No trace of espionage

Chapter 38 Reporting the case

Chapter 38 Reporting the case
Courtesy to people, there must be something to ask for.

Lin Chuang has a clear understanding of the minds of several big shots.

"Group leader Lin, group leader Wu, you are a student of the director and an intelligence officer of the intelligence department. Speaking of which, we are not outsiders." Huang Fulin waited for Lin Chuang and the others to sit down, and began to draw closer.

"Yes, yes, you and Lieutenant Tian are also classmates, and Team Leader Lin is a frequent visitor to our telecommunications department." Li Jintan also said with a smile on his face.

"Fart! When I came to the Secret Service in the past, you had your nostrils turned upside down, and you couldn't do it. How did you look at me? Today, you pulled away almost." Lin Chuang said in his heart.

I was unhappy, so I didn't make a sound, I just sat upright and serious, as if listening to the teachings.

Seeing that Lin Chuang was silent, Wu Liangce did not say anything.

When Wen Xuesong saw that Lin Chuang and Wu Liangce didn't say a word, he expected that the two were unhappy, not for anything else, it must be because of Chen Huaijun.

After thinking about it, my handling of this matter was indeed very unfair, and these two people must have resentment towards me.

"Lin Chuang, Liang Ce, let's briefly introduce the case. Don't worry, our second intelligence team will definitely support you this time, so that you won't have any worries." Wen Xuesong expressed her meaning cryptically.


Specific to the case, Lin Chuang has two loopholes that need to be filled.

First, how to know exactly where the dead mailbox is.This point is very critical, if the explanation fails, it is likely to make people suspicious of him.

Second, how to cover up the manure diggers.

It is conceivable that even if Gao Xutai made a confession in the end, he would not call out the excrement workers, because he didn't know anything about it.

If he didn't mention the transfer of the money in his confession, Yu Gaoyuan's affairs would be exposed. With the shrewdness of Huang Fulin and Wen Xuesong, they would have guessed that a third party had taken the money away.

As long as the suspicion is on the underground party, the possibility of them finding Yu Gaoyuan along this clue is not ruled out, and secondly, it is very likely to suspect themselves.

They will definitely make such an assumption: that is, they have already received some news from Yuan Zuocai and arranged for someone to take the money away in advance.

Therefore, this loophole must be filled.

So when Wen Xuesong asked about the case, Lin Chuang began to state that he had prepared his speech.

"Sirs, this espionage case originated from the Bank of Communications fraud case. I started with Vice President Gong's warrant and receipt left by the fraudster, and quickly found the suspect, Yuan Zuocai, accountant of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. However, in During the arrest and interrogation process, he refused to plead guilty. Even if there were witnesses to identify him, he would never admit it. Instead, he was tortured to death. In addition, during the arrest process, he made several anti-stalking actions. I judge Yuan Zuocai Not an ordinary person, most likely a spy. Later, due to pressure from all sides, the bureau couldn’t stand it anymore, so he was released the next day. Since the spy case was of great importance, I reported it to Captain Hao. Captain Hao ordered me to do whatever I can, to keep an eye on Yuan Zuocai and find out who connected with him. Later, due to the many affairs in the bureau, Team Leader Wu and I withdrew from the case." Lin Chuang said.

"Why did you withdraw? You were the first to handle this case and you know the most about it. How did you withdraw?" Li Jintan asked in confusion.

Huang Fulin frowned: "Lao Li, this is a matter of our intelligence department. What do you think your telecommunications department is doing?"

"Hey, Lao Huang, I don't like to hear your words. Does your intelligence department need our telecommunications department? Well, if you want to do surveillance or something in the future, don't ask us for help. Besides, this case is Team Leader Lin is doing it, what is your business? Radio stations and codebooks are so important, shouldn’t they be handed over to our telecommunications department for research? Do you know what deciphering is?” Li Jintan retorted.

"Okay, if you want to intervene, you can intervene, but don't interject indiscriminately, and listen to Lin Chuang."

"Don't you listen to me? Team Leader Lin, go ahead." Li Jintan was so thick-skinned that Huang Fulin was stopped by some forceful words.

"Later, I feel useless no matter what I think. The officers may not be clear. Some people in the bureau watched my excitement because of this. Chen Bai, the manager of the Bank of Communications, even went to the bureau to make trouble, which made me very embarrassed. So I thought , I must solve this case and not make people laugh. After analysis, I think Yuan Zuocai will definitely make moves, and he will definitely contact the upper line. So, I asked my subordinates to rent a yard in Trillium Lane , monitoring Yuan Zuocai's movements day and night. As a result, my people discovered that Yuan Zuocai went to a dilapidated yard in Trillium Lane yesterday afternoon and took a piece of letter paper. I judged that he might have received instructions from the upline. So, I made relevant arrangements with Team Leader Wu, captured the two of them in one fell swoop when he was meeting with the upline Gao Xutai, and quickly searched Gao Xutai's home, luckily, I found a radio station and a codebook."

"Very good, this matter is very well done. Team Leader Lin, I will definitely give credit to you and Team Leader Wu in front of the office. I have also heard that you two have a lot of constraints in the police station. Let's get things done. It's very inconvenient. In this way, when you go back, immediately hand over the radio station and code book to the Telecommunications Division. As for the criminals, do you think they should also be handed over to the Intelligence Division for interrogation?" Huang Fulin said.

Lin Chuangzhen did not expect that Huang Fulin's face was no thinner than Li Jintan's, and he could make such a shameless request.

However, he must win the right to interrogate, otherwise, there will be very few opportunities to do things himself.

"Reporting sir, in the process of solving this case, we received the help and guidance of Second Lieutenant Tian, ​​so it is only natural that the radio station and code book were handed over to the Telecommunications Division. As for the criminal interrogation, Yuan Zuocai has already confessed, and Gao Xutai is also under interrogation. We are in charge of the interrogation, and we are confident that we will have him captured before dawn. Of course, if the officer thinks this is inappropriate, he will obey his orders."

Tian Biyu has been quietly listening to Lin Chuang's speech.

Lin Chuang's self-confidence and free and easy conversation made her feel a little confused for a while: "Is this still the submissive Lin Chuang? A man should be so confident and free and easy."

While thinking wildly, hearing Lin Chuang put gold on his face, he couldn't help but feel sweet.

"Well, well, since you are so confident, it's up to you to continue the interrogation. Since Gao Xutai has the radio station and code book in his hand, his identity must be very important, and you must find a way to pry his mouth open."

"Yes, sir."

"Virgin orders!"

Everyone stood up in unison and stood at attention.

"This case is supervised by the second intelligence team, headed by Captain Hao Ligang, and assisted by Second Lieutenant Tian."


"Okay, how to do it specifically, Team Leader Wen, you can discuss it. Old Li, let's retire."

After speaking, Huang Fulin and Li Jintan left the meeting room.

(End of this chapter)

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