Chapter 829
As the richest city in China, Shanghai naturally has many thieves.

As a policeman, Yang Yutang was supposed to actively arrest the thief and give the citizens of SH a safe environment, but he did not expect this guy to be arrested and then released.

In order to "make a fortune", it is so unscrupulous.

Such a policeman is really worse than nothing, and he deserves to die.

"Do you know the thief's name and surname?" Lin Chuang sighed for a while and asked Zhou Xing.

"After listening to him, he claimed to be surnamed Li, nicknamed 'Li Baineng'." Zhou Xing replied.

"Principal, the students thought that the gold thread pouch was probably given to Jiang Jiufeng by Han Chunhua, and Li Baineng stole it from Han Chunhua's house before Yang Yutang's accident happened, just in time for Jiang Jiufeng to have a tryst with her, so he stole the gold thread pouch. When Yang Yutang was interrogating Li Baineng, he learned about the adulterous relationship between Han Chunhua and Jiang Jiufeng, and also knew Jiang Jiufeng's identity, so he went to blackmail Jiang Jiufeng, and at night he used this as a threat to rape Han Chunhua, which led to his death disaster.

That is to say, after Yang Yutang went to Junde Middle School after interrogating Li Baineng, it was very likely that Jiang Jiufeng was in Junde Middle School. "Wang Mu said.

"Well, it can be inferred like this." Lin Chuang agreed.

"In this way, we can start from two aspects, one is to search for Li Baineng, and the other is to investigate Junde Middle School again." Wang Mu continued.

"There is another one, which is the vegetable market. Jiang Jiufeng's career must be related to the vegetable market, so he will definitely appear in the vegetable market." Lin Chuang added.

Wang Mu, Liu Chunxiao and Wei Dong all nodded.

"I have arranged for Li Shui to do the investigation of Junde Middle School. There are two people, the proprietress of the Dachang noodle restaurant and Jiang Tiezhu. It is estimated that there will be results soon. As for Li Baineng, I think he was beaten up and out At the police station, he must be healing immediately, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find him. Wang Mu, take someone to check all the nearby clinics and hospitals to see if you can find him.” Lin Chuang said.

"Yes!" Wang Mu replied.

"Weidong, wear plain clothes and take Jiang Tiezhu to the vegetable market to guard. Remember, don't let Jiang Tiezhu show his hiding place."

"Yes!" Wei Dong replied loudly.


Lin Chuang didn't go anywhere else, but waited for news from all parties at the police station.

At noon, Li Shui came.

"Report to the principal, all the teachers and staff of Junde Middle School have taken photos, here are the photos." Li Shui handed a stack of photos to Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang knew when he touched it with his hands that these photos were just washed out, and they were still a little sticky.

There are not many photos, only thirteen in total. Lin Chuang looked through them one by one, but he didn't recognize any of them.

"Have you shown the lady boss of Dachang Noodles?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Look, the proprietress said it doesn't look like any of them." Li Shui replied.

"You go to Weidong immediately, he is with Jiang Tiezhu, let Jiang Tiezhu take a look, is there Jiang Jiufeng here?" Lin Chuang ordered.


Li Shui responded, took the photo and left.

In less than half an hour, Li Shui came back.

"Principal, Jiang Tiezhu looked at the photo and said that there is no Jiang Jiufeng in it."

"No? That's weird. Could it be that my judgment was wrong? Could it be that these photos were not taken?" Lin Chuang asked.

"From yesterday to this morning, all the teachers and staff in and out of Junde Middle School have been photographed, and there is no omission." Li Shui said.

"Is there anyone who asks for leave and doesn't come to work?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I don't know. The students dare not go to Junde Middle School to investigate without asking for instructions." Li Shui replied.

Lin Chuang nodded.

Wang Mu of Junde Middle School had already checked once, and Lin Chuang didn't want to investigate again without evidence.

If it was only for murder, he would naturally investigate without hesitation.

The problem is, it seems that Ai Wanyi is involved, so he has to be cautious.Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to startle the snake.

"Don't go to Junde Middle School to investigate for the time being, so as not to affect the students' class." Lin Chuang gave Li Shui a reluctant excuse.

"Yes, students follow your arrangement." Li Shui said.


Lunch is eaten in Qipan Street.

Because of Mrs. Yang's accusation, Liu Chunxiao had been feeling uneasy all the time, so when he saw the director eating in the office, he was naturally very flattered, so he went to the Zhuangyuan building to order four hard dishes, served them in food boxes, and brought them to the big office.

Lin Chuang saw that these four dishes were all from Shandong, so he was naturally very happy. He asked Liu Chunxiao, Zhang Jin, and Li Shui to accompany him. Liu Chunxiao brought a bottle of "Lihuabai" and a jug over.

"Boss, give me some face and drink?" Liu Chunxiao asked for instructions.

Lin Chuang saw that Zhang Jin and Li Shui were looking at him with piercing eyes, and the desire in their eyes was obvious.

"Okay, drink less, just drink a pot." Lin Chuang didn't have the nerve to spoil everyone's interest, so he agreed.

Liu Chunxiao was very happy, quickly poured a pot, and hot it.

Just about to start drinking, Wang Mu came back.

"You kid is really lucky, just in time, sit down and have a drink." Lin Chuang greeted Wang Mu with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm done with the principal. Principal, the students are really hungry for alcohol." Seeing that Lin Chuang was very interested, Wang Mu sat down unceremoniously.

"How is it?" Link asked.

"Principal, the students have checked all the nearby clinics and hospitals, and found no trace of Li Baineng."

"Okay, don't worry about Li Baineng's affairs, leave it to me. Come, drink."


After dinner, Lin Chuang bid farewell to everyone, took Zhang Jin and left.

After getting into the car, Lin Chuang asked Liu Ermeng: "Ermeng, I want to find a thief named Li Baineng, how can I find him?"

"Simple." Liu Er snapped back two words, and drove away.

Lin Chuang saw that this kid spoke so confidently, and knew that he was a master in this way and would definitely have a way, so he didn't ask in detail.

Liu Ermeng looked around while driving, and suddenly saw a man in a suit and leather shoes walking towards a young couple in luxurious clothes on the sidewalk on the right, followed by a man in short clothes.

"These two are thieves, they are going to attack them." Liu Ermeng stopped the car to the side of the road, pointed at the man in suit and the people behind him and said.

Lin Chuang looked at it and felt a little strange: "Er Meng, the thief is also dressed so decently?"

"This is a technique called rickshaw pushing. He and the guy behind are in the same group. He steals, and then quickly transfers the stolen money and goods to his accomplices. Evidence, it's easy to get away." Liu Ermeng said.

Hey, there are technical terms too.

After hearing this, Lin Chuang took a closer look at the two people, and found that they were not quite right.

The man in the suit shifted his eyes and looked around quietly. Although he looked very glamorous, he couldn't hide his wicked eyes and guilty conscience.

"Look, see how they play?" Lin Chuang said with interest.


(End of this chapter)

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