No trace of espionage

Chapter 76 1 It's all about your safety

Chapter 76 It's all about your safety
Lin Chuang didn't say clearly that Tian Biyu and the other three people knew about the work discipline, they shouldn't know about it, and absolutely couldn't inquire about it, so no one asked.

Still, the trio was thrilled.

"Leader Lin, what shall we do next?" Shao Jijun asked.

"Still follow the established idea. Lieutenant Tian, ​​your interception team still needs to conduct uninterrupted interception. If there is any emergency, please notify me immediately; Ji Jun and Xiaoguang, you still conduct surveillance and tracking in groups. I guess Hou Ming must He will go to the dead mailbox to get the letter, you have to keep an eye on him. By the way, what is the situation of his wife?" Lin Chuang asked.

"His wife's name is Xiang Qiuyan, from Harbin. The two have been married for five years and have no children. Xiang Qiuyan usually buys vegetables and goes shopping, mainly serving Hou Ming." Shao Jijun said.

Lin Chuang said: "If Hou Ming is a Japanese spy, then Xiang Qiuyan must be his accomplice. Therefore, it is not ruled out that Hou Ming may act instead of Xiang Qiuyan when it is inconvenient. You separate a group of people Come, let's focus on Qiuyan."

"Yes!" Shao Jijun and Zhu Xiaoguang replied.

"Okay, that's it for today." Lin Chuang said.

"Yes!" Shao Jijun and Zhu Xiaoguang stood up, stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left the conference room.

"Can you fasten your tie tighter?" Seeing Shao and Zhu leaving, Tian Biyu said coldly.

"Are you annoyed? Who are you going to show me so neatly at night? Show the ghosts?!" Lin Chuang snarled Tian Biyu impatiently, got up and left the meeting room quickly.

Tian Biyu was so angry that she clenched her teeth, and her chest heaved: "Hey, this kid is so courageous, how dare he attack me?"

By the time she realized it, Lin Chuang had already walked away.

"I'm so pissed off, you bastard!" Tian Biyu threw the notebook in her hand onto the conference table and cursed angrily.


The next day, after Lin Chuang got up, he wet the towel and dipped it on his face, which was regarded as washing his face.

On the way to work at the police station, I saw a sign on the "Xu Ji Grocery Store", which said "Boutiques are available for sale at Daqianmen".

According to the prior agreement, the purpose of this advertisement is to inform Lin Chuang that he needs to meet with him for organizational matters.

"There should be some clues about Fu Sheng's matter." Lin Chuang thought to himself.

Originally, Lin Chuang thought of making a change in his class, but after seeing this advertisement, he immediately changed his mind.

He parked the car elsewhere, checked that there were no customers in the grocery store, and stepped in.

Seeing an old man coming in, Xu Tao hurried forward to greet him: "What do you want, sir?"

"I'm Ziwei." Lin Chuang quickly explained his identity.

"Huh? Oh, why are you like this?"

When Xu Tao heard Lin Chuang's voice, he was taken aback for a moment, then took a closer look, and finally recognized that the person in front of him was indeed Lin Chuang.

"I need to investigate the case, so it's easy for the time being." Lin Chuang replied.

"You still have such a hand, I really can't think of it, this hand will be very helpful to your future work." Xu Tao said.

"It's not my craft, Tian Biyu helped me do it. Comrade Songhai, what instructions do you have from your superiors?" Lin Chuang asked in a low voice, pointing to the sign outside the shop.

"Okay, let's make a long story short." Xu Tao took a box of big front doors from the shelf and put it in front of the two of them, in case someone came in suddenly, so that he could act as if he was picking up goods for Lin Chuang.

"First, Fu Sheng is indeed Li Fuxing, and it has been confirmed. Second, the organization requires you to encounter such things in the future about the matter you asked for instructions about and Tian Biyu. The most fundamental principle is not to reveal your identity. Here On the basis of principle, it can be handled flexibly. When it comes to this matter, the organization thinks that you should not refuse too bluntly, which is very easy to be suspected. After all, you have actively pursued her before. There are many smart people in the Secret Service, so you must not Take it lightly. Therefore, the attitude of the organization is: if you don't leave, if you don't leave." Xu Tao said in a low voice.

"Okay, I see."

Lin Chuang was not surprised that Fu Sheng's identity was finally confirmed, and he had already expected the organization's opinions on how to deal with his feelings.

In fact, he also thinks that it is most appropriate to adopt the attitude of "not to leave, not to leave, just to leave", especially when Tian Biyu has already made his attitude clear, and if he refuses very bluntly, it is indeed easy to make people suspect that he has ulterior motives .

If this difficulty is interpreted by a caring person, it will be difficult to prevent it if it is proved in multiple ways.

As Xu Tao said, there are many capable people in the Secret Service.

"Thirdly, it's good news. The information you provided about the Japanese army's plan to launch a full-scale war of aggression against China in July and August won the initiative for our party to negotiate with the Kuomintang on the reorganization of the army. Although the final agreement has not yet been reached, but The chairman's attitude has changed a lot. Therefore, the organization specially rewards you. However, for those on our hidden front, some medals can never be made public, so this award can only be conveyed orally by me. I hope you can understand." Xu Tao continued.

Lin Chuang smiled gratifiedly when he heard it, and said in a low voice: "Please rest assured the organization, I understand. Although there is no public award, I am very happy that the information I provided can help the organization."

"It's good if you can understand." Xu Tao was not too polite, and continued: "Besides, the organization hopes that you can disclose the conspiracy of the Japanese army to the upper echelon of the KMT in a relatively secret way. There are two ways to do this. The advantages are, first, that the Military Commission can make preparations early and reduce losses in the early stages of the war; second, on the issue of our army's reorganization, we can push the chairman of the committee, so that our party can strive for more establishments."

"Well, I'm working on a spy case and trying to get the word out by the time it's over. Any instructions?"

"Yes. The organization encountered trouble in eradicating the traitor Li Fuxing. I hope you can provide some help."

"What's the trouble?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Li Fuxing is very familiar with our party's working methods. He knows that the organization will not let him go, so he acts very carefully. He has been hiding in the police station and can't come out. We can't do anything." Xu Tao said.

"Isn't he going home?" Lin Chuang asked.

"He is still unmarried, so he has not settled down outside. He eats and lives in the police station, and we can't get close. Besides, this is the second period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. We can't give the Kuomintang an excuse to sabotage the cooperation. Therefore, there are many more taboos in action." Xu Tao said.

"Now Li Fuxing is assisting me in investigating the Japanese spy case. I can call him to meet me at the police station, and you can set up an ambush to get rid of him on the way." Lin Chuang said.

"..., no. In this case, you may be exposed. The organization will not expose your comrades in order to eradicate traitors." Xu Tao pondered for a while and rejected this plan.

"Well, I'll take care of getting rid of Li Fuxing, and I'll find a way to blame the Japanese spies for his death." Lin Chuang thought for a while and said.

"This direction is fine, but after you have a specific plan, you must contact me. I will ask your superiors for approval before you can implement it." Xu Tao said.

"Comrade Songhai, I hope that the organization will give me the power to act cheaply. Because some opportunities are fleeting, how can there be a plan for everything?" Lin Chuang said.

"The organization doesn't intend to restrict your movement, but mainly concerns about your safety," Xu Tao said.

"Please don't worry about the organization, I will complete the task of eliminating rebellion under the premise of ensuring my own safety." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, Comrade Ziwei, please be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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