Chapter 644
"Don't be noisy, I have a solution, just change the outfit a little bit."

Lin Chuang stopped the quarrel between the three, and said to Yi Lianhua: "Lianhua, let's take off our military uniforms, you will pretend to be a Japanese lady from Shanghai, and I will be a follower, one of them is driving and the other is a guard. The soldier's clothes are reasonable."

"Okay." Yi Lianhua replied.

"That's a good idea. I'm sorry that the dogs at the door wouldn't dare to stop them." Li Honglin nodded in agreement.

Lin Chuang and Yi Lianhua didn't have to work very hard to modify, the only difficulty was the clothes.Yi Lianhua used to pretend to be a child from a poor family, so of course her clothes were not good, and she was not worthy of her status as a noble lady.

And Matsuoka Yoyou, played by Lin Chuang, is also a member of the lower class in Japan, and his attire is not much better.

However, Lin Chuang had already asked Liu Ermeng to bring over the clothes they usually wear—of course, the consideration at that time was not for going to the city, but to wear when they were going back to Shanghai.

Unexpectedly, it will come in handy now.

Liu Ermeng drove the car to a small forest one mile away from the city gate, took out a box from the trunk and handed it to Yi Lianhua, and he and Li Honglin got out of the car to watch the wind, leaving the car to Lin Chuang and Yi Lianhua , to make it easier for them to change clothes.

After 10 minutes, the car drove the luxuriously dressed Yi Lianhua to the city gate.

The gates of the city have been opened, and the people are entering the city one after another.

Lin Chuang saw that all the people entering the city were required to show their IDs. In addition, everyone had to be searched. The male police searched for men, and the female police searched for women. Secret agents watched from the sidelines.

"Oh, it turns out that the puppet government set up female police officers for the convenience of body searches." Lin Chuang suddenly realized.

"Ah bah! What a fake!" Lin Chuang cursed after trying to understand this verse.

Before the fall of Nanjing, Suzhou, a wealthy city, had already been ravaged by the Japanese army like a beast.

Two thousand nationalists who had no time to escape were captured and then all killed;

100 naked women were locked up in a large courtyard for Japanese soldiers to have sex with, and more than [-] of them chose to commit suicide because of the humiliation, and another [-] women were later shot and killed by Japanese machine guns;
According to statistics, only between October and December in the 28th year of the Republic of China, the Japanese army raped more than 10 women in Suzhou, including Changshu and Wuxian under its jurisdiction!
The crime is too numerous to describe.

Now let policewomen search women's bodies, isn't this pretending to be gentle?Want to pretend to be nice?

Lin Chuang looked at the gate of the city coldly. The Japanese devils on the gate tower were certainly hateful, but the police and plainclothes spies who were in charge of checking the passing people at the gate were even more hateful, sad and pitiful.

You can't ask everyone to take the road of resistance under the atrocities of the Japanese. Even you can be the lackey of the Japanese, a policeman or something, which is understandable.

But as a Chinese, it is very hateful to bully your compatriots and take pleasure in it.

No, what happened in front of him almost made Lin Chuang's lungs explode.

A young woman, holding a six or seven-year-old girl in her left arm and a flowered leather bundle in her right hand, is being examined by a policewoman.

The male policeman took her bag, spread it on the ground, and checked the items in it one by one.

Maybe seeing how pretty she was, the plainclothes agent stepped forward, looked at her bulging chest and asked, "What's hiding in your arms?"

"What's there? Nothing." The woman replied.

"No? What is this?" The spy stepped forward and touched it through the clothes.

"Ah..." The young woman screamed and turned around.

"Hahaha..., you said nothing, you're not young, come on, I'll search again." The plainclothes spy stepped forward, put his left arm around the young woman, and put his right hand into his bosom.

The young woman trembled all over, but did not dare to resist.

The little girl cried out in fright.

And the male policeman and female policeman didn't stop, they just laughed aside.

The man laughed, and the woman laughed too.

The devils standing guard on the city tower were also holding big guns and laughing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chuang was really angry and hated!

"Er Meng, honk the horn and drive over!" Lin Chuang said angrily.

He hoped that the spy would come to investigate, firstly, he could save the young woman from distress, and secondly, he could take the opportunity to show his power and vent his anger.

Originally, cars were queuing up at the back, but upon hearing Lin Chuang's order, Liu Er honked his horn and rushed forward without hesitation.

If the spy was smart enough to see that the driver was a Japanese soldier, he would not have come to question him.

However, that guy didn't know whether it was because the rank of the Japanese soldier sitting in the front row was too low, or he didn't see it. Anyway, he heard the horn and saw someone breaking into the city, so he let go of the young woman and stopped in front of the car.

"Taijun, can you show me your ID?"

When Liu Er slammed down the glass, the spy froze for a moment, and asked with a flattering smile.

Just waiting for you to ask, ignorant stuff.

Lin Chuang pushed the door and got out of the car, and walked up to the spy with a livid face. Without saying a word, he grabbed his neck with his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and slapped him hard.

"Clap clap clap!"

After being slapped four times in a row, the spy's mouth and nose were bleeding.

As soon as they saw anyone coming up, they would fight. The police and the devils on the top of the city all picked up their guns, pulled the breech of the gun with a "crash", and pointed it at Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang didn't panic at all, kicked the spy in the crotch, and cursed in Japanese.

"Baga! 目が见えなくなりました. The certificate is necessary desuka? Laozi's face is the certificate desu."

After uttering this sentence in Japanese, the tense atmosphere was instantly resolved.

The male and female policemen put down their guns and retreated back with apologetic smiles on their faces, while the two devils on the top of the city also put away their guns.

The spy clutched his egg and squatted on the ground in pain.

The Japanese sentence that Lin Chuang said is "Blind your dog eyes! Need a certificate? My face is the certificate!"

This sentence is still learned from some ignorant bullies in later generations, and it is very suitable to be used here.

It's just that people use these words to bully ordinary people, but Lin Chuang uses these words to bully spies who pretend to be powerful.

Lin Chuang returned to the car, took out two packs of cigarettes, threw them on the top of the wall, and said in Japanese: "You two have worked hard! We came from Shanghai and accompanied my wife to Hanshan Temple to read the inscriptions."

Two Japanese soldiers caught the cigarettes without asking what kind of lady it was. Anyway, there were many Japanese people who went to Hanshan Temple to read the inscriptions during this time, not to mention that the people who came here spoke authentic Japanese with a Hokkaido accent. Not fake.

The two Japanese soldiers even stood at attention: "Thank you sir!"

Lin Chuang waved his hand in return, and returned to the car.

Liu Ermeng stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed into the city gate.

How dare the police and secret agents guarding the city stop?They all avoided it.

"Hey, sir, it's really enjoyable! For this kind of person, you should beat him to the ground!" Li Honglin said excitedly after successfully entering the city.

"Hey! What's there to be happy about? I'm taking advantage of the Japanese. It's basically the same as that spy bullying the people. If the country is not strong, the people will not be able to straighten their backs, and they will have to be bullied." There was no excitement on Chuang's face, instead he was worried and dispirited.


(End of this chapter)

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