No trace of espionage

Chapter 716? Stupid

Chapter 716
However, until he came back from the toilet, even though he was out of Kamenashi Jiro's sight for a long time, Lu Chaosheng didn't say anything.

In other words, Lu Chaosheng definitely has no news to pass on to him.

There is no news, but it is actually news.

This shows that the fact that he was assassinated must be a big secret, and this secret, Lu Chaosheng's level is too low and has no right to hear about it.

What secret did Lu Chaosheng have no right to hear?

Lin Chuang is extremely clever, and when he thinks about it carefully, he immediately feels chills all over his body!

Agents are actually actors.

In the play, even the emotions of actors belong to the characters.

Lin Chuang is undoubtedly a good actor, and he can be called an "old actor". When he returned to the room, he had adjusted his emotions and entered the role.


Lin Chuang kept flirting with Yunzi Nakano, and made Yunzi Nakano anxious, so he had to lie down on the bed to rest.

The operation efficiency of the Secret Service and the police station was very low. It was not until the afternoon that Chen Amao came to report the progress.

"Report sir, we have found traces of the killer." Chen Amao said proudly.


Lin Chuang didn't talk nonsense, and gave a brief instruction.

"Yes. After our investigation, after the killer came out of the market, he hired two rickshaws and got off at the entrance of Lane 11 in Tao Lechun. We found the two drivers and showed them their photos, which have been confirmed. "Chen Amao said.

"The workers hire foreign cars, and the military commander is rich enough." Lin Chuang smiled sarcastically, and then said: "Well, such a show has left us with clues, otherwise, it would be really difficult for us to investigate."

"Mr. Guili, please notify Xiong Xingshun immediately and ask him to focus on Tao Lechun Lane 11." Lin Chuang ordered immediately.

"Hi Yi!" Kamenashi Jiro behaved himself this time, he ignored Nakano Yunko's expression and responded directly.

With this information, Xiong Xingshun's investigation work obviously accelerated.

An hour later, Xiong Xingshun sent a message: The killer's residence has been found.


Without saying a word, Lin Chuang got up and walked out.

Nakano Yunzi quickly followed.


At the entrance of Tao Lechun 11 alley, Xiong Xingshun was waiting there, followed by a middle-aged policeman.

Seeing Lin Chuang and Nakano Yunzi, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Mr. Lin, Majesty."

"Take us there." Lin Chuang kept walking, walking into the alley while talking.

Xiong Xingshun hurried to the front to lead the way.

On the 26th, Xiong Xingshun stopped: "Mr. Lin, this is here."

Lin Chuang took a look, and saw that the yard was full of policemen and plainclothes at the door, and then told Xiong Xingshun: "People who have nothing to do with it, leave the yard and wait for orders."


Xiong Xingshun complied, and with a wave of his hand, all the policemen and plainclothes in the yard withdrew.

Only then did Lin Chuang, Nakano Yunzi and his party enter the yard.

This courtyard is different from Shikumen and small two-story buildings in the French Concession. It is a small one-story courtyard with two main rooms, a side room on the left and a side room, and a simple toilet in the southeast corner.

"Mr. Lin, please look here."

Xiong Xingshun pointed to the east corner of the yard and said to Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang saw that chicken feathers were piled up in the corner, and there were bloodstains on the ground, obviously chickens were killed here.

Lin Chuang walked over to have a look: "Old Xiong, how can you be sure that this is the residence of the killer?"

Xiong Xingshun was taken aback: "So many chickens...."

"Killing a lot of chickens may not be the person we are looking for. The evidence and reasons are not sufficient. As an agent, you must have solid evidence."

Lin Chuang walked over while talking, rummaged through the pile of chicken feathers for a while, and found some pieces of hemp rope: "Go, let the chicken seller identify it, is it his hemp rope?"

"Yes." Xiong Xingshun understood as soon as he heard it. If he is sure that the hemp rope is the chicken man, then he can be sure that the chicken must be bought from him.

Xiong Xingshun secretly admired: "Mr. Lin is so old, how can he be a businessman? He is more professional than us professional agents."

He took the hemp rope, called one of his subordinates, and asked him to go to the vegetable market to check immediately.

Seeing Lin Chuang being so cautious and meticulous, Yunzi Nakano nodded involuntarily.

"What's the situation with the residents?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Mr. Lin, this is Lai Changqing, the director of the Liuma Road Police Station. Let him tell. He is familiar with the situation." Xiong Xingshun pointed to the middle-aged policeman behind him and said.

"Hello, Director Lai." Lin Chuang looked at Lai Changqing.

Lai Changqing is of medium build, about 40 years old, chubby, with a dark face, giving people a very dignified impression.

Lai Changqing came out from behind Xiong Xingshun, straightened his back, saluted first, and then reported: "Report sir, the owner of this house is Li Yuewu, from Songjiang, and he fled to Hong Kong before the Battle of Songhu. Now he lives in two There are two renters, whose names are registered in the police station, one is Jiang Hua and the other is Zhang Jun, both workers of Xinxin Hardware Factory."

A worker at Xinxin Hardware Factory?Now the identity is right.

Lin Chuang nodded, and then asked, "When did you rent the house?"

"March of the 25th year of the Republic of China." Lai Changqing replied.

This was before the Battle of Songhu.

This can also be matched.

When Zhao Zihuan was in charge of the Shanghai Naval Control Station, Wang Xiaolou's action team was seriously damaged, but Zhou Keping's intelligence department was not damaged at all, and these intelligence officers of his were all old departments, not new additions.

Lin Chuang nodded, didn't speak any more, looked in the yard, and then entered the east room.

Yunzi Nakano, Jiro Kamenashi, Lu Chaosheng, Xiong Xingshun and Lai Changqing followed in.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, except for a bed, a black-painted table and some necessary living utensils, there are only a few unwashed clothes, and there is nothing superfluous.

The room was in a mess, with thermos bottles, Mazzar and an earthen pot lying on the ground in disorder, the bedding on the bed was also messed up, and the bed mat was turned over.

Such a chaotic scene is not so much looking for evidence, as it is rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find money, which shows how unprofessional the agents brought by Xiong Xingshun and how greedy the police officers at the police station are.

Lin Chuang frowned and said nothing.

Xiong Xingshun is Wu Sibao's confidant, in front of Nakano Yunzi, Lin Chuang should save him some face.

If it was Wanlilang, although Lin Chuang would not bear him, it is still possible to give him some eye drops in front of Yunzi Nakano.

Lin Chuang took a glance and saw a movie pictorial posted on the wall beside the bed. The characters on the pictorial were in color, and the sexy female star Li Yunshang was printed on the pictorial.

Single youths often make some beauties and post them on the bedside to masturbate.

It is not surprising that this painting is also in line with the characteristics of Jiang Hua or Zhang Jun's young people.

But as secret agents, the posting of this picture shows the imprudence of the two.

Li Yunshang is a popular movie star, and her movies are often shown in theaters.

If the enemy discovers this hobby, it is very likely to be used.

Looking at the table again, Lin Chuang's face changed slightly when he saw a bunch of things, and he thought: "How could there be these things? Did this expose Zhou Keping? Jiang Hua and Zhang Jun are really stupid, why? So careless?"

(End of this chapter)

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