No trace of espionage

Chapter 607 Provoke Lin Ming If You Are Not Afraid of Death

Chapter 607 Provoke Lin Ming If You Are Not Afraid of Death


Upon hearing this, Quan Yangjian frowned, and said to Lin Chuang: "Lin Sang, please take a step to speak."

After speaking, he stood up and walked outside.

"This is a private discussion, and you are blatantly looking down on Ding Mocun." Thinking about it, Lin Chuang stood up and followed closely.

When they came to another empty room, the two sat down.

"Lin Sang, is the line you're talking about a railway line?" Inuyang Ken asked.

"Yes. Your Excellency, paper products are different from health care products like Haoshou. They are afraid of moisture and humidity, and cannot be transported by water. Moreover, now that Jinpu Road has been opened, should Haoshou also enter Beiping, Tianjin, and Jinan? The city?" Lin Chuang replied.

"However, Lin Sang, in addition to passenger transport, the railway now mainly transports military supplies, and civilian supplies will not be able to get on the train in a short time." Quan Yangjian said.

"So, I have to ask your advisor for help." Lin Chuang said.

"The Battle of Songhu destroyed the Shanghai Station, and now only part of its operational functions have been restored, and now let alone the waiting building, the station employees work in very simple houses." Quan Yangjian's eyes shone brightly, looking Lin Chuang said.

I asked you to engage in wiring, and you complained to me, what does this mean?
Is this interesting?
"Your Excellency, after the completion of the paper product factory, the markets in Japan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia will still be handed over to you. With the existing network, I guess you won't have to spend too much effort, right?" Lin Chuang threw out the bait.

"Hahaha... It's a pleasure to deal with Mr. Lin! Okay, that's all. Now, Lin Sang, Xiaorishan Zhideng of the Manchurian Railway has come to Shanghai and is preparing to set up the Shanghai Railway Bureau to fully take over the operation of the Shanghai-Nanjing Line. Moreover, Manchurian Railway has also taken over Tianjin Railway Station, that is to say, the Jinpu Line is completely under our control, so you can do it boldly, and I will ship out as many products as you want, to ensure that there will be no delays. "Quan Yangjian laughed out loud.

Money can turn ghosts, and this Japanese ghost is no exception.

"Of course that's good. Your Excellency the advisor, can you introduce Mr. Xiao Rishan Zhideng?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No, no. Lin Sang, he is not even a dog in front of me, so there is no need to show him so much face. He is working in the Shanghai post right now. I will call him later, and you can come anytime. Ask him to contact Che Pi, if he dares to neglect, you just beat him up." Quan Yangjian said.

"Thank you so much." Lin Chuang laughed when he heard that.

He wants to get information on arms, so it's just right to go to Shanghai Post.


The next day, Ding Mocun returned to the secret service department and immediately instructed Wang Hanzhang to kill Fan Jun, and he would not let him go after his death, saying that he had neglected his duty and released the underground party secretly.

As for Gao Fei, he was directly dubbed a "red element" and executed secretly.

As for evidence, what kind of evidence do you want.

If the officials let you die, is there any evidence that it is different?
As soon as these two people died, and it was directly ordered by Ding Mocun, the secret service department immediately exploded.

No one is stupid, they all know that the death of these two people is because of Boss Lin.

Just because he offended Boss Lin, the boss had no choice but to sever his wrists and kill all his own people.

This is so fucking scary.

Many people ask themselves: "Is Lin Ming still human? Who will dare to mess with him in the future?"

When Tang Huiming and Song Wenlin heard the news, they were afraid for a while.

"Wenlin, are you still wronged?" Tang Huiming asked Song Wenlin.

"Section Chief, now it seems that I was lucky to be slapped by Team Wu at that time." Song Wenlin said blankly.

is not that right?If it hadn't been for that idiot Du Chunwu who exposed Xingzang and procrastinated until today, what would happen to him, Song Wenlin?
Gao Fei is Fu Yewen's man, he is a confidant, he was killed, can Song Wenlin survive?

"Yes, I chose a life. Wen Lin, remember, don't mess with people surnamed Lin in the future, and you must be respectful to Zhang Jinlu, don't be negligent, understand?" Tang Huiming said.

"Understood." Song Wenlin said.

After Fu Yewen heard about Gao Fei, he approached Ding Mocun immediately and asked, "Director, Gao Fei was sent by the humble officer, and the inferior officer is also carrying out your secret order, so kill him just as you say?"

"Yewen, Chongguangtang's order, do I dare to disobey it? Besides, Gao Fei is a red element, and Chongguangtang has been watching him for a long time. How can you protect such a person? It's not bad if you don't get hurt this time." It's gone." Ding Mocun opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

This is Ding Mo Village. If it were someone else, Fu Yewen would definitely slap him with a big mouth without saying a word.

Goofy is a red element?It's just bullshit.

"Director, why did you hear the outsiders say that Gao Fei lost his life because he got into trouble with someone surnamed Lin? Besides, he has been with you for many years, so why don't you know who he is? Director, you treat him like this Dear subordinates, aren't you afraid of everyone's disappointment?" Although Fu Yewen didn't dare to hit Ding Mo Village, he still dared to say a few words.

Also, as a leader, you can hit and scold your subordinates, but there is one thing you must do: protect your weaknesses.

When outsiders bully their subordinates, the officials must act as soon as possible. Even if the subordinates are wrong, the punishment must be done by themselves, and no outsiders can intervene.

Otherwise, people will lose all their hearts, and no one will follow you, and no one dares to follow you.

"Yewen, what nonsense are you talking about? You don't know who I am? How could I do such a thing? Gao Fei is indeed a red element, there is no doubt about it, don't listen to other people talking nonsense!" Ding Mocun gritted his teeth and said.

Fu Yewen's face was full of anger. Although he was not convinced, he did not refute.

However, his chest heaved and heaved, obviously very angry.

"Okay, Gao Fei is your subordinate after all, you go to the accountant to pay 300 yuan to his family, and it will be treated as a death in battle." Ding Mocun said.

"……All right."

After a long while, Fu Yewen let out a breath, turned and left.

Things have come to this, what else?

When the news reached Li Shiqun's ears, Li Shiqun was both surprised and delighted.

The joy is that Ding Mocun cut his tail to survive, and his prestige in the Secret Service will be greatly reduced, and his right to speak will be further increased.

Surprisingly, Lin Ming is already unshakable—unless there is conclusive evidence to prove that he is the enemy.

However, he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that Lin Ming was a lucky star for him.

Since getting acquainted with Lin Ming, Ding Mocun's confidant generals have lost one after another. The deaths of Lin Zhijiang and He Tianmu were all because of Lin Ming. Although Fan Jun and Gao Fei were not high-ranking, they were ordered to be killed by Ding Mocun himself. It hurts prestige the most, and the damage it causes is much stronger than the deaths of Lin and He.

Some people like it, some people fear it, some people hate it, but there is one thing that the Secret Service Department has reached a consensus on: "Anyone who thinks they live too long, then go and provoke Lin Ming!"

(End of this chapter)

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