No trace of espionage

Chapter 579 Unlicensed Car

Chapter 579 Unlicensed Car

Song Wenlin explained the task clearly, and finally said: "Following and monitoring Lin Ming is a very confidential matter. No one in the department is competent, because he may know him, so I entrust this task to you. Remember, today's matter, except you The two of your subordinates must not spread it to the outside world, if there is any leak, you are the only one to ask."

"Yes, I'm taking orders from a lowly position." Du Chunwu took over the task first, and then asked, "Deputy Section Chief Song, do you want to stay in Shanghai for a long time?"

"When will I find out, and when will I let you go back to Wuxi." After finishing speaking, Song Wenlin took out 1000 yuan and a car key from the drawer, and threw them in front of Du Chunwu: "This is the fund for your activities in Shanghai. , you want to expand the Wuxi Station, Chief Tang will help you to complete it. In addition, this is a car key, and the car is left at the entrance of the Shepherd Boy Hotel. There is no license plate, so you use it first.”

Du Chunwu took the money and the key, and said confidently: "Please rest assured, sir, you are just a businessman, and the humble job will definitely complete the task."

"Well, the spirit is commendable, let's go." Song Wenlin nodded and said.

"Yes." Du Chunwu saluted, turned and left.

Song Wenlin sent Du Chunwu away, changed into casual clothes, and went out—he was going to see Xia Chan.

Xia Chan is a code name, and her real identity is a spy in Song Wenlin's hands, and she has always been in one-way contact with Song Wenlin.

No matter how big or small the ability is, the most important thing is that this person has never shown his face in the secret service department, so it is perfect for dealing with Lin Ming.

Learning a foreign language is not easy, but as long as you use it and speak it every day, and the person you talk to is a teacher who can correct your mistakes at any time, you will make rapid progress.

As long as Lin Chuang has time, he will meet with Shibuyagawa every day and talk in Japanese for a while, with the goal of mastering the foreign language of Japanese offline.

Of course, his purpose of coming to the Secret Service to meet Shibuya Chuan today was not pure, but also to see if Zhang Jinlu would send Duan Qiushui to the Central Hospital as he said last night.

Intelligence work must be careful and precise. If you don't pay attention to a detail, there may be unexpected consequences.Therefore, as an intelligence officer, you must send accurate information, not specious information, which may mislead others' actions.

Seeing Lin Chuang's arrival, Shibuya Chuan was naturally very happy, hurried out to greet him, put his hands on his knees, and bowed respectfully to Lin Chuang: "Lin Sang, good morning."

Lin Chuang bowed slightly to salute, and replied in Japanese: "Shibuya-kun, good morning."

In the eyes of everyone in the Secret Service Department, Lin Chuang's behavior seemed like he was being saluted by Shibuya Chuan. Lin Chuang was like his master, and Shibuya Chuan was like his slave.

In fact, Lin Chuang is just not used to the etiquette of the Japanese, it's not that he took the university.

"Please come in." Shibuya Chuan was very familiar with Lin Chuang, and he didn't care about his seemingly "rude" return, half bent down, and let Lin Chuang into the office.

A Japanese gendarme poured a cup of tea and brought it to Lin Chuang respectfully.

Lin Chuang tapped on the table with two fingers to express his gratitude, and the military police retreated.

"Shibuya-kun, I haven't seen Mr. Inuyang recently, I wonder if he's back?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No, I didn't see him either." Shibuyagawa replied.

"The branch factory is about to be built, and the Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center is also nearing completion. If he doesn't come back, some work will not be easy to carry out." Lin Chuang said.

"Lin Sang, don't worry, these two tasks are the most important things for the consultant, and he will definitely come back as soon as possible." Shibuya Chuan replied.

"Mr. Shibuya, I wonder how the sales network in Japan is doing?" Lin Chuang asked again.

Lin Chuang knows Shibuya Chuan's greedy nature, when he is with him, it is best to talk about money.

This topic interests him most.

"Lin Sang, as far as I know, Mr. Adviser has brought in many people, such as Chief Kagezuo and Commander of the Shanghai Dispatch Army, His Excellency Hata Shunroku. The big forces, I believe that Haoshou products will be transported back to Japan unimpeded, and it will definitely bring about a quick opening." Shibuya Chuan said happily.

"Has the commander of the Shanghai Dispatch Army changed? Has Mr. Matsui resigned?" Lin Chuang wondered.

"Yes, because of the incident in Nanjing, the United Kingdom and the United States strongly protested, but His Excellency Matsui and more than 80 generals under him were recalled to China. I heard that he will serve as a cabinet counselor." Shibuya Chuan said.

Lin Chuang knew this history.

In the original history, Matsui Iwane was recalled back to China in March this year, but now it is already June, a full three months late.

His successor turned out to be King Asaka Palace Hatohiko in history, followed by Hata Shunroku.

It is not known what caused the fate of these three people to change.

"What about Hong Kong? Can the line in Hong Kong be opened?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"I don't know, you have to ask the dog breeder consultant when he comes back." Shibuya Chuan said.

The two chatted while drinking tea, unknowingly talking for more than an hour.

Just when Lin Chuang had nothing to say, he found an ambulance driving into the secret service compound. Wang Hanzhang commanded several men to lift a stretcher from the car and carry it into the torture room.

Seeing this, Lin Chuang stopped hesitating and stood up to say goodbye: "Okay. Shibuya-san, let's stop talking today. I'm going to the construction site. If Mr. Inuyang comes back, please notify me as soon as possible. Goodbye."

"Okay, goodbye." Shibuya Chuan stood up and said goodbye.

Lin Chuang hurried outside, got into the car, and said to Li Honglin: "Da Ya, have you spotted this ambulance? Let's go to the branch factory right away. You can find an excuse to go to the hospital and wait. Look at the ambulance on the car. Where are the wounded placed? How is the security situation?"

"Yes." Li Honglin replied.

This time he didn't talk much.

Although he has doubts in his heart, but he has learned well, and it is right to follow Mr. Fan's arrangement, and don't ask too much.

"Go to the construction site of the branch factory." Lin Chuang ordered Ji Laoliu.


Ji Laoliu was very smart, he kicked the accelerator, and the car slid out quickly.

"Da Ya, put on your makeup so that no one will recognize you," Lin Chuang said.

There are all kinds of costume props in the trunk. For Li Honglin, changing his image is easy.

"Yes." Li Honglin replied.

"Boss, there is a car that always follows us." Ji Laoliu glanced at the rearview mirror and said to Lin Chuang.


Lin Chuang was startled, and when he looked back, he saw a black car without a license plate following far behind.

"Accelerate!" Lin Chuangming said.

Ji Laoliu stepped on the accelerator when he heard the order, and the speed of the car quickly picked up.

Lin Chuang saw that the car also accelerated to follow.

"slow down!"

Lin Chuang ordered again.

(End of this chapter)

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