Chapter 755
"Where is it?" Lin Chuang stood up suddenly.

"Rongshengli." Tanaka Yin said conciliatively.

"Let's go." Lin Chuang walked away.

Nakano Yunzi and Tanaka Yinhe followed closely.

"Don't forget to drink water!"

She Aizhen chased after her, and pointed at Lin Chuang's back.

"Hey, my sister is really troublesome."

Yunzi Nakano got into Lin Chuang's car, Lin Chuang pinched his temples with his hands, and muttered something.

"It can be seen that she is really kind to you. Mr. Lin, please be content. It is your blessing to have someone who loves you." Nakano Yunzi said.

"Yeah." Lin Chuang nodded.

"Mr. Lin, I really hope you can cheer up as soon as possible. Your wife died unfortunately, but there are still so many people who care about you. Even for them, you have to cheer up as soon as possible." Nakano Yunzi persuaded again.

"Miss Yunzi, thank you, I will." Lin Chuang continued: "If I don't catch the murderer and avenge my wife, I will always feel uneasy."

"I can understand this feeling, and I will help you solve the case as soon as possible. Don't worry, as long as they are still in the Japanese Concession, they will be found." Nakano Yunzi said confidently.

"Yeah." Lin Chuang nodded.

There was no words all the way, and the car quickly arrived in Rongshengli.

Wu Sibao greeted him at the street corner.

"Xiao Ming, we checked the line and found this place, and found that someone connected a line here, look." Wu Sibao said, pointing to a house.

Lin Chuang saw that several telephone wires were tied together and passed through Fangshan, and under one of the telephone wires, there was a thin black wire leading into the yard.

"Are you sure this is Lan Yuan's telephone line?" Lin Chuang pointed to that line
"Sure, I sent people back to Lanyuan, and Zhang Shouzheng was right there. I connected a phone to call, and it was Zhang Shouzheng who answered it." Wu Sibao said.

That's right.

"Have you checked this one?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No, I didn't dare. The house is locked and the owner is Japanese." Wu Sibao said in embarrassment.

"Miss Yunzi, what do you think?" Lin Chuang looked back at Yunzi Nakano.

"Check." Nakano Yunzi said, and took the lead to walk to the gate of the courtyard.

The door is locked.

Under the guidance of Xiong Xingshun, two Japanese military police quickly brought an old Japanese man from the neighboring courtyard.

"Is this house yours?" Lin Chuang asked in Japanese.

"Yes, sir, this is my house, but it was rented out three months ago." The old man didn't know Lin Chuang's identity. He heard him speak Japanese and thought he was a compatriot, but his attitude was very respectful.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

"My name is Sasaki, from Nagasaki."

"Mr. Sasaki, what is the name of the renter? What does he do?"

"Sir, the tenant is also Japanese. His name is Shoichi Aikawa. He says he teaches at Soochow Law School. Do you want to open it?"

Saying that, Sasaki took out the spare key and was about to open the door.

"Wait." Seeing that the lock was rusted, Lin Chuang quickly stopped Sasaki from unlocking it.

"This lock has been locked for a long time, Mr. Sasaki, doesn't Aikawa Shoichi live here?" Lin Chuang asked.

"He paid half a year's rent all at once, but he has never been seen living in the courtyard." Sasaki replied.

"Oh?" Lin Chuang was surprised: "This is very similar to the lurking technique of spies. Isn't this a safe house? Japanese? Japanese will do this thing? It must be Chinese.

Once again ruled out the possibility of military reunification.Because I know all the people under my command, including those in Shanghai station, that no one can speak Japanese except myself and Yi Lianhua.The Green Gang has been entrenched in Shanghai for many years. There are not a few Chinese who can speak Japanese, and many people deal with the Japanese exclusively. Who else is there besides them?

However, how could the Green Gang have found a safe house three months ago?

Three months ago, Lanyuan was under construction. At that time, I didn't have any conflicts with anyone from the Youth Gang. How would they plan such a long-term plan?Could it be that someone in the Green Gang is a prophet? "

Lin Chuang was full of doubts.

But one thing is certain, the prophets do not.

Not to mention the Green Gang, even in the whole of China, there is no such person.

Sasaki unlocked it, and Lin Chuang and others followed him into the yard.

There is a lot of floating soil in the yard, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time.

"do not move."

Lin Chuang saw at a glance that there was some floating soil beside the door, which was obviously different from that in the yard. He quickly stopped the crowd and slowly moved over by himself.

The door of the main room is locked, and there is a utility room to the east. The door of the utility room is unlocked and ajar.

Lin Chuang looked at the floating soil first.

I saw that the floating soil had been cleaned up.

The traces of cleaning stretched from the utility room to the top of the wall, where a thread just happened to hang down.

Lin Chuang took the key of the main house from Sasaki's hand, opened the door of the main house, and found that the ground in the house was full of floating soil, and there was no trace of it.

He went into the utility room again, only to find that there were also traces of cleaning on the ground in the utility room.

It seems that someone is indeed eavesdropping here, and the place of eavesdropping is in the utility room.

But now, the phone is gone, the footprints have been cleaned up, and there is nothing suspicious left on the scene.

Where did the eavesdroppers come in and where did they come out?
If it didn't come in through the gate, it must have turned over from the top of the wall.

Lin Chuang checked carefully along the top of the wall, and sure enough, on the top of the wall near the gate, he found traces of someone grabbing.

It's a pity that it was also cleaned up by someone. There are no footprints or handprints.

Yunzi Nakano, Yinhe Tanaka and others did not move at the gate, and Lin Chuang was the only one who checked.

Lin Chuang lit a cigarette and began to think.

"There is no evidence left at the scene, so it can be concluded that the perpetrator is a veteran and absolutely unreliable.

Now it seems that there are a few useful clues.

One is Shoichi Aikawa, we must find him as soon as possible.His household registration can be found at the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry, and he has a work unit, so it should not be difficult to find out. As long as you find him, some problems can be easily solved;
Second, judging from the scene, the murderer did not wiretap for a long time, and it is likely that he started wiretapping in the past few days. From this point of view, it is also consistent with the case of Sun Tianxin, and the suspicion of the Green Gang is also growing;

Third, the murderer's wiretapping could not have come in during the day, it must have been at night.It is likely to check the line first, and then climb over the wall at night to connect the phone line;

Fourth, the ringing of the phone is very loud, and it is impossible for the neighbors around to hear it. Especially at night, the ringing of the phone will be even harsher. With such a low wall and a utility room without a door, the sound will travel far. Just visit the neighbors around , it is possible to find useful clues;

Fifth, Xiaobing called Ai Wanyi at [-] o'clock in the morning. The eavesdropper got the news and had enough time to make plans.In other words, after eight o'clock, the murderer would climb out of the wall.There is a sidewalk outside the wall. Although the rush hour for going to work and school has passed at this time, one or several people are drilled out of the wall. Can anyone see it?Finding witnesses should also be easy. "

After making up his mind, Lin Chuang stubbed out the cigarette butt and walked towards Sasaki...

(End of this chapter)

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