No trace of espionage

Chapter 841 Very Strange

Chapter 841 Very Strange
"Huh? Mayor Fu was killed?" Lin Chuang asked in surprise.

"Yes, the place where the crime happened is at his home. Li Shiqun, Li Sang and Zhongye Yunzi have already passed away, so you should also go there immediately." Quan Yangjian said.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look right away." Lin Chuang said and put down the phone.

When She Aizhen, Ye Jiqing, Mrs. Lan and Zhu Youshan heard Lin Chuang's words, they all looked at Lin Chuang in astonishment.

"Xiao Ming, Mayor Fu was killed?" She Aizhen asked.

"Sister, don't make a fuss, I don't know what's going on. It's okay, you can continue playing." Lin Chuang hurried out while answering.


Fu Xiaoan's residence is also at Lane 749, Yuyuan Road, not far from Wu's house, and Lin Chuang will arrive soon.

Wu Sibao and a group of spies were guarding the door. Seeing Lin Chuang coming from home, he hurried over and asked, "Are you at home?"

"Drank some wine at Mr. Zhu's house at noon, and went home to sleep for a while. My sister and Mrs. Li are playing mahjong." Lin Chuang said.

"Oh, go in and have a look." Wu Sibao said.

"What's the rush? I'm not the right person?" Lin Chuang said, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and handed him one.

"Although you are not the head of incense, I think the head of Nakano attaches great importance to you. I asked you several times just now. You are in a hurry. Don't ink." Wu Sibao took the cigarette and pushed Lin Chuangyi away. Bundle.

"Okay, Brother Bao, I have nothing to eat in my stomach, let my sister cook some soup tonight."

"Okay, I'll send someone to talk about it in a while."

Wu Sibao agreed and pushed Lin Chuang into the door.

Yunzi Nakano saw Lin Chuang coming in, and said anxiously: "Come on, come on, I'm so anxious, why did you come?"

"What's the matter? You have to wait until you untie your breasts, what's the rush?" Lin Chuang said to her.

"Okay, what time are you still talking nonsense! Come with me to see the scene." Nakano Yunzi didn't expect that Lin Chuang would still be in the mood to tell jokes at this time, frowned, and dragged Lin Chuang to the second floor.

Passing by a bedroom on the first floor, Lin Chuang heard faint cries coming from inside.

"Mrs. Fu?" Lin Chuang gestured with his eyes and asked Yunzi Nakano.

"En." Nakano Yunzi responded softly, and the two went upstairs.

Upstairs, Lin Chuang saw Fairy Shi Gong leading a few spies in and out of each room, obviously investigating the scene.

Seeing Lin Chuang, Fairy Shi Gong hurried over to say hello: "Director Lin, hello."

"Hi Miss Fairy." Lin Chuang replied lightly.

"There are three rooms on the second floor, a study and bathroom on the north side, and two bedrooms on the south side, one for Mr. Fu and one for Mrs. Fu." Yunzi Nakano introduced the upstairs room to Lin Chuang.

"Separation?" Lin Chuang asked.

"According to Mrs. Fu, the two have been separated for three years. It's not because of a relationship problem, but because they are getting older, so they sleep in separate rooms." Nakano Yunzi replied.

"Well, it's not surprising that many elderly people sleep in separate rooms." Lin Chuang nodded.

"Why is this happening?" Fairy Shi Gong asked.

"It's not a man's problem, it's a woman's problem." Lin Chuang replied.

"Why is it a woman's problem?" Fairy Shi Gong asked.

Lin Chuang glanced at Yunzi Nakano and said, "The reason is hard to explain."

Nakano Yunzi gave him a blank look, and said, "Is there anything else you're embarrassed to say? It's nothing more than a matter between a man and a woman. What's the big deal?"

"Yes, it's the matter between a man and a woman." Lin Chuang looked at Fairy Shi Gong and found that she was still curious, and explained cruelly: "Women go through menopause when they reach a certain age, and live happily after menopause." For women, it's a crime, so they can only sleep in separate rooms."

Fairy Shigong nodded with a half understanding.

"This is the master bedroom. Mayor Fu died in this room." Yunzi Nakano introduced while pointing to the room to the east.

Lin Chuang nodded and walked into the master bedroom.

Li Shiqun and Wan Lilang were inside, checking everywhere with white gloves on, while Fu Xiaoan's body was on the bed.

Seeing Lin Chuang, Li Shiqun and Wan Lilang stopped at the same time: "Director Lin, are you here?"

"Deputy Director Li, the head of the dog breeding agency called me to come and have a look. In fact, you and the section chief Nakano are here, so I'm no use." Lin Chuang said hastily.

"Don't be modest, who doesn't know your abilities? Take a look, I think it's too strange, and the cause of death hasn't been found out yet." Li Shiqun said.

"Director Lin, please." Wan Lilang gave up his seat as he spoke.

Lin Chuang stood still, scanning everything in the room first.

Seeing Fu Xiaoan lying on the bed, eyes open, mouth corners tilted to the side, face a little deformed, body covered with a quilt, one foot exposed, tense, from this, the body should also be tense.

Judging from this, it is likely that there was a painful struggle before death.

There was a small cabinet beside the bed, on which were his glasses and a water glass, which was half full of white water.

Look at the doors and windows are closed, and the curtains are drawn.

As soon as Lin Chuang stretched out his hand to Nakano Yunzi, Nakano Yunzi understood, took off the white gloves on his hands, and handed them to Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang put on his gloves, looked at the door first, and found that it was intact, and then went to the window to have a look, and found that the latch was also intact.

He turned around, took a look at the glass water glass, and found that the water in it was a little cloudy, which couldn't be seen unless he looked carefully.

Other than that, there was no trace of a fight in the house.

He was sure that Fu Xiaoan's death must have something to do with this glass of white water.

That is to say, whoever brings in this glass of water is the most suspect.

"Director Lin, what judgment do you have?" Nakano Yunzi asked.

"Deputy Director Li is here, how can I make a speech? Let Deputy Director Li speak." Lin Chuang declined.

"Deputy Director Li, tell me your opinion." Yunzi Nakano looked at Li Shiqun.

"Okay, then Li is not welcome, let's throw bricks to attract jade. I have three points of view. First, this incident happened at a sensitive period when Yandian was just published. It must have been done by military special agents. Suicide or a normal death; second, there was no trace of fighting at the scene, so it must be the work of a house thief; third, the disease came from the mouth, and it must have something to do with the food, medicine or this glass of water that Mayor Fu took in before his death." Li Shiqun said confidently .

After hearing this, Lin Chuang praised in his heart: "I have to say, Li Shiqun is quite capable."

"Director Lin, what do you think?" Yunzi Nakano asked Lin Chuang.

"Just as Deputy Director Li judged, there is no new addition." How could Lin Chuang steal the limelight from Li Shiqun? Besides, he wanted to cover up the real murderer, so how could he tell the truth?
"I think so too. Next, let's start with Fu Zhai's subordinates and start an investigation." Nakano Yunzi said.

"Arrest everyone, there is no one in the torture room who doesn't talk." Lin Chuang suggested.

"No, it can't be so simple and rude." Yunzi Nakano rejected Lin Chuang's suggestion.

"Why?" Lin Chuangxin said: "The dog changed to eat shit?"

(End of this chapter)

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