red moscow

Chapter 122 Impassable Heights

Chapter 122 Impassable Heights
While the Germans were attacking the unnamed highlands, two T-34 tanks came from the east of Susinich. Just as they were about to enter the city, they were stopped by the checkpoint at the entrance.

The turret hatch of the tank in front was opened, and a tank lieutenant wearing a tank cap and short fur coat leaned out half of his body, and said loudly to the sergeant who was walking towards the tank: "Hey, let me tell you what to do." Comrade soldier, hurry up and ask your people to remove the roadblock ahead, we have urgent matters and need to rush to the command post in the city immediately."

The sergeant at the checkpoint stood by the tank and looked up at the tank lieutenant. He did not forget his duty just because the other party had a higher rank than himself, but asked in a business-like manner, "Which part are you from?"

"We are the troops directly under the Front Army Command." The lieutenant obviously didn't want to waste too much time here, and after briefly identifying himself, he immediately urged: "Man, quickly remove the obstacles in front, we Need to get to command post immediately."

"Comrade lieutenant, please show your ID." Facing the impatient lieutenant, the sergeant said slowly: "If you don't have a ID, I can't just let you enter the city."

The lieutenant was about to lose his temper, but someone in the tank seemed to be speaking to him, making him bend over and look inside the vehicle.After a while, the sergeant standing next to the tank saw the lieutenant climb out of the turret, and then leaned over to help another person lean out from the turret.After seeing this person clearly, the sergeant was taken aback, quickly raised his hand to salute him, and said in a panic, "Hello, Comrade Commander of the Front Army! Sergeant Volkov at the checkpoint will report to you... Please Forgive me, I didn't know you were in the tank, and I'm ready to take whatever punishment I deserve for taking up your time..."

Unexpectedly, Zhukov waved his hand at him and said, "Comrade Sergeant, you are doing the right thing. You are performing your duties. Well, let your people remove the obstacles now."

The sergeant raised his hand and saluted Zhukov to express his gratitude, and then he ordered his subordinates to remove the obstacles placed in the middle of the road, and pulled up the crossbar to let the two tanks pass through the checkpoint.

When the two tanks drove towards the city, a young soldier asked Volkov curiously: "Comrade sergeant, who is that general in the tank?"

The sergeant looked at the tank that was going away, and murmured: "Don't you know him? He is General Zhukov, the commander of our Western Front Army!" After finishing speaking, he suddenly remembered that he should report this matter to his superiors. He hurriedly walked into the sentry box on the side of the road, picked up the phone hanging on the wooden board, and said into the microphone, "This is the East Gate Checkpoint, please connect me to the duty room of the Group Army Command. I have something important to report... "

When the tank in which Zhukov arrived at the headquarters of the 16th Army, Rokossovsky had already taken the members of the headquarters and stood outside the door waiting for a long time.

After Zhukov got out of the turret, instead of jumping off the tank immediately, he turned his head and looked south, because he saw a black smoke column rising from that direction.He turned his head and glanced at Rokossovsky, and seeing that he was staring at him intently, he pointed to the south with his hand and asked, "Comrade Rokossovsky, what is that place?"

"It's the unnamed highland to the south." Knowing that Sokov's troops were fighting the Germans in that direction, Rokossovsky replied truthfully, "The Germans are launching a new attack on the troops holding on to the highlands."

Due to the occlusion of the building, even if Zhukov stood on the tank, he could not see the situation on the high ground in the distance.He turned his head and looked around, and saw that the top floor of the headquarters seemed to be a good observation point, so he jumped off the tank, came to Rokossovsky, and said to him in an unquestionable tone: "Take me to the Go upstairs and have a look."

Under the guidance of Rokossovsky, Zhukov came to the top of the building and raised his binoculars to look into the distance.In the rising black smoke column, there are dark red flames rolling, and a faint rumbling sound can also be heard.According to his experience, the German army was shelling the high ground. He put down the binoculars and turned to Rokossovsky: "Which army is holding on to the high ground?"

"It's Lieutenant Sokov's Istria battalion." Rokossovsky said to Zhukov: "They also captured five heavy howitzers during the battle two days ago, which made the artillery in the city of Susinich The strength has been strengthened."

"A commander like this can make people feel at ease wherever he is placed." Zhukov was relieved when he learned that the troops standing in the south of the city were the Istria Battalion under the command of Sokov. He said appreciatively: " In my opinion, this Xiao Xiaosha's achievements in the future will definitely not be inferior to his father."


The German army attacked a platoon on the unnamed high ground. Under the firepower of the Soviet army, except for two or three runners who ran fast, the remaining more than 40 people fell in disorder on the hillside.

The tanks parked at the foot of the mountain saw that the attacking infantry had been wiped out, and knew that it was meaningless to stay here any longer, so they reversed and retreated.

As soon as the German tanks withdrew, four German dive bombers appeared over the high ground.They circled in the air, and after finding their target, they dived straight down, dropping bombs and strafing at the commanders and fighters who were active on the high ground.

As soon as the German dive bombers appeared over the high ground, the soldiers of the women's anti-aircraft machine gun company entered the air defense positions at the fastest speed. They lifted the camouflage net covering the machine guns, and the shooters manipulated the machine guns skillfully. , Point the gun at the enemy plane that is dropping bombs and strafing.

Lieutenant Liuba, the company commander, saw that all the anti-aircraft machine guns were ready for battle, so he swung the red signal flag in his hand downward and shouted loudly: "Fire!"

The violent fire of six anti-aircraft machine guns startled the German bombers bombing the high ground. The pilots pulled up the planes one after another, circled in the air, and then separated one to bomb the air defense position, and the remaining three, Then continue to bomb and straf the high ground.

If the German pilots encountered other air defense forces, their tactics would undoubtedly be quite effective.It's a pity that the women's anti-aircraft machine gun company they encountered had set up a hexagonal position with the strongest defense. No matter which direction the enemy plane came from, it was facing the intensive firepower of six machine guns.

The bomber that bombed the air defense position was diving downward. Before the pilot dropped the bomb, the plane was hit by the oncoming dense bullets and exploded in the air. The fuselage turned into a huge fireball. Flames fell from the sky.

Seeing that his companion's plane was shot down, another plane swooped down from the high ground, trying to take over his companion's work, and razed the air defense position at the foot of the mountain to the ground.As soon as the German pilot dropped a bomb, he felt the fuselage of the plane shake violently. Judging from his experience, the plane was shot.He quickly pulled the plane up, dragged a long black smoke trail, and flew towards the distance.But not far away, he felt that the plane was out of control and was in danger of crashing at any time, so he opened the plexiglass cabin cover, stood up and jumped out.

The two enemy planes that were still dropping bombs and strafing on the high ground saw the air defense position at the foot of the mountain, and shot down two of their own planes in a very short period of time. How could they dare to fight, so they hurriedly threw away all the bombs they were carrying and turned around. Fly south.

 Thank you book friend Tang Shi for your support!
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(End of this chapter)

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