Chapter 583
First checked the bathroom and under the bed, but found no one, so Lin Chuang put down the pistol.

After careful inspection, I finally found the thin line leading to room 316.Following the thin line to find the telephone, Lin Chuang understood that the telephone had been tampered with, and must have been bugged.

Lin Chuang turned his face, saw Yi Lianhua's worried face, and quickly said loudly: "Lianhua, help me take a bath, my body is sticky to death."

"Yes." Yi Lianhua replied.

Lin Chuangfu whispered in her ear, "There is a bug, you ask Lao Liu to check your room and theirs."

Yi Lianhua nodded.

"Sir, the soap is out, I'm going to get a piece of soap." Yi Lianhua said, and exited the room.

Lin Chuang sat on the chair, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, put it in his mouth, lit it with a match, and took a deep puff.

He generally does not smoke, but he always likes to order one when he encounters a difficult problem.

Because smoking allows him to concentrate and stimulate his cerebral cortex to become active.

Obviously, he was being watched.

Not only did he have a "tail", but the room he lived in was also bugged.

The person behind the scenes was probably Ding Mocun, and the one who aroused his suspicion was probably Fan Jun who denounced him because of his warning voice to Duan Qiushui.

All these possibilities, and only possibilities, are all my own inferences, and there is no evidence to support them.

But one thing is for sure, Ding Mocun is only suspicious and has no evidence. Moreover, he dare not tell himself clearly, as can be seen from the fact that he uses the spies from Wuxi.

There are two keys now, one is how to prove one's inference, and the other is how to break the situation.

Of course, I can't use the tricks of spies, and I can't break the original rules and go back to live in Tongfu. Isn't that self-reporting?
Of course, it's easy to break the game. Isn't Ding Mocun afraid that Li Shiqun, Wu Sibao and Zhang Jinlu will know?As long as I use a little trick, I can let these three people know that someone is watching me, and use their hands to break Ding Mocun's wishful thinking.

But, isn't that too cheap for Dingmo Village?
It would be best to break the game and at the same time attack Ding Mo village's strength, while still gaining the greatest benefit from it - killing three birds with one stone is the best strategy.

Then, what should we do?

Lin Chuang thought of another question.

There are two sides to everything. Sometimes what seems to be a bad thing is not necessarily a bad thing.

There is such a classic plot in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Cai Zhongcai and Caihe were ordered by Cao Cao to surrender to Soochow. Because they did not bring any family members, Zhou Yu saw through it at a glance.

But instead of exposing the two, he kept them in the army.

In the words of Zhuge Liang, this move is: "The two armies are at war, the great river is blocking information, and it is not easy to communicate in detail. The governor is just going to use his tricks."

It was also because of Cai Zhong, Caihe and Cao Cao's tip-off that Huang Gai's feint-surrender and Kan Ze's advice later made it possible for Zhou Yu to burn Chibi and defeat Cao's army.

That is to say, it doesn't matter if a spy informs the enemy, the key is what information you want him to provide.

If you ask him to provide false information, it will be to your advantage.

Another example is Zhang Jinlu's "sharp knife" Pan Hai, isn't he also playing the same role as Cai Zhong and Cai He?
Thinking of Pan Hai, Lin Chuangxin said: "I don't know if the bushes caught him? Now it seems that they still haven't caught him. One is that they are afraid of harming me, and the other is that the bushes have already fully grasped him and completely controlled him. He sends back fake news, not real news."

In ancient times there was Cai Zhong Caihe, and today there is the "sharp knife" Pan Hai. How similar is my current situation to them?Those three tails and the current bug will only work if they are not discovered by others. Now that the light and dark are changing positions, and you are taking the initiative, what is there to be afraid of?

Why can't I provide some false information to Ding Mocun or Li Shiqun?
Thinking of this, Lin Chuang's eyes lit up, as if he had found the path to "kill three birds with one stone".

But thinking about it further, it feels a little wrong.

I am different from Zhou Yu and Ma Yuchao. Their identities are clearly enemies, and although I am clearly not a fellow with Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun, they are definitely not enemies.

I can only talk about business or romance, not politics or the military.In this way, the way I want to induce Ding Mocun or Li Shiqun is narrowed.

No, don't worry, think about it carefully, make a decision before acting, and always come up with a clever plan to make Ding Mocun or Li Shiqun fall into a big trap.

Just as he was restless, the door rang, and Yi Lianhua came in.

"Sir, the soap is here, let's take a bath."

"Okay. Lianhua, how about we take a bath together?"

Lin Chuang said with a smirk.

"Okay, I'll rub your back." Seeing Lin Chuang's smirk, Yi Lianhua knew that he was using words to tease the eavesdroppers.

Will Mr.'s move have the same effect as the "three tails" exposed to the scorching sun?
Yi Lianhua closed the door, and the two took a bath together.

"Sir, it has been checked. Neither my room nor my senior brother's room has bugs." Yi Lianhua put her arms around Lin Chuang and whispered in his ear.

Lin Chuang said: "That's good. There will be confidential matters in the future. I can't talk about it in this room. Go to your room and talk about it."

"Well, that's natural." Yi Lianhua said.

After washing, the two flirted and flirted on the bed, and then turned upside down.

Yi Lianhua amplified her voice on purpose, and Lin Chuang was panting heavily, screaming again and again.

Gao Fei on the other end of the bug did not have any useful information, and all he heard was love talk between men and women and unpleasant voices.

This is a pain for Goofy.

Those voices formed a series of fragrant pictures in his mind, which made him unable to hold back, and his blood was racing... (Hundreds of words are omitted here).


Du Chunwu was sent to the hospital by Hu Guiping. After some treatment, he finally woke up leisurely.

"Little Hu, hurry up and call Deputy Section Chief Song to report." Du Chunwu ordered Hu Guiping as soon as he regained consciousness.

"Yes." Hu Guiping replied, and ran to the doctor's office.

He was about to faint from the heat, but while the doctor was treating Du Chunwu, he ran to the bathroom, turned on the tap, washed his face, and drank more than a dozen sips of cold water before he woke up.

"Report sir, I'm Hu Guiping, the subordinate of Wuxi station chief Du. Our station chief has heatstroke and is currently being treated at the central hospital. Our station chief asks you to come over immediately and report something urgent." Hu Guiping reported emphatically.

It was his own initiative to ask Deputy Section Chief Song to come over quickly.

He thought the stationmaster had fainted, isn't this a good time to show off his skills?

"Heatstroke? How could you have heatstroke?" Song Wenlin was shocked after hearing the news.

"It was too hot in the car, so I passed out." Hu Guiping said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." After Song Wenlin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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