No trace of espionage

Chapter 484 Bloody Massacre

Chapter 484 Bloody Massacre
Li Shiqun said to Wu Sibao: "When I was in the military, I knew that the Bank of Shanghai was on the surface the bank of the Zhejiang businessman Chen's family. In fact, it had been secretly raising funds for the military. Will also be sure to withdraw money on this account.

Originally, I wanted to send someone to break into the bank, slowly find out about this account, and track the money-taker to find the main person in Shanghai Station.

However, slow work can no longer be used now.Ding Mocun suffered from being dumb this time, and he will definitely go to the Japanese to tell tales.At this time, we must make some achievements, otherwise, the director of Yingzuo will definitely favor him, after all, he is the chief officer.

Also, it is okay to declare that He Tianmu is a cobra, but we know that he cannot be a cobra at all.

To bring down the Bank of Shanghai, Cobra will certainly not be willing to give up.As long as he moves, we have a chance to catch him! "

Wu Sibao didn't listen to other words, but he did listen to the sentence "bring down the Bank of Shanghai".

Immediately, Wu Sibao's eyes shone brightly, like a hungry wolf seeing a piece of delicious meat.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll take people there myself!" Wu Sibao said with obvious enthusiasm, patting his chest.

"Team [-] doesn't have a captain right now, let Li Wenda take over temporarily. Whether we can remove the temporary word depends on his performance." Li Shiqun said.

The first team has two vice-captains, and Li Wenda is one of them.

Usually Li Ji and He Tianmu followed closely, and when He Tianmu died, Li Ji became a tree without roots.

"Well, although Li Wenda is a bit aggressive in his work, he is still quite smart. But, does the candidate for the captain of the first team get the nod from that one?" Wu Sibao asked.

"Fart! The action team has the final say. Even if Ding Mocun disagrees, he still agrees. It's all like this. How can we expect him to agree with our candidate? I don't have such a dream." Li Shiqun said.

"Come on, big brother, it's a fucking pleasure to work with you." Wu Sibao admired Li Shiqun's vigor, and he was in the same line as Wu Sibao's hooligan vigor in his bones.

"Remember, do some thunderbolt tricks to make a big noise." Li Shiqun's eyes flashed with a sinister light, and he finally ordered.

"It's fine for you, as long as I make a move, I will keep Shanghai Bund moving three times and shaking it three times!" Wu Sibao said boldly, gearing up his fists.

Li Shiqun nodded.

Seeing that he had nothing to say, Wu Sibao walked away shaking his arms.


The next day, Chen Ru, the current president of the Bank of Shanghai, was drinking Kung Fu tea in his spacious office.

Chen Ru is now more than 40 years old, fair-looking, full of bookishness, and looks elegant, just like his name.

Chen Ru is from Jiangshan, Zhejiang, and a fellow villager of Li Chunfeng.

As Li Shiqun said, Chen Ru was indeed Li Chunfeng's benefactor. Most of the funds for the Military Command Bureau, not only the Shanghai station, but almost the entire military command system were raised by Chen Ru.

At the same time, Bank of Shanghai also has personal shares of Li Chunfeng.

At this time, Chen Ru was enjoying the authentic Mingqian Longjing in his spare time.

Speaking of war-torn times, it was really not easy to taste the authentic Longjing tea from the Ming Dynasty.

It was Li Chunfeng who managed to get this, through the hands of several people in the "Green Gang" before it was delivered to Chen Ru.

Although there are not many teas, they are expensive in favor.

Chen Ru poured a cup of clear green tea soup into his mouth, closed his eyes, and savored the fragrance of the tea carefully.

A little bit bitter, but the aftertaste is sweet and stays for a long time.

“The tea is good!”

Chen Ru smacked his lips in satisfaction and said to himself.

"It's not good, President, there are a lot of Japanese soldiers and spies outside!"

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and the secretary Cai Dongyan rushed in anxiously. Before Chen Ru could ask, she pointed out with a wrinkled face and said.

"What? Japanese soldiers?"

Shocked, Chen Ru stood up suddenly and rushed out the door.

When I ran to the lobby on the first floor, I saw Japanese soldiers holding [-] caps surrounding the gate of the bank, and the lobby was full of men in black uniforms.

These people held short guns and pointed at the clerks in the counter. The clerks looked around in horror, not knowing what was going on.

Of course Chen Ru knew that the person wearing this kind of clothes was a spy from the Secret Service.

Chen Ru took a look and saw that the leader was a tall and burly middle-aged man.

He knew that this person was Wu Sibao, captain of the Operation Brigade of the Secret Service, and a student of the Youth Gang.

"Captain Wu, what do you mean?" Chen Ru rushed over to Wu Sibao and asked.

"President Chen, we have received information that Bank of Shanghai has secretly connected Chongqing, and someone Wu was ordered to seize it." Wu Sibao said.

"Captain Wu, you can't spout blood. I, Chen, conduct business according to the rules. I don't eat poisonous things, and I don't do illegal things. I've never been interested in political matters. How can I start my affair with Chongqing?" Chen Ru relied on his identity as a wealthy businessman. , and has a little friendship with Boss Du, the leader of the Youth Gang, so he is not afraid of Wu Sibao.

"Stop talking nonsense! The secret service department has already got your evidence, and you are still stubborn when you are about to die! Take it away!" Wu Sibao said cursingly.

"Captain Wu, if you have evidence, please show it. If you don't have evidence, how dare you do something stupid?! Are you not afraid that I will sue you to Boss Du?" Chen Ru was furious, pointing at Wu Sibao and yelling.

"Hehe, Chen Ru, Boss Du has already fled to Hong Kong. He can't quench his thirst far away, and can't save you."

When Wu Sibao said this, he turned his head and said to a dark-faced man beside him, "Wenda, President Chen said I dare not. Let him listen."

"Yes, Captain."

As Li Wenda said, he took out a pistol from his waist, and aimed at Cai Dongyan behind Chen Ru without saying a word.


Cai Dongyan was shot in the abdomen, screamed, and fell down with a bang.

"You, you, you..., how dare you kill people casually?!"

Chen Ru was horrified, looking at Cai Dongyan's corpse and questioning him forcefully.

"Hmph! I can't get used to these whores played by rich people." Li Wenda blew a puff of smoke from the muzzle of his gun and said contemptuously.

"Brothers, let President Chen listen to the sound!"

Li Wenda then waved his hand, and the spies shot at the unarmed bank staff at the counter!

"Bah ah!"


As soon as the gunshot rang out, blood spattered everywhere, and the screams echoed in the empty lobby.

Seeing his employees falling in a pool of blood one by one, Chen Ru couldn't help being filled with anger and fear, his eyes went dark, he couldn't stand anymore, he collapsed on the ground, and passed out.

"Seize the bank and account books, and if there is any resistance, the Fa will be executed on the spot!" Wu Sibao ordered coldly.

"Yes!" Li Wenda replied, and then led his subordinates to carry out Wu Sibao's order.


Wu Sibao led the first team of the Operation Brigade to bloodbath the Bank of Shanghai, killing and injuring 27 bank employees. The president Chen Ru and 68 employees were all arrested and 100,000 taels of gold were confiscated.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Shanghai Bund was in an uproar.

As Wu Sibao said, this news really shook Shanghai Tang three times, three times.

(End of this chapter)

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