Chapter 536
The plan proposed by Liu Ermeng is not feasible and the risk is too great.

First, Ye Jiqing has many guards, and when he gets off the car, he must be surrounded by guards.If she really called She Aizhen, there would be even more guards for the two of them, it would be difficult to get close, and they could only be shot from a distance.

But shooting with a pistol at a long distance, the pistol is inherently poor in accuracy, and it is difficult to guarantee a single shot in a crowded situation.

Of course, Liu Ermeng still has a sniper rifle in his hand. If there is a suitable location and escape route, it is best to use a sniper rifle.

The best place to snipe is the office building of Wanguo Transshipment Company. It is difficult for a stranger to enter the building empty-handed, let alone carry a sniper rifle?

Of course, if you know in advance when Ye Jiqing will go to Ankang Foreign Firm, and use the night to enter the building a day in advance to ambush, it is not difficult to do.

However, no one could have predicted this in advance.

Therefore, the possibility of sniping is extremely small.

Second, even if Liu Ermeng managed to get within a dozen meters of Ye Jiqing and hit Ye Jiqing, it would not be as easy for him to escape as he imagined.

In broad daylight, it is extremely dangerous to use one enemy against many people, and under the rule of the enemy, if there is any movement, the gendarmes will arrive, so how can there be a chance for him to escape into Chunjiangli and Changgengli calmly?
"Zhuge has only been cautious in his life, Lin Chuang has never taken risks."

Therefore, Lin Chuang would never adopt such a simple, direct and highly adventurous plan proposed by Liu Ermeng.

"Sir, what should we do?" Liu Ermeng asked.

"I've changed my mind, don't kill her, just scare her." Lin Chuang replied.

"Scared? Don't kill him?" Liu Ermeng asked in surprise.

"Hey, God has the virtue of loving life. I have a Buddha in my heart, and I am merciful. I can't bear to kill. Amitabha!" Lin Chuang said with a solemn face, singing the Buddha's name.

"Mister, do you believe in Buddhism?" Liu Ermeng asked stupidly.

"Puchi!" Yi Lianhua laughed, pointed at Liu Er and scolded fiercely, "Er Meng, you are so stupid! Mister is afraid that you will be in danger, so how can you believe in Buddhism?"

"Oh." Only then did Liu Ermeng understand, and he replied foolishly.

Xin said: "Yes, Mr. has killed so many people, and he never even blinked his eyes."

"Hehehe... Sir, if you want to scare people, I have an interesting method here." Li Honglin said with a smile.

"What way?" Lin Chuang asked.

"The method of repelling snakes." Li Honglin said.

"Brother, this method is too vicious, isn't it?" Yi Lianhua frowned when she heard Li Honglin's words.

"Tell me." Lin Chuang was very interested.

"Sir, Li's house is heavily guarded, people can't get in, but he can't guard against snakes. We can put snake lure pills on Ye Jiqing's quilt, and the snakes will come when they smell the fragrance. Think about it, when Ye Jiqing was sleeping, suddenly A few cold snakes drilled out of the bed, haha, what would that be like?" Li Honglin replied.

When he said this, there was a glint in his eyes.

"Fuck, Ye Jiqing can't be scared to death, but can be scared to death! This method is poisonous, but I like it!" Lin Chuang was also very interested in this method.

"Sir, the child in her belly..." Yi Lianhua couldn't bear it, and asked in a low voice.

"Lianhua, you don't understand. To practice thunderbolt means is like a bodhisattva. All the traitors in history will end badly. Li Shiqun will definitely die without a place to bury him in the future, and Ye Jiqing will be infamous forever. If they have a child, what will happen to this child in the world in the future? Live? Bearing the notoriety of being a traitor, he must be unhappy all his life. Is this fair to him? Therefore, it is better not to let him come into this world.

Besides, making Li Shiqun extinct is considered his punishment, and the other traitors must have scruples and dare not do too much evil. "Lin Chuang said.

Yi Lianhua, Li Honglin, and Liu Ermeng all nodded, approving Mr.'s "false theory".

"Hong Lin, according to what you said, you have to get the snake-attracting medicine first, and you have to get some snakes first, otherwise, what if the Li family doesn't have any snakes?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Don't worry about this, you can make snake-attracting medicine with coffee, pepper, egg white and flour. I'll get a few snakes to raise first, and when it's time to act, I promise that there will be no delay." Li Honglin said excitedly.

"That's fine. Hong Lin, you first get the snake medicine to catch the snake for later use. In addition, you and Er Meng are responsible for monitoring Ye Jiqing. If she goes to Ankang Foreign Firm, sneak into her house and release the medicine when her house is not well guarded. In addition, Er Meng is responsible for monitoring Ye Jiqing. Meng, I will draw a picture, and when Ye Jiqing goes to Ankang Foreign Firm, find a way to put it in Ye Jiqing's bag." Lin Chuang ordered.

"Yes." Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng replied at the same time.

Lin Chuang sat down, took a piece of ordinary white paper, and drew a cobra with its mouth wide open with a pencil.

After finishing the painting, he asked Liu Ermeng to write eight characters under the cobra: "Don't let Chen Ru go, disaster will come!"

This painting is very small, just the size of a palm. Lin Chuang folded the painting and handed it to Liu Ermeng, saying: "Make a disguise in advance, be careful not to reveal your flaws."

"Don't worry sir, nothing will happen." Liu Ermeng replied confidently.

Lin Chuang thought for a while, and then said: "Put it on Ye Jiqing or her maid, in her bag, or in her pocket, but absolutely not in a brocade box."

"Yes." Liu Ermeng replied.

Yi Lianhua said heartily: "That brocade box was originally given by Mr., so I didn't leave any flaws behind. You are so careful!"


A few days ago, under the instruction of his master, Li Shiqun charged Pan Shou with killing Ye Yaoxian, arrested him and put him in prison. At the same time, more than 20 of his cronies were arrested.

Since then, a situation in which Li Yunqing's family dominates the Shanghai Youth Gang has formed.

With Pan Shou taking the blame, Li Shiqun finally gained face.Therefore, he discussed with Ye Jiqing, cremated Ye Yaoxian's bones, and sent someone back to his hometown of Zhejiang for burial.

After sending away Ye Yaoxian's ashes, Ye Jiqing's sadness gradually faded away.

Early this morning, with the support of Yan'er, she was walking in the garden admiring the flowers, and suddenly remembered the brocade box that Lin Chuang had given her.

"To give gifts in this way, Lin Ming is very clever." Ye Jiqing thought, "It seems that the note has a deadline, so don't miss it."

Thinking of this, she told Yan'er: "Go, get the brocade box that Mr. Lin sent that day."

"Yes, ma'am." Yan'er responded.

Soon, Yan'er came back holding the box.

Ye Jiqing opened the box and took a look. There was a deadline, one month, and only a few days had passed, so there was still time.

However, it's extremely uncomfortable to be at home all day long, and I haven't been to Ankang foreign company for a long time, so I don't know what good diamond jewelry to add.

Thinking of diamonds, Ye Jiqing felt itchy.

"Let's go to Ankang Foreign Firm for a stroll. Just treat it as a relaxation. By the way, call Ah Zhen and ask her to accompany me."


(End of this chapter)

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