No trace of espionage

Chapter 480 Epiphany

Chapter 480 Epiphany
Lin Chuang had no time to care about He Tianmu's ending.

What he should care about is how to relieve his danger.


Yes, Lin Chuang did feel the danger.

Although Zhang Jinlu showed a lot of kindness, as if his feelings for him were true, and he had no hostility towards him at all, but is it so easy to believe the feelings of a spy?
One's own destiny must not be controlled by others.

It's not okay for this person to have slept with himself.

Therefore, the first step he had to figure out was where did Zhang Jinlu become suspicious?What she said is already seeking proof, how to seek proof?
Only by clarifying these problems can he prescribe the right medicine and find out the countermeasures.

Because he was worried that the phone would be monitored and his whereabouts would be monitored, after Zhang Jinlu left, he did not act very urgent, but went to bed as if nothing had happened.

The next day, he still followed his routine and left the guest house after eight o'clock. He took Yi Lianhua and Li Honglin with him, got into the car driven by Ji Laoliu, and went to inspect the construction site.

Martial law was enforced on the street, and Japanese military police and agents from the Secret Service Department checked passers-by at every intersection.

Lin Chuang's special pass worked at this time.

Whether it is a Japanese military police or an agent, once they see this certificate, they will let it go without asking.

Even after looking at the license plate number, anyone who knew them quickly saluted the people in the car and waved to let them go.

Lin Chuang first went to the construction site of the branch factory and found Shao Jijun.

"Ji Jun, that day you sent Jun Jiang to escort people off in a car. What was in the car?" Lin Chuang asked.

"What's the matter, boss? Something happened?" Shao Jijun asked.

"That's right, Zhang Jinlu suspected that she had gone to Zhao Junjiang. I don't know what she found. She only said that she found something suspicious at the Zhapu Bridge checkpoint. She rushed to tell me this, isn't it just to test me?" Lin Chuang said.

"Some rafters and purlins were thrown on the box containing people, which were removed from the demolished houses." Shao Jijun said.

When Lin Chuang heard it, he immediately understood.

"Ji Jun, why do you always fail to grasp the details? Jun Jiang is the person in charge of the villa construction site, and the car is loaded with things from the branch factory site. Can you make people suspicious? Besides, Jun Jiang is the person in charge. Is it worth him to escort the car?

Zhang Jinlu is not stupid, how could he not discover such an obvious loophole?Do you have to arrange everything for you so that you can stand alone? "

Lin Chuang was so angry that he reprimanded him harshly.

Shao Jijun's execution ability is very strong, as long as he arranges his affairs, he will never go out of his way.

This is also the main reason why Lin Chuang took a fancy to him in the first place.

But now that I have come to Shanghai, my business has grown, and sometimes it is not convenient for me to come forward directly, so I have to arrange for Shao Jijun to carry it out.

Unexpectedly, this once very stable subordinate had a problem with the details again.

Lin Chuang seldom gets angry, and basically gives his subordinates the impression that he is calm and calm.

This is the first time that Shao Jijun has been criticized so harshly.

Yi Lianhua, Li Honglin and Ji Laoliu all backed away a little, for fear of harming Chi Yu.

"I'm sorry, boss, I was wrong." Shao Jijun blushed and lowered his head in shame while admitting his mistake.

Seeing the shame on Shao Jijun's face, Lin Chuang couldn't bear to say any more.

It is not Lin Chuang's character to enjoy the merits of success and to ignore the mistakes of failure.

While criticizing Shao Jijun, he also conducted self-criticism.

First Chang Fa Cai, then Shao Jijun, his subordinates can catch spies, but how to do spies is not enough?

"It seems that after coming to Shanghai, the stalls have grown, and many things have not been done by myself, resulting in inertia. This incident has sounded a wake-up call for myself." Lin Chuang thought silently.

"Okay, let's take it as a warning. You must use your brain more when doing things in the future, especially when it comes to details, and don't make any mistakes." Thinking of his mistakes, Lin Chuang calmed down a little.

"Boss, will it hurt you? Should I let Junjiang hide for a while?" Seeing that Lin Chuang stopped training him, Shao Jijun asked cautiously.

"No need for the time being. Junjiang's unreasonable actions can be explained in another way. I think Zhang Jinlu's unreasonable actions and the fact that the truck left the customs before eight o'clock caused her to have Suspect.

But it shouldn't be this matter that really strengthened her suspicion. Lin Chuang shook his head and said thoughtfully.

"You mean, we still have a loophole?" Shao Jijun asked.

"I conclude that it is. Only by finding this flaw can we determine how to deal with it. Simply letting Junjiang leave is not the fundamental solution." Lin Chuang said.

"Oh..." Shao Jijun fell into thought when he heard this.

Finally, he said, "Boss, I reviewed our actions. Except for the matter of Jun Jiang, there seems to be nothing serious."

"Well, I've also thought about it. It shouldn't be that there was a mistake in the operation. Because Zhang Jinlu is in charge of the periphery, even if there is a mistake in the operation, it should be responsible for the discovery of the prison investigation instead of her." Lin Chuang said.

Seeing that Shao Jijun was still frowning and thinking, he hurriedly said: "Okay, don't think about it. The more you think about some things, the more you can't think of anything. It may be reminded by another thing, and you can figure it out all at once. Yes. Now you can do a good job at the construction site, don’t worry about anything else, I’ll go to the villa construction site, maybe I can find something.”

"Yes." Shao Jijun replied in a muffled voice.

It can be seen that he blames himself very much, and it is impossible to let go of it for a while.


The group came to the villa construction site again, and Zhao Junjiang greeted them.

"Junjiang, how is the progress of the project?" Lin Chuang asked.

Lin Chuang didn't want to tell him that Zhang Jinlu was suspicious of him, so as not to make him feel uneasy.

"The underground work is almost done, and the next step is the work on the ground. I want to find a professional team tomorrow, and I will let Qi Xiaohua lead it. He and these people can do a little bit of work, and the technical work of building walls and plastering mud can't do it." .” Zhao Junjiang replied.

"Yeah." Lin Chuang nodded.

He never asked much about these matters, and entrusted his subordinates with carte blanche to do them.

"Boss, there is another situation. I saw Zhang Jinlu's car yesterday afternoon. It was parked under the tree on the side of the road for about 10 minutes. No one got out of the car." Zhao Junjiang pointed to a Fatong across the road and said.

Lin Chuang turned his head to look at the Fatong, then at the fake construction workers working on the construction site, and slapped his head suddenly: "Oh, I'm really confused, such a big flaw, why didn't I think of it earlier?"

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhao Junjiang didn't know why, so he asked quickly.

"It's nothing, Jun Jiang, you don't have to wait until tomorrow, just ask Qi Xiaohua to find technicians, and the wages can be higher under the name of his construction team, but you must let these people enter the site today." Lin Chuang hurriedly ordered.

"Yes." Zhao Junjiang replied.

"Go, hurry home!" Lin Chuangchong waved to Yi Lianhua, turned around and left.

"What's the matter? It's rare for the boss to be in such a hurry."

Zhao Junjiang watched Lin Chuang leave, thinking in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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