will definitely not be able to tell.

Gao Yang knows this best.


Chang Facai was very happy to receive the task of following Wu Sibao today.

He understood that if Shao Jijun and others hadn't met Chen Huaijun, such a good thing would definitely not have happened to him.

Lin Chuang would not arrange for him to do this kind of work.

It's not that he doesn't trust him, but that he has no formal training after all, and stalking and stalking are not his forte.

"Fat Cai, don't show your boss this time." Ji Lao Liu instructed.

"You don't need to talk too much, I don't know yet?" Chang Facai felt that Ji Lao Liu had said something nonsense.

"Okay, okay, I'm talking for nothing. However, I have to say something nonsense. You must be prepared to be interrogated. You must know that the person you want to follow is No. 67. Those people are not that simple." Ji Laoliu said .

"I know. We have been with the boss for so long, and we haven't learned anything else, and we can't learn his wisdom of taking one step and watching three steps, but we can still do it by taking one step and watching two steps. Look, what is this?"

As Chang Facai said, he took out a stack of papers from his pocket and handed it to Ji Laoliu.

Ji Lao Liu took it over and looked at it, and said, "Okay, get rich, you've grown your skills, can you think of that?"

"That is, it doesn't matter whose soldiers we are?"

Chang Fa Cai said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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