No trace of espionage

Chapter 770 Opportunity

Chapter 770 Opportunity
The revenge plan was at a loss, and Lin Chuang thought of the mission that Lu Ze had entrusted to him to investigate the military situation, but there was no progress.

"Am I really at the end of my talents? Or is the time immature, and the opportunity is not there?" Lin Chuang couldn't help but smile wryly at this point.

Then he comforted himself: "Maybe, I just need an opportunity."


At dinner time, Yi Lianhua came back, and Pang Yiping also came with Zhuzhu in his arms.

Now her house basically does not open fire, except for sleeping at night, her and his wife stay in the orchid garden every day.

When Lin Chuang, Yi Lianhua and Ai Wanyi were not around, she was the boss of Lan Yuan.And Zhang Shouzheng regarded himself as the steward of the orchid garden, and went to the orchid garden every day to tend the orchids and orchids. When it was time to eat, he acted as a cook, cooking for his wife and the two guards who stayed behind.

Ai Wanyi welcomed Pang Yiping from the bottom of her heart.

One is that this woman can't threaten him, and the other is that Zhuzhu is there, so Lin Chuang looks like he is smiling.


After having dinner happily, Lin Chuang was teasing his daughter when suddenly the phone rang.

Ai Wanyi scrambled to answer the phone, listened to a few words, covered the phone and said to Lin Chuang: "Sir, the dog breeding consultant's call sounds very urgent."

Lin Chuang handed Zhuzhu to Pang Yiping, walked quickly to the phone, and took the receiver.

"Lin Sang, please come to Chongguang Hall for a meeting immediately, there is an urgent task."

On the phone, Quan Yangjian was not polite at all, and said directly.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Lin Chuang agreed and put down the phone.

"Prepare the car, I'm going out." Lin Chuang told Yi Lianhua.

Yi Lianhua hurried out to find Liu Ermeng and Li Honglin, while Ai Wanyi was busy dressing Lin Chuang.

When he came to Chongguangtang, Lin Chuang found that Miura Saburo's car was also there, and thought: "What emergency happened? The gendarme and the police are all in their heads, it must be a big deal."

Entering the meeting room, Lin Chuang found that, in addition to Hitoo Kagezuo, Inuyang Ken, Yunzi Nakano, Koji Baba, and Fairy Shi Gong, there were also Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, and Miura Saburo present at the meeting.

Lin Chuang greeted everyone and sat next to Saburo Miura.

"Everyone, the meeting is now."

Unexpectedly, it was not Hitoo Kagesa who presided over the meeting, but Ken Inuyang.

"Now read the emergency call from Base Camp."

Inu Yangjian stood up, holding a telegram in his hand.

Everyone stood up and stood respectfully.

"On November 13th, General Hisao Nishio, the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, came to Shanghai from Tokyo and went to Nanjing to take up his post via Shanghai. For this reason, the special high-level section of the special shadow assistant agency and the Shanghai Gendarmerie Command worked together to ensure that General Hisao Nishio The itinerary is safe. Inuyang Ken is in charge of the specific affairs. Tokyo Kanin Palace Zaijin Prince Showa 28 years October [-]."

Prince Zairen of Xianyuan Palace is also the chief of staff, and this telegram was sent in this capacity.

"Hi Yi!"

After Quan Yangjian finished reading, everyone agreed in unison.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Inuyang Ken said.

Everyone sat down again.

"The Japanese are really careful. Miura Saburo is a lieutenant general with a violent temper, and he is at odds with Nishio Hiso, so he dare not let Hitoo Kagesa be responsible. Inuyang Ken is the son of the former prime minister, and his family is very powerful in Japan. Besides, he still has conflicts of interests with him, I think Miura Saburo will give him a face-saving greeting." Lin Chuang said in his heart.

Then he thought sadly: "For me to participate in such a high-level meeting, it shows that the Japanese are not wary of me. In this way, the sacrifice of Qu Rubing and others is still very valuable."

As he was thinking wildly, he heard Inu Yangjian say: "Admiral Hisao Nishio will stay in Shanghai for two days, during which he will visit the Sino-Japanese Cultural Center and meet Tang Shifu, Chairman of Huangpu Electric Power Co., Ltd.

To this end, I make the following arrangements.

[-]. Please Miura-kun and Kagesa-kun make adequate preparations in case General Nishio Hiszo asks about their performance of duties. "

"Okay." Kagezuo Renxiong responded.

And Saburo Miura just hummed from his nostrils, and Lin Chuang noticed that his complexion was very bad.

Inuyang Ken pretended not to know, and continued to arrange: "Second, from now on, we must strictly prevent sabotage by military reunification agents and underground parties. In particular, we must pay attention to preventing students from taking to the streets and workers' strikes. This work is organized by Ding Sang and Li Sang. The two are in charge."


Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun stood up and responded.

"Thirdly, the security work at the place where Admiral Hisao Nishio is staying is divided into an external security team and an internal security team. The external security team is in charge of the police station and the Gendarmerie Command, and the internal security team is in charge of the Super High School. Miura-kun, Hayashi Sang, please personally arrange competent personnel to clean up the homeless people and drive them away in the past few days. You must not leave them to your subordinates and let them go. Lieutenant Assistant Nakano Yunzi is in charge of the special advanced courses."

"Yes!" Lin Chuang and Nakano Yunzi stood up and responded.

Miura Saburo didn't even hum this time, and just sat there without saying a word.

"Your Excellency the Advisor,"

"Miura-kun, is there a problem?" Inuyang Ken asked.

"What is Hisao Nishio doing here? He was originally a businessman, and he insisted on making such a big show, and Prince Zairen of the Palace of Xianyuan didn't make such a big fuss when he was traveling." Saburo Miura said coldly.

Hehe, it's true, Saburo Miura really looked down on Hisao Nishio.

Lin Chuang watched coldly with the mentality of watching the excitement.

"Miura-kun, don't be arrogant. Hisao Nishio will have a major mission in Shanghai. It won't hurt to be careful about his security. It won't hurt me, you or the chief of the department." Inuyang Ken said.

Lin Chuang listened, and always felt that there was something in these words.

"What important mission? He doesn't need to live in Shanghai. He stays here for two days. Besides showing off, he has two real purposes. Why does he want to meet Tang? Isn't it for the purpose of taking his shares? Also, Why do you want me to report my job status to him? He is obviously looking for faults with me, he has long wanted to find an excuse to get me down, who doesn't know how narrow-minded he is?!" Saburo Miura said angrily.

"Hey, this guy is so cute, he dares to say anything. Is it interesting for you to say this in front of so many people? Are you afraid of embarrassing the Japanese? However, the message revealed in this cute guy's words , it's too much."

Lin Chuang pondered secretly.

"Miura-kun, don't talk nonsense!" Inuyang Ken said sternly.

"What nonsense? Your Excellency, who was that person that you asked people to arrest in the gendarmerie a few days ago? Isn't it Tang Shifu's nephew Tang Shaojun? Can you tell me why he was arrested?" Miura Sanlang asked.

Inu Yangjian was speechless and speechless.

"Oh, I see, you can't talk about it, it will offend Nishio Hisao.

Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of him.Hisao Nishio had a crush on Huangpu Power Plant and wanted to cooperate with him, but Tang Shifu didn't buy it at all, so he arrested his nephew.Did you wait for him to come to Shanghai to bargain?

Advisor, aren't you advocating friendship with China?Is it just such a friendly law? "

Seeing that Quan Yangjian didn't answer, Miura Saburo became more angry and questioned him one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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