No trace of espionage

Chapter 40 Xiao Lin is dead

Chapter 40 Xiao Lin is dead
"Okay, the Secret Service's brand is strong, pretend I didn't say it." Duan Yide regretted it after saying that complaint.

"Department, the final tone is to be supervised by Team Leader Wen. My senior brother Hao Ligang will co-organize with us, and Second Lieutenant Tian of the Telecommunications Office will co-organize. However, if you can't break through Gao Xutai tonight, you will have to hand him over to the Secret Service tomorrow." Lin Chuangdao.

"It's not bad, it didn't kick us away, but at least let us have a drink of soup at the police station. Lin Chuang, go to work, and we must pry Gao Xutai's mouth open before dawn."

"Yes." Lin Chuang stood up and replied.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Fan Yitong stopped him.

"Lin Chuang, have you brought Xu Shouxian back?"

"Ah, yes."

"Hey, what a big deal, isn't it just that Manager Chen came to wipe your face last time? Look, can you let me go because of my face?"

"Section chief, look at what you said. You are the section chief, so you just order him to be released. But, think about it, this Xu Shouxian is a spy developed by Yuan Zuocai."

"Huh? Spies?"

"Yes, not only him, Chen Bai may also be involved. I don't have time to talk to him now, wait until I've been busy for a while."

"Lin Chuang, did you make a mistake? How could Xu Shouxian be a spy? Chen Bai is even less likely?"

"Section Chief, this is the interrogation record." Lin Chuang was not in the mood to explain to him again, put Yuan Zuocai's interrogation record in front of him, and left.

"Virgo, look, this? What is this!"

"What's so strange about this? Who told him to be so arrogant? I reminded him at the beginning, but unfortunately, he didn't take my words seriously. It's his own fault..." Duan Yide sighed.


At night, Lin Chuang went to the interrogation room and saw that Gao Xutai was tied to the electric chair, half dead.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chuang felt that the heat was almost ready, so he took out a few banknotes and asked Chen Zhen and the others to eat, then he and Wu Liangce closed the door of the interrogation room, and began to resort to tricks in person.

Of course, his method is not physical torture, but "spiritual illusion".

This technique is sacrificed, very effective.

"Gao Xutai, what's your real name?"

"Xiao Lin Zhengtai."


"Shanghai Yingzuo agency agent, code-named 'Mu Leu Ri', leader of the 'Xiaolin Group' in Nanjing."

"Who else is offline? What's the code name? Where do you live?"

"There are four off-lines. One is Masao Kosaka, whose Chinese name is Wang Runzhou, code-named 'Qian Kong', and whose public identity is the deputy captain of the Jiangyin Fortress Command Guard, who lives at No. 47 Taiping Lane; the other is Kameda Ichiro, whose Chinese name is Shangjun, code-named 'Huachangpu', publicly identified as the driver of the Meteorological Institute, who lives at No. 37, Xiaochenghuang Lane; one named Futian Yingzhi, whose Chinese name is Fan Mingjin, code-named 'Hua Xinfeng', publicly identified as the staff officer of the 36th Division Headquarters, in the barracks There is another one named Yuan Zuocai, Chinese, code-named 'Yuanhuahuo', who lives at No. 25 Chaozhi Lane."

"You sent Yuan Zuocai to swindle 200,000 French currency. What is the purpose?"

"Masao Kosaka instigated against Yi Mingjie, a confidential staff member of the Jiangyin Fortress Headquarters. He said that Yi Mingjie could buy the Jiangyin Fortress Headquarters' Jiangfang layout plan and the numbers and defense areas of the ministers stationed in Nanjing. It would cost 200,000 French currency. I got the money, so I ordered Yuan Zuocai to use his accountant status to get the money for me."

"Why take the risk? The Shanghai headquarters will not refuse to provide you with this funding?"

"In February, Shanghai sent people to come, but on the way, the 36th division set up a card to check, and the money was hacked."

"Oh, so that's the case." After Xiaolin Zhengtai finished speaking, Lin Chuang solved the mystery in his heart.

Lin Chuang asked some other information, such as how to contact, the connection code and so on.

However, these are not important anymore, as well-known people know the address, just follow the map to find out.

Lin Chuang didn't ask about the dung diggers, and it was useless to ask, because Xiao Lin Zhengtai didn't know anything about it.

So far, in the eyes of Lin Chuang, Xiao Lin Zhengtai has no value.

No, he is still valuable in order to completely cover up the matter of Yu Gaoyuan, and that is his death.

After he died, Yuan Zuocai's confession became an isolated evidence, and the matter of Yu Gaoyuan could be covered up logically.

Besides, Lin Chuang didn't have the time, nor did he have the confidence to play the trick of "beating him into a trick" again, so that Xiao Lin Zhengtai could cooperate with him to complete the confession.

Therefore, he must be killed before Chen Zhen and others come back.

After making up his mind, Lin Chuang got up and asked Wu Liangce: "Have you written everything down?"

"I've written it down." As he spoke, Wu Liangce handed over the interrogation record for Lin Chuang to read.

Lin Chuang took a look, took Xiao Lin Zhengtai's hand and pressed a fingerprint.Then walk to the motor, hold the crank handle with both hands, and shake it quickly.

Xiao Lin Zhengtai's body twitched violently on the electric chair, and hoarse screams came out of his mouth.

Lin Chuang kept shaking it quickly, and within two minutes, he could no longer hear any screams.

Wu Liangce stepped forward and touched his neck, and said in surprise: "Fuck, Xiao Zhai, you killed him!"

"Why, do you still feel sorry for him?"

"Pity him? How many Chinese people have they killed and how much territory have they occupied? I will pity him after they have done so many crimes. I am afraid that someone will be held accountable for killing people."

"Pursuant? If a Japanese spy is killed, who will pursue it? Alright, let's go find the senior brother. We will act tonight, and strike while the iron is hot. If it is done well, the senior brother will not have to delay the wedding date."

"Don't worry, Xiao Zhai, when you discuss with your brother later, I will go to the 36th Division, and you will go to the Jiangyin Fortress Headquarters."


"Where is the money? Think about it, the 36th Division once hacked the money of Japanese secret agents in February. This matter needs to be investigated, otherwise the physical evidence will not match. Also, Yi Mingjie is selling information. I guess this is not the first time. Yes, the family must have money."

"Hehehe..., you, you're looking for Qianqian, you're really treacherous. Actually, I think so too."

"Hahaha..., do we count as collaborating?"

"I'll see."


Back in the office, Lin Chuang was surprised to find that Tian Biyu had returned, and there were two bulging paper bags on the table.

"Why are you back?" Lin Chuang asked.

Tian Biyu rolled her beautiful big eyes and said, "First, I have the status of co-organizer, so I should come to ask about the situation; second, the brother hasn't eaten yet, so I'll bring him some steamed stuffed buns."

"That's great, Xiao Zhai and I haven't eaten yet." Wu Liangce laughed.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for senior brother, who would care if you two ate or not?" Tian Biyu gave Wu Liangce a white look.

"Speak hard and go ahead! If it wasn't for Xiao Zhai, would you give buns? Wait a minute, there is a head of garlic next to the paper bag, who is it for? Isn't it for Xiao Zhai? Ladies, we don't understand." Wu Liangce thought in his heart Secretly complain.

He only dared to whine in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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