No trace of espionage

Chapter 999 Search Again

Chapter 999 Search Again
Wu Sibao had one car, Lin Chuang had two cars, Chen Changshan took Li Yuewang and his men into the two cars, and the convoy headed for the public wharf.

Ning Xiaobo got into Lin Chuang's car.

Her heart was not on the case, she stared at Lin Chuang's side face obsessively, thinking secretly.

She really admired her husband to death.

Since the case happened, when everyone was still at a loss, my husband had already made up his mind, which shows his wisdom; she also saw it with her own eyes during the experiment last night, and his seriousness shows that he is cautious; Chen Changshan was brought to the search again, obviously It is to avoid suspicion, or there is a long-term consideration of not making enemies for oneself, which shows its meticulousness.

Not to mention, in addition to this, there is also the iron man's combat power that is unknown to outsiders.

"My lord is really a first-class person. It's my pleasure to have his favor. It's a pity that Zhang Jinlu doesn't know how to cherish it, so he insists on messing around with Zhu Yuewen without telling my husband. Hehe, I have to be grateful to her, otherwise, how can my husband fall in love with me?" A bed? At best, you’ll be like a housewife who can’t get on the stage. How good it is now, my husband has made it clear that I’m his woman!”


When they came to the Jianglong, Lin Chuang and others went to the bottom cabin first.

The corpses of Liu Deshan and the three Japanese agents had been removed, and the buzzing of the flies was gone, making it extremely quiet.

The agents of the Secret Service were very professional. The four corpses were moved away, but the locations of the corpses were all marked with powder to outline the corpses.

Lin Chuang walked over to have a look, and in front of Liu Deshan's corpse, the open salt bag and light bulb also remained in their original state.

Lin Chuang lifted the light bulb up and looked at it, and saw the word "200W" marked on the head of the light bulb, and the wire connected to it was hanging down, and the other end was fixed on the cabin roof.

Lin Chuang looked along the wires, and the wires were not fixed with wire slots similar to those of later generations, but were nailed to a small piece of wood on the roof of the cabin every one meter or so.

This kind of fixing is actually not firm. It can be put on when standing on the pile of salt bags, and can be pulled down with a simple pull. It is also very safe, and there is no need to pull the switch first.

He asked Li Yuewang: "Boss Li, is this light bulb on your ship?"

"Yes, yes, it turned out to be hanging from the ceiling. I don't know how it ended up on the salt bag." Li Yuewang, who was in handcuffs, quickly replied.

Lin Chuang went to the cabin door to look again, and found that it was not locked, and asked, "You can enter here casually, right?"

"Yes, yes, first, there are no other valuables here except salt, so I am not afraid of stealing; second, the salt has to be moved every one or two days, and it is too troublesome to lock and unlock. So, I didn't lock it, and I didn't let it go." Guards." Li Yuewang replied.

"Take the light bulb, cut off a piece of wire, and take it back together." Lin Chuangming said.

"Yes." Chen Changshan agreed, and his subordinates went to do it immediately.

Lin Chuang asked Li Yuewang to lead the way to the restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, it is at the end of the first floor, it is converted from three cabins.

The two northernmost rooms are connected, and there are no dining tables and chairs except for a row of long tables.

The southernmost room opens to the north. There is a door frame but no door, and only a short curtain is hung to symbolically separate it from the outside. There are dining tables and chairs inside. If you lower your head slightly, you can see the dining situation inside.

"The boatmen are all rough people. They get their meals here, and they just squat down and eat anywhere with their bowls in their hands, so there is no need to set up a dining table. Besides, the space on the boat is small, and even if you want to set it up, you can't set up so many things." Tables and chairs." Li Yuewang took the initiative to introduce without waiting for Lin Chuang to ask.

"This small room is specially reserved for the boss and distinguished guests. Sometimes the boss will go to Nanjing with the boat, and occasionally some distinguished guests will take the boat. We can't let them squat down to eat like us rough people, right?"

Lin Chuang nodded and walked into the compartment.

Seeing that there are four small tables in the compartment, it can barely be opened in such a narrow cabin.

"Which table did Hua Yichang and Ye Ziqiong dine at?" Lin Chuang asked.

"It's on the table of Dangmen."

"Where's Lu Shutao?"

"Boss Lu was at the table next to them at first, but somehow they joined together. Mr. Hua sat on the east side, Ms. Ye sat across from him, and Boss Lu sat across from him on the north side."

Li Yuewang introduced, Lin Chuang imagined the scene at that time, and asked: "Didn't you tell the boatman that you don't want to disturb the distinguished guests when they eat?"

"Why didn't you say it? How many times have I said it. But the boatmen are rough people. They have been on the boat all year round, and they have double eyelids when they see sows. Don't say that Ms. Ye is so modern. She pretends to lift her shoes and bends down to take a look. Or hide at the door and eavesdrop, this cannot be prohibited at all." Li Yuewang said.

"Well, human nature is understandable." Lin Chuang nodded.

Seeing Lin Chuang speak kindly, Li Yuewang inevitably had a glimmer of hope in his heart—hope that Mr. Lin can let him go.

"Deputy Captain Chen, take away the coal stove and kettle used by Lu Shutao," Lin Chuangming said.

"Yes." Chen Changshan asked his subordinates to take Li Yuewang to the kitchen.

Lin Chuang, Wu Sibao, Ning Xiaobo and Chen Changshan left the restaurant and went to the cabin where Lu Shutao lived.

After entering the cabin, Lin Chuang saw that it was the same as the cabin he lived in, with two bunks in the north and south.

The bedding of the berth in the north is neat, while the bedding of the berth in the south is rolled up and placed in the innermost part.

Without looking carefully, you can see that there are tea stains on the south shop. Obviously, Lu Shutao put his tea set on this shop to drink tea.

On the aisle between the two shops and on the bottom of the shop, a small amount of furnace ash was seen.

Obviously, Lu Shutao put the coal stove in the aisle.

Lin Chuang squatted on the ground, searching carefully, and suddenly saw a red crystal the size of a button.

He picked it up carefully, held it in his hand and twisted it. It was so hard that he couldn't move it. Then he looked at the light outside and found that it was not transparent.

"Sir, isn't this carnallite?" Ning Xiaobo asked in surprise.

The carnallite that Lin Chuang asked her to get yesterday was tested in her room again. Like a ruby, she naturally knew it at the first sight.

"Yes, it's carnallite. It's what I was looking for. With it, everything becomes clear." After Lin Chuang finished speaking, he handed the carnallite to Chen Changshan: "Vice Captain Chen, save it, this is the only one Evidence, don't lose it."


Chen Changshan agreed, took the carnallite and put it away carefully.

Lin Chuang said to Wu Sibao: "Brother Bao, it is basically certain that the six people who died on the boat were all killed by Lu Shutao."

"Ah? He killed them all? How?" Wu Sibao asked.

"I won't talk about the method and process of the murder. I don't want to show off, but I want to say it in front of Nakano Yunko and Aoki Takaya, so as not to waste another word."

"Aren't you suffocating?" Wu Sibao said dissatisfied.

"In addition, I still have some doubts about his motive for killing. It seems inappropriate to say that he was for a woman. I have a guess. In order to prove whether my guess is correct, I need to verify it again."

"How to ask for evidence?"

Wu Sibao asked.

(End of this chapter)

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