Chapter 811
Chapter [-]: Police Chief Killed
The "Police Briefing" published such case information, which made Lin Chuang and Ding Manli very angry.

"Zhou Xing and Wang Li, patrol members of the Qipan Street Police Station, reported that at 32:[-] p.m. on December [-], when the two patrolled to the entrance of the alley in Chungengli, they found a dead body. After investigation, the victim was the director of the police station, Yang Yutang, the murderer is unknown, and the investigation team has now taken over the case."

The reason why Lin Chuang was angry was not because this case was his first homicide after taking office, more importantly, his director was killed in the street, what is this not a provocation?
"Director Ding, where's Wang Mu?" Lin Chuang asked.

"After receiving a call from Liu Chunxiao, the deputy director of Qipan Street last night, he immediately took people to the scene. I don't know where it is now, so I'll call and ask."

After Ding Manli finished speaking, she picked up the phone on the table and called the action team, asked about the situation and put down the phone.

"Secretary, Wang Mu is at the Qipan Street Police Station."


Lin Chuang got up immediately, and Ding Manli quickly went to the hanger to get the windbreaker and helped him put it on.

After confirming the sleeves, Lin Chuang buttoned up the buttons, and Ding Manli tugged at the back, stroked them, and finally helped to turn up the collar.

"Boss, putting on your clothes reminds me of a word." Ding Manli looked up and down a few times, the admiration in her eyes was beyond words.

"Jade tree facing the wind?"

"Beautiful and colorful."

"Hahaha..., it's not appropriate, it's feminine."

"Young hero, beautiful and colorful!" Ding Manli said.

Lin Chuang glanced at Ding Manli, saw her eyes flickering, and her mouth was smiling, as if she was emotional.

"Hehe, the ice beauty's spring heart has sprouted." Lin Chuang was secretly proud.

Suddenly, he remembered what he said to Sun Tianxin about "Men and women work together, and work is not tiring", so he became lustful and bold, and reached out to gently touch Ding Manli's buttocks.

Her butt is chubby, and Lin Chuang has long wanted to touch her.

Ding Manli blushed all of a sudden, glanced at Lin Chuang, then turned her head quickly, her gaze wandering around.

Lin Chuang felt it, it felt really good.

Molesting and molesting female subordinates is not bad.

"Let's go."

Lin Chuang put away his bad thoughts and walked out, Ding Manli quickly followed.


When they arrived at the Qipan Street Police Station, Wang Mu and Liu Chunxiao welcomed Lin Chuang, Ding Manli, Zhang Jin and others into a large office.

In the middle of this office, there are three desks pushed together, covered with black flannel, surrounded by chairs.

There is a blackboard on the east wall.

Lin Chuang sat to the west, facing the blackboard, with Zhang Jin and Wang Mu standing behind.

Liu Chunxiao took two porcelain cups and wanted to make tea for Lin and Ding.

Ding Manli asked for the cup, ironed it herself, made tea, and brought it to Lin Chuang.

"Boss, are you here for the murder of Director Yang?" Liu Chunxiao asked.

"Yes." Lin Chuang nodded and looked at Liu Chunxiao.

Liu Chunxiao is 34 and five years old, very handsome, wearing a black police uniform, very stylish.

However, his face was a little haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he obviously hadn't slept all night.

"Tell me about the situation." Lin Chuang gestured to Liu Chunxiao.


Liu Chunxiao said: "Let's talk about the lowly position first, and Captain Wang will talk about the investigation later."

Lin Chuang nodded.

Liu Chunxiao started his speech: "Last night at 32:[-], when patrol members Zhou Xing and Wang Li were patrolling at the entrance of the alley in Chungengli, they found a dead body at the entrance of the alley.

The two didn't know if the murderer was still nearby, so they immediately searched the alley with guns, but found nothing.So Zhou Xing guarded the scene, and Wang Li went back to report.

Beizhi has already gone home, rushed to the institute immediately after receiving the report, reported to the duty room of the bureau, and then rushed to the scene.

Beizhi arrived at the scene at 56:[-], did not move the body, did not do any inspection, but ordered people to protect the scene, and waited for Captain Wang to come.

After waiting less than 10 minutes, Captain Wang brought someone over.

Bureau seat, that's all I know about the situation. "

"Well, it took less than half an hour from the time Yang Yutang was murdered to arriving at the scene. The action was very fast. Wang Mu, tell me." Lin Chuang nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes." Wang Mu agreed, walked to the blackboard, took out a piece of chalk, and drew while talking.

"Principal, when the students rushed to the scene, they found that the site was well protected. Chungengli is an east-west alley. The body's head is facing southeast and the feet are facing up. The ground is covered with stone slabs. No footprints or suspicious items were found. .

Examining the corpse, it was found that there were strangle marks under the deceased's throat, his eyes were slightly bulging, his mouth was half-open, and his facial muscles were calm.

In addition, there were four small white spots on the front door of the deceased's trousers, which should be sperm spots by visual inspection.

Checking his belongings, he found that all pockets were empty, no money, no cigarettes, nothing except the pistol in his waist, and there were not a lot of bullets in the gun.

Deputy Director Liu said that Director Yang usually smokes and never lacks money, and he wears a watch.

No watch was found on the body, but there were indentations from the strap on the wrist, indicating that the watch was also robbed.

Doctor Qiu came and checked immediately, and found that the deceased was not strangled, but someone covered his mouth from behind, and then quickly wrung his neck.At the same time, several semen spots were found on her underwear.

As for the time of death, Qiu Fayi believed that it was between ten o'clock and ten twenty o'clock, that is to say, when Zhou Xing and Wang Li found out, the deceased should have just been killed.

According to the situation of the scene investigation, the students believed that the deceased had had sex before being killed, and the person was standing because he did not take off his pants.Judging from this point, the woman is probably not his wife, but probably his girlfriend.

From this point of view, love or vendetta are the most likely.

But because all his belongings were robbed, the possibility of robbery and murder is not ruled out.

Subsequently, the students made four arrangements:
[-]. Conduct an overnight survey of all households in Chungengli;
Second, two nearby factories were open, one was the Yongtai Rubber Factory and the other was the Hongda Flour Factory. I asked the workers on and off the night shift at these two factories overnight if they saw or heard anything;
Third, transport the body of Director Yang to the Central Hospital for further autopsy to see if there are any new clues;
Fourth, understand all the activities of Director Yang that day. "

Having said that, Wang Mu stopped and glanced at Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang said: "Continue."

"Yes." Wang Mu continued to report.

"After a night's investigation, the current situation is like this. First, all the residents in the spring plowing house have not heard anything; two, the workers who go to and from the night shift do not pass through the spring plowing house at around ten o'clock. After half past one, the off-duty is after twelve o'clock, so I didn't find any valuable clues, and I didn't find any witnesses..."

(End of this chapter)

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