No trace of espionage

Chapter 650 Pretending to be a Garlic Police Station

Chapter 650 Pretending to be a Garlic Police Station
Compared with the alleys and alleys in Nanjing and Shanghai, Lanyue Lane is not deep.

There are dozens of households in the alleys of Nanjing and Shanghai, but there are only a dozen households in Lanyue Lane.

Short and delicate.

It perfectly matches the overall temperament of Suzhou.

There were three or four suspicious people at the north exit of Baihua Lane. Although they were wearing various clothes, some were picking baskets, and some were squatting on the ground and playing chess, Lin Chuang knew that these people were definitely not ordinary people.

Because they will take a special look at everyone who comes out of the alley.

But the strange thing is that Zhang Shouzheng was still not seen.Moreover, there are no buildings nearby that are convenient for monitoring, so the possibility that Zhang Shouzheng is hiding elsewhere and commanding secretly can be ruled out.

Lin Chuang believed that Zhang Shouzheng must know Lu Ze.

The deputy director of the Intelligence Department of the Military Statistics Bureau, how big is this person?If he was caught, how much credit would it be?Even if you want to take a long line to catch big fish and wait for tomorrow to catch Lu Ze and the people who connected with him in one go, shouldn't Zhang Shouzheng be the host at the scene?
Where did he run off to?
Such dereliction of duty, if one's subordinates, will definitely be severely punished!

However, his absence is a good thing for him.

Obviously, Lu Ze is hiding in Baihua Lane. Whether it is a rented house or the aborigines in this lane has long been known by military spies, but he can't escape now. He is waiting for his own rescue. This is for sure .

The first thing to do, then, is to find out in which courtyard he is hiding.

Of course, it's a bit difficult now, because it's sunny and it's hard to hide.

At night, with the cover of darkness, Liu Ermeng can walk through these bungalows and small courtyards at will.

What should I do?
It was impossible to knock on the door one by one. Letting Liu Ermeng enter from Lanyue Lane could hide from the eyes of the spies, but if the residents mistakenly thought that a thief had entered and shouted, the spies would also be attracted.

Lin Chuang scratched his scalp a few times, and suddenly came up with an idea: "House leases and personnel information of each household, including who has relatives who come to live temporarily, are recorded by the police station. Why don't I go to the police station to check? Even Lu Ze or the possible military agents deliberately concealed the renting information, and they will definitely find useful clues. Besides, the police station is subordinate to the puppet government, and they are all Chinese. If they pretend to be Japanese, they will definitely open the door to convenience. Yes, do that."

With an idea, Lin Chuang stopped a passerby without hesitation, and asked, "Excuse me, how can I get to the police station in this area?"

The man looked at Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng, and replied: "Go east for more than a mile, and the north of the road is the Wuzhong Police Station. There is a sign at the door, so it's easy to find."

"Oh, thank you."

Lin Chuang thanked him and took Liu Ermeng to the east.

Following the man's instructions, he quickly found the police station.

There was a vertical sign with black characters on a white background hanging at the door, which read: "Wu County Police Station Wuzhong Police Station".

There were two policemen standing guard at the gate.

The two policemen were wearing blue uniforms with long guns slung across their backs.What makes people feel uncomfortable is that they all wear round white hats.

It is not accurate to say that the white hat is accurate. To be precise, it should be the color of wheat or bamboo. Anyway, I don’t know what material it is made of. It is the same hat that people who come back from Nanyang often wear.

This kind of hat is different from a steel helmet that can block bullets, and it is also different from a straw hat that is light to cover the sun, which looks thick and clumsy.In Lin Chuang's view, the only advantage of wearing this kind of hat is that it is very easy to identify - it looks like a policeman.

"Stop, what are you doing?" A policeman blocked the way of Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng.

"Dung を 食べましたか? What's crazy?" Lin Chuang said a sentence in Japanese coldly and arrogantly.

Seeing the arrogance on the policeman's face, he didn't pay attention to the "workers" at all, so he cursed in Japanese: "Have you eaten shit? What are you crazy about?"

He couldn't understand it anyway.

It doesn't matter if you understand it.

The Japanese are now the masters of Suzhou. These nasty policemen are all sycophants who are good at oppressing their compatriots. Seeing the Japanese is like seeing their ancestors.

Sure enough, when the policeman heard that it was in Japanese, he was confused at first, and then his face seemed to have the function of "changing faces", and he immediately changed into a smile: "So it's Taijun. Taijun, what did you say?"

"I asked you have you eaten?" Lin Chuang said coldly.

The policeman was stunned for a moment, feeling that the style of painting had changed too quickly, and thought, "Can you speak Chinese? Then why are you pretending to be a big head? Little Japan is really disgusting!"

"Oh, eat, eat, thank you Taijun. Does Taijun need any help?"

Thinking about it, he didn't dare to show dissatisfaction, but nodded and bowed, looking quite flattered.

"What the hell, I asked you if you ate shit, and you said you ate it, and you still have to thank me, how cheap!" Lin Chuang said in his heart.

"I want to rent a house, come here to see where there are vacancies." Lin Chuang replied.

"Okay, okay, renting a house is good. Taijun, I will take you there in person." The policeman was very enthusiastic and graciously led Lin Chuang to an office.

There is a sign on the door of the office: "Household Registration Unit".

There are three people in the office, drinking tea and spanking.

"Chief Su, this majesty wants to rent a house, come here to find out where there are vacant houses." The policeman said to one of them.

"Oh oh... Majesty, please take a seat." The Su section chief hurriedly stood up when he heard that he was Japanese.

Because I got up in a hurry, my clothes pocket hung on the armrest of the chair, and with a "stab", I hung the pocket through a hole.

"Are you so scared when you see the Japanese? It's not elegant at all." Lin Chuang complained secretly, and Shi Shiran sat on the chief official's seat.

He played the image of the superior Japanese very well.

Chief Su made a cup of tea himself and put it in front of Lin Chuang.

The other two clerks did not dare to take their seats, but stood respectfully behind their desks.

"Taijun, may I ask, where do you want to rent a house?" Chief Su asked.

"My name is Shibuya Chuan, I'm from Shanghai, and I'm in the shipping business. I want to see if there are any vacant houses for rent near Lanyue Lane or Baihua Lane." Lin Chuang said.

"Lanyue Lane? Majesty, don't blame me for talking too much, why didn't you choose Cailianjing? The people living in Lanyue Lane and Baihua Lane are rotten people. The Majesty has a noble status, how can he live there?" Su Gu The long speech is completely in a tone of consideration for Shibuya Taijun, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Made, if you treat the public like this, why would the public scold you?" Lin Chuang secretly said.

"No, no, it's not for me, but for him. He is my Chinese friend, and he will be in charge of Suzhou's business in the future." Lin Chuang pointed to Liu Ermeng and replied.

Liu Er nodded arrogantly at Section Chief Su.

"As for me," Lin Chuang curled his lips: "Let's not talk about Lanyue Lane, even Suzhou will not live permanently. This time I came here mainly because the business is new and there are too many chores. As long as the arrangements are made, I will never live here again. The meeting is coming. Although Suzhou is good, it is still incomparable with Shanghai. If you don’t talk about anything else, just talk about women. In the whole of Suzhou, I haven’t seen a decent beauty. Tch!”

Very disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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