Chapter 819

Cruel, merciless, daring to kill and yet thoughtful, can such a murderer be an ordinary person?Anyway, ordinary people can't do it.

Wang Mu, Liu Chunxiao and Wei Dong all nodded.

"Judging from the scene, Yang Yutang, who was 1.7 meters in height, could be easily killed from behind. The murderer should be strong, not less than 1.7 meters in height, and male; judging from the method of killing, the murderer had killed someone before, so there should be some military experience, or a habitual murderer. Do you have any objection to this?" Lin Chuang asked.

"No objection." Wang Mu, Liu Chunxiao and Wei Dong said together.

"Mrs. Yang once said that Yang Yutang got a woman outside and flaunted it to her when she got home. From Mrs. Yang's narration, one can draw a conclusion that Yang Yutang's girlfriend is only Liu Ying, and the other women are all caught by him. Arrived prisoner.

From this point of view, love killings, vendetta killings, and robbery killings are all possible.

In addition, after the murderer killed Yang Yutang, he deliberately moved his body to the entrance of the alley in Chungengli. Obviously, he wanted to draw our attention to Liu Ying, because Liu Ying's barber shop is opposite Jinlongli.Therefore, the murderer must have known the relationship between Yang Yutang and Liu Ying. According to the previous information, the relationship between Yang Yutang and Liu Ying is known to almost everyone on Qipan Street. That is to say, it is very likely that the murderer lives in Qipan Street. "

"The [-] yen in the tin box is also a suspicious point. According to my judgment, the [-] yen should also be a gift, and he temporarily stored it in the tin box. The [-] yen must be the same as what he said yesterday morning. trajectories of action.

And yesterday morning, besides interrogating a thief, he went to Junde Middle School.Therefore, the three hundred yen is probably related to the above two actions. "

After Lin Chuang analyzed the case, he began to assign tasks: "Based on the above judgments, I think our troops will be divided into three groups, one led by Wang Mu, aiming at looting property, focusing on [-] yen and watches, etc. Start an investigation with Zhuangyuan Building."

"Yes!" Wang Mu stood up and took orders.

"Second Road, Wei Dong is in charge, and started the investigation with the word 'Chunhua'. These two words should be the names of people, and of course the name of the store is not excluded. Wei Dong, all Qipan Street related to these two words, You have to check it out and check it out in detail.”

"Yes, principal."

"Wang Mu, you draw a few people from the action team to Weidong. He just arrived, and the old policemen in the station may not listen to him."


"Third Road, Chun Xiao and I are in charge of investigating Liu Ying and Junde Middle School. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, we will summarize the situation here. Let's act."


Wang Mu and Weidong stood up and responded loudly.

The two went out, Zhang Jin quietly followed them, and called them to stop.

"Weidong, the headmaster favors you, you can do it. I tell you, work hard and don't embarrass me." Zhang Jin scolded with a smile.

Wei Dong was brought out by him, so he came here to give a few words of advice.

"Captain, I'm not stupid. How can I not understand the meaning of the principal? Just relax and protect the principal. You will not embarrass the principal and you." Wei Dong said confidently.

"Okay, if you two have done meritorious service, I'll call a few brothers to congratulate you." Zhang Jin said with a smile.

"Okay, you can." Wang Mu and Wei Dong hurried away after finishing speaking.


Liu Chunxiao led the way, and Lin Chuang and his party came to Liu Ying's barber shop.

The barbershop is just one-third of Jinlongli, the door opens to the north, and there is a small window next to it.

"Zhou Xing fell asleep in front of this window, right?" Lin Chuang thought to himself.

There is no signboard, just two words "Haircut" written in red paint on the door glass.

To the north of the barbershop, there are a few elderly men squatting on the ground with their hands clasped to bask in the sun.

While basking in the sun, the old men pointed to the barber shop and said something. Occasionally, these old men burst into shameless laughter.

Seeing the police approaching, these old men all shut up, stared at them with their eyes wide open.

"This house belongs to the family in the south. The owner's surname is Chai. He opened the westernmost room from the middle, used the southern half as a kitchen, and rented the northern half to Liu Ying." Liu Chunxiao introduced.

Lin Chuang saw that there was a curtain hanging on the glass door of the barbershop, so he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, but the door was unlocked.

"Go and see, is anyone there?" Lin Chuang asked Liu Chunxiao.

"Yes." Liu Chunxiao agreed, and pushed open the door of the barber shop.

Soon, Liu Chunxiao came out to report: "Secretary, Liu Ying is here, and there are three other people getting haircuts."

"Hehe, I still have a heart, and I have a big heart." Lin Chuang said, opened the door and entered the barber shop.

Lin Chuang saw a young woman at a glance.

The woman is not tall, about 1.5 meters or so by visual inspection, and will never exceed 1.6 meters.

But the body is very plump, the chest is bulging, and the face is full of brilliance, which is beyond the category of a big girl at first glance.

Liu Ying was giving a middle-aged man a haircut, and there were two young men waiting in line.

All three of them are evil-minded, they are not good people at first sight, maybe they just came to see Liu Ying's excitement, or they may have heard that Yang Yutang is dead, so they came to take care of Liu Ying.

Seeing Lin Chuang and Liu Chunxiao, Liu Ying lowered her head unnaturally, then raised it again, and asked Liu Chunxiao, "Director Liu, can I finish the treatment for this elder brother?"

"What's the reason? The chief is here in person, why don't you?" Liu Chunxiao scolded.

"Don't, don't, don't." Lin Chuang waved his hands, and said, "What's the matter if you don't let someone deal with you? Go on, go on."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he stood up quickly, blushed and his neck was thick, and he glanced at Lin Chuang, but he didn't dare to be impatient, and hurried to leave.

"Come back." Lin Chuang nodded to stop him.

"Sir, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man's face turned yellow all of a sudden, and he asked in a trembling voice.

The accent is still from Henan.

"Give me money! What's the matter, if you don't pay for a haircut, you won't get it." Lin Chuang imitated his accent.

"Return the two eggs without leaving..." The middle-aged man wanted to refute, but felt something was wrong halfway through, so he quickly took out the money from his pocket and handed it to Liu Ying, before leaving in a hurry.

"What? You still want to listen here?" Lin Chuang glanced sideways at the two young people, and they also hurried away.

Liu Ying took a look, isn't the director general also incomprehensible?
"Sir, please sit down." Liu Ying asked Lin Chuang to sit down.

Lin Chuang took a look, the room is really small, how big is half of the room?But even in such a small space, you can still see a bed the size of a spring stool inside, covered by a curtain.

That's definitely where Yang Yutang and Liu Ying lived.

"Your name is Liu Ying?" Lin Chuang sat on the chair waiting for the haircut and asked.

"Yes, my name is Liu Ying."

"Do you know why I came to you?"

"I know. Is it about Yang Yutang?"

"Yes, it's about Yang Yutang. Liu Ying, Ming people don't speak dark words, I will speak directly. Everyone knows the relationship between you and Yang Yutang, so I won't confirm it anymore to save you embarrassment. Let me ask you, Yang Yutang died, you don't seem to feel much sadness, why?"

Liu Ying was blushed by Lin Chuang's heartbreaking question...

(End of this chapter)

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