No trace of espionage

Chapter 943 The Perfect Assassination Plan

Chapter 943 The Perfect Assassination Plan
""Yadong Times", "Tongwen Shanghai News", "Shen Shen", "Zi Lin Xi Bao", "Shanghai Commercial Journal", each newspaper has sent a female reporter." Nakano Yunzi said.

"Yadong Times", "Tongwen Shanghai News", "Zi Lin Xi Bao", and "Shen Shen" are four newspapers Lin Chuang knows.

The first three were either controlled by the Japanese or bought by the Japanese. As the largest newspaper in Shanghai, Shen Bao was later bought by the Japanese and took a share.

But when will a "Shanghai Commercial Journal" pop up?Lin Chuang didn't know this.

""Shanghai Commercial Journal"? Why haven't you heard of it?" Lin Chuang asked.

"It's a tabloid that was just established, but it's pro-Japanese. Look, did you see that? That tall female reporter is from "Miscellaneous News." Nakano Yunzi replied.

After finishing speaking, he gave Lin Chuang a sideways look, and said jokingly: "I searched my body, but found no weapons. I said, if you didn't offend Qi Qingyun, tell him that you can come to search for things like this." Do it, you are both professional and willing to do such a thing. It's a pity, isn't it a pity that such a beautiful thing didn't happen to you?"

Lin Chuang laughed: "Yunzi, who knows me, is never tired of taking advantage of beautiful women."

"You who can talk about shamelessness so noblely, you are the No. 1 in the ages!" Nakano Yunzi shrugged his nose and said disdainfully.

"Hahaha..." Lin Chuang laughed triumphantly.

At this moment, Dean Wang had already arrived at the Architecture Museum, and was chatting with Takeshita Yufumi, while the tall female reporter squeezed to the front again, holding up the camera to take pictures.

Lin Chuang happened to see this scene.I'm not interested at all in how Wang and Takeshita Yufumi put on a show, but the female reporter can't help being very curious about how she sees it and thinks she's seen it somewhere.

He turned around and waved, Zhang Jin immediately came over: "Principal."

"Get a piece of "Shanghai Commercial Journal" right away."


Zhang Jin responded, turned and left.

Seeing Lin Chuang being so careful, Yunzi Zhongye smiled slightly and said, "You are too careful."

"There is no big mistake in being careful. Zhuge has only been cautious in his life, and Lin Ming is not confused about major matters."

"'re really thick-skinned."

Yunzi Nakano was amused.

It was only because of such a serious occasion that she didn't laugh out loud, but covered her mouth, trying to keep her laughter low.


Lin Chuang's judgment and feeling were right.

The tall reporter is none other than Sun Shou.

It is said that after Sun Shou was rescued, Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan were arranged to live in the French Concession, and he himself returned to the public concession.

After he was dressed as a long-haired girl by Shao Jijun, he was not angry at first, but then he suddenly thought about it.

As the leader of the operation, the most important task Li Chunfeng entrusted to him before leaving Yu was to assassinate Dean Wang.

The previous few assassinations of Fu Xiaoan and Zhu Yuewen were just small trials, the real highlight was waiting for Dean Wang to arrive in Shanghai.

It's a pity that the assassination of Zhu Yuewen almost wiped out the entire army, and he, Zhang Qiang, and Liu Deshan have already revealed their faces. Even if they can return to the International Settlement, they can only hide their names and disguise themselves. The secret agents met head-on.

Therefore, changing into a girl was really an unintentional move that would benefit his actions.

Fortunately, he was trained by Lin Chuang. Wearing a wig and a pair of wide-rimmed glasses, I believe that even if Bai Lingxia is face to face, he may not be able to recognize him at first sight.

As a result, Sun Shou transformed into a charming and fashionable girl.

The news of Dean Wang's arrival in Shanghai was notified by the headquarters. At the same time, Li Chunfeng ordered that the person surnamed Wang must be killed.He also told him that if he had any difficulties, he could bring it up to the headquarters, and the headquarters could give him the necessary assistance.

Sun Shou understood that the so-called assistance should be to use Lin Chuang's pawn.

Although the last two problems were caused by Lin Chuang, he really didn't want to let Lin Chuang help him again. First, it hurt his self-esteem. Is his title of "the number one master in operations" just for nothing?The second is that the assassination of Wang must be a great achievement that will be famous in history. He does not want to share this great achievement with others; the third is that he has already thought of a plan of action these days. With the help of others, you will be able to achieve success yourself.

Based on this, Sun Shou did not raise other conditions for the headquarters, but asked the headquarters to provide a considerable amount of funds.

With this funds, he rented a small building in the International Settlement, and asked Hua Yichang, another member of his group, to come forward and set up a newspaper called "Shanghai Commercial Magazine".

Hua Yichang is the liaison officer of his team, in charge of the radio station, codenamed "Ma Quanxie", and has the rank of lieutenant.

In the last operation, Zhonghua Yichang was not exposed, so it is appropriate for him to be the president and editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

And Sun Shou himself, alias Sun Mingfeng, became a female reporter for the newspaper.

After the establishment of the newspaper, it quickly confirmed its own political orientation, that is, to vigorously promote the idea of ​​"Great East Asia Alliance" and actively cooperate with Chongguangtang's propaganda policy.

Of course, neither Hua Yichang nor Sun Shou came from a literati background, so how could they write articles?

But that didn't bother them at all.

They hired experienced reporters and editors, and hired several skilled workers in printing to solve technical problems.

As for the articles, it’s easy to handle, as long as it involves political news and current commentary, just reprint the articles of the "Yadong Times" all at once.

Regarding the plagiarism, "Yadong Times" is happy to see the results. It neither charged them any fees nor sued them for copyright infringement. Instead, it strengthened its relationship with them and gave them some financial support.

Therefore, not long after the "Shanghai Commercial Journal" came out, it aroused the interest of Chongguangtang, and soon listed them as trustworthy objects. They would be notified as soon as possible to send people to go to any official activities.

At this point, Sun Shou's two goals of using newspapers to obtain information on Dean Wang's travels and to win the trust of the Japanese have been achieved.

After receiving the notice from President Wang to inspect and interview the China-Japan Cultural Exchange Center, Sun Shou felt that the opportunity had come.

He was going to speak in front of the center and answer questions from reporters. Sun Shou thought this was the best chance to assassinate him.

As a reporter, I have the opportunity to get close, and the distance does not need to be too close. As long as the surname Wang is within ten meters, with my marksmanship, the surname Wang cannot escape.

Moreover, his "palm mine" is small, easy to hide, and can completely escape the inspection of the military and police. Even if he is searched, he is sure to bring the weapon in.

There is another point, because it is on the street, no matter how well-prepared the enemy is, after he succeeds, as long as there is assistance, there is still a chance of escape.

Of course, if the assassination was successful, it would be worth losing his life—Sun Shou was mentally prepared for this.

It's a pity that, after thousands of calculations, he didn't count that there is such a master as Qi Qingyun...

(End of this chapter)

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