Chapter 681 Strong Enemy
The next day, Lin Chuang went out in person to bring Zhang Shouzheng back from Suzhou.

Along the way, Zhang Shouzheng kept sighing: I didn't expect Lin Chuang to be so powerful now. It's like playing for people from the Japanese.

Now it seems that taking refuge in the benefactor is the right move.

"Old Zhang..."

Liu Ermeng drove, Li Honglin sat in the co-driver, Lin Chuang and Zhang Shouzheng sat in the back row.

Because of the gunshot wound, Zhang Shouzheng was lying crookedly. When Lin Chuang called Lao Zhang, he quickly sat upright: "Sir, please don't call me Lao Zhang anymore. I can't afford it. Call me Xiao Zhang." , or call me by my name."

Xiao Zhang?This Nima can also figure it out?
"Well, well then, I'll tell you to keep upright." Lin Chuang said.

"This is the best." Zhang Shouzheng replied.

"I now have two factories producing Haoshou health care products, and a Sino-Japanese cultural exchange center will be completed soon, and I plan to open another paper product factory.

The meaning of telling you this is that I hope you will come out to help me after you recover from your injuries.For the four units just mentioned, you can go wherever you want, you can choose. "Lin Chuang said.

"Sir, you have already saved my life twice. From now on, my life will belong to Mr. You can treat me as your servant and servant. I will listen to Mr. where to go and what to do." Zhang Shouzheng thought. No, I answered immediately.

Lin Chuang nodded.

Of course he understood what Zhang Shouzheng meant by servant, and secretly praised this man for being grateful and smart.

Living in troubled times, being able to rely on his own big tree is of great benefit to Zhang Shouzheng.

Not to mention having no worries about food and clothing in this life, I can also help him fulfill his greatest thoughts.

Such a good thing cannot be done by non-smart people.

"Okay, you recover from your injury first, and discuss it with Yiping, if you have any ideas, just tell me, if not, then I will arrange it." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Shouzheng nodded repeatedly.


What Lin Chuang was most worried about finally happened.

When Lin Chuang went to Suzhou, Yunzi Nakano also came to Shanghai.

When she walked into Kagezuo Renxiong's office in military uniform, consultant Quan Yangjian, deputy section chief Koji Baba, and Fairy Shigong were all waiting for her.

Kagezuo Renxiong sat behind the desk, and another chair was placed on the right side of the desk, and Inuyang Ken sat there, while Baba Koji and Shi Gongxianzi stood respectfully on both sides.

From this scene, we can see the status of Quan Yangjian.

"Report, Yunko Nakano, Lieutenant Intelligence Officer of the Special Advanced Division of the Army Staff Headquarters, is here to report!"

With both feet together, Nakano Yunzi raised her head and said loudly.

Although she was wearing a military uniform, she couldn't hide the seductiveness of her body no matter what.

The old lecherous dog Yangjian looked up and down, couldn't help but nodded secretly, and said in his heart: "It's really a natural beauty, no wonder it can escape calmly, let alone a few soldiers, even a god, I'm afraid it's hard to resist her charm. A few days ago Day even boasted to Lin Sang, saying that he would find him a beautiful woman who is the best in Japan, come on, this time I have it. Faced with such a beauty, Lin Sang will definitely be satisfied. As long as he is satisfied, then he can become my salary Money machine. Hehe..."

Thinking of his pride, Quan Yangjian almost laughed out loud.

As for whether Nakano Yunzi will accept his arrangement, Quan Yangjian is not worried at all.

A compulsory course for Japanese female agents is to use their bodies as weapons to get men into bed.

Therefore, going to bed with a man is like a routine for Yunzi Nakano, and there will be no resistance.

What's more, Lin Mingming is rich, handsome and unrestrained, and he is the "Tang monk flesh" in the eyes of many women.

"Nakano Nakazu, you have worked hard all the way."

Hitoo Kagesa nodded and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern."

Nakano Yunzi said loudly.

"Nakano Nakasa, let me introduce you. This is His Excellency Inuyang Ken, this is Baba Koji, and this is Shigong Xianzi." Kagezuo Hitoo pointed to Inuyang, Baba Koji, and Shigong. Fairy, introduced to Yunzi Nakano respectively.

Yunzi Nakano knew all the important figures in the Yingzuo organization, so he naturally knew that these were the backbone of the Chongguangtang, and that his important colleagues in the future would greet each other immediately.

"Lieutenant Nakano, the current momentum of our army on various battlefields is very good. Shanghai, as the rear area and general logistics base of the dispatched army in Central China, has gradually stabilized. This is the emperor's estimate and the empire's fortune.

Some time ago, Mr. Inuyang went to Chongqing secretly and had contact with some government officials.The results of this trip are very good. Some political figures who have been suppressed and depressed, including President Wang and Zhu Daoshan, can all look forward to it.If these two can turn from the dark to the bright, then our Greater Asia cause has taken another crucial step.

However, what does not match it is that we have missed a lot in intelligence warfare.Let’s not talk about it, let’s just say that recently, a military column was robbed first, and then Qian Chongwen was killed. These two cases are a great shame to our spy agency.In particular, the murder of Qian Chongwen seriously affected our policy of using China to govern China.In this regard, our shadow assistant agency bears an unshirkable responsibility.

In the past, we relied too much on the Secret Service in terms of intelligence warfare. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun were considered extremely capable people, and they were also loyal to us. Not only did they get little, but their families were frequently threatened or assassinated.Looking at it now, they are not capable enough to deal with the military commander.

Nakano, you are my report to the base camp. The purpose is to use your rich experience in intelligence warfare to dig out the 'Cobra' and eliminate the biggest hidden danger! " Kagezuo Renxiong said seriously.

"Hi Yi!"

Nakano Yunzi replied loudly.

"Okay, apart from me and Mr. Quanyang, you have the right to dispatch all the members of Chongguangtang. In addition, let Shao Zuo Shi Gong cooperate with you so that you can get familiar with the situation as soon as possible and get started as soon as possible.

I hope you will start working immediately, starting with the robbery of the military column and the murder of Qian Chongwen, and start the investigation. " Yingzuo Renxiong said.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"

Both Yunzi Zhongye and Fairy Shigong responded.

"Are there any other questions?" Hitoshi Kageza asked.

"Your Majesty, before I came to Shanghai, I studied these two cases according to the internal report. The beneficiary of the robbery of the military ranks was the underground party, and it was obviously the work of the underground party; the murder of Qian Chongwen happened in Suzhou. These two cases The case probably has little to do with 'Cobra', right?" asked Nakano Yunzi.

When Kagezuo Renxiong heard that there seemed to be doubts in Yunzi Nakano's words, he felt displeased, no matter whether she was sent by the base camp or not, he sternly said, "Baga! Are you questioning me?"

"Don't dare to be humble!" Yunzi Nakano quickly lowered his head.

"'Cobra' always acts unexpectedly. These two cases seem to have nothing to do with him, but I feel that there must be his hand in this. If you play your cards with common sense, you will not be his opponent. You must cheer up Come on, only by breaking the conventional thinking can we win the battle, do you understand?" Kagezuo Renxiong reprimanded.

"Hi Yi!"


(End of this chapter)

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