red moscow

Chapter 2310

Chapter 2310
After seeing off Prazorev and Kudrin, Sokov looked at the time. It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. He was worried that he was not there. If Stalin or Yakov came looking for him, he might not be able to find anyone, so he He stood up and said to Bakanidze: "It's getting late, I want to go back."

But when Nina heard what Sokov said, she was very reluctant to leave: "Misha, Asiya finally came back, and I had to leave again after she and I hadn't even said a few words. Why don't you wait until you have dinner? Let’s go again, okay?”

"No." If it were another time period, Sokov would have no problem staying for two days, but now he doesn't know when his superiors will notify him to go to the Far East, so he doesn't dare to leave home for too long, so he said euphemistically : "If you want Asiya to stay with you more, then let her stay here for a few days. I do have important things and can't stay here too long."

Just when Nina was about to say a few more words, Bakanidze raised his hand to stop him, "Nina, Misha has a special status. It's not easy for him to find time to visit us today, so don't delay. It’s time for him to get down to business.”

Now that Bakanidze has spoken, Nina can't say anything else. She can only say to Asiya: "Asiya, please send Misha off."

When Asiya sent Sokov out, she asked tentatively: "Misha, do you really not need me to go back with you?"

"No need." Sokov shook his head and said: "It's hard for you to go home, so you should spend more time with your parents. Besides, I don't know when I will set off. Even if you follow me back, wait until I get there." Leave, you don’t have to come back here again. I’m not worried about you now being pregnant and squeezing into subways and buses.”

When the two came to the nearby platform, they saw that it was empty and there was no one.Seeing that no one was around, Asiya asked with relief, "Misha, when I was in the kitchen just now, what were you, my father, the factory director, and the military representative talking about?"

If Asya didn't know the real reason why she was about to go to the Far East, maybe Sokov would have concealed what just happened from her.But since the other party was an insider, he said truthfully: "I heard from Director Prazorev that the instrument factory will organize a maintenance team to work at the frontier maintenance station in the Far East. Originally, he considered Your father has been working at the frontline maintenance station for the past two years, but he was not selected this time. Unexpectedly, your father was unwilling to accept it, so he kept pestering him about this matter. Today he called the factory director and military representatives to his home for dinner. , I just want them to look at my face and change their minds."

Hearing this, Assia couldn't help but ask a little nervously: "How did the talk turn out? Did they change their minds?"

"How to say?" Sokov said hesitantly: "Although they did not give a clear reply to your father and agreed to let him go to the front line. But they promised him that they would submit a supplementary list to their superiors. Once the first batch of names are included in the list, When someone in the party is unable to travel for some reason, someone on the waiting list will be his replacement. In other words, as long as one of the originally selected people is unable to go due to something, your father will take his place. position, go to the maintenance station on the front line."

Knowing that her father wanted to go to the front line again, Asiya's face was full of worry: "How can this be done? He has been working at the front line maintenance station for the past two years, and my mother has been worried about him every day. Is it okay now?" It’s easy to settle down, but I didn’t expect him to want to go to the front line again. Misha, can you think of a way to stop this?”

"Asiya, I don't want your father to go to the front line either." Sokov held Asiya in his arms and comforted her, "But I can see that this is his obsession. Even if I find a way to stop it, , I’m afraid he will eventually sneak to the front line in his own way. So the best way is to let nature take its course and satisfy his wish."

"But now, I don't know when I can come back." Asiya said, "My mother should worry about his safety again."

"Don't worry, Asiya, this war won't last too long." Sokov said with a smile: "In no more than a month, the enemy will be completely defeated by us, and then your father will be able to Returned safely."

"What, the enemy can be defeated in less than a month?" Asia's eyes widened in surprise after hearing what Sokov said: "But when I was in Comrade Stalin's office yesterday, I heard that the Kwantung Army has 80 soldiers. Even if the troops no longer have combat effectiveness, it’s impossible that they won’t be able to sustain them for even a month, right?”

"Asia, you have to trust my judgment." Sokov deliberately kept a straight face and pretended to be unhappy and said, "When did my analysis go wrong?"

"Misha, if that's true, that means you'll be able to go home before the end of the year."

"It's hard to say." Sokov said with some embarrassment: "Although the war will not last too long, there will be a lot of aftermath work after the war, which will take a lot of time to solve. I think I can come back next spring. Not bad.”

Hearing Sokov say that he would not be able to come back until spring at the earliest, Asiya's expression turned gloomy again: "So, after we separate this time, we won't be able to see each other again for at least half a year. It's all because of my pregnancy. It's not the right time, if I weren't pregnant now, I could justifiably follow you to the Far East without being separated from you."

"Asiya, there's nothing wrong with you anyway, just stay at your parents' house and spend more time with them." Sokov said to Asiya: "If you haven't come back when I leave, I will give you I left a note at home to let you know that I have gone to the front line, so as not to worry you because you don’t know my whereabouts..."

When the two of them were making love to each other on the platform, suddenly a voice came from next to them: "Hey, this girl is pretty!"

Sokov turned around and saw three young men, one tall, one short, and one fat, appearing not far away. The three of them were wearing white shirts and had a cigarette in their mouths. They were staring at Assi with a serious look. Ya.Seeing Sokov looking towards him at this moment, the short man took out the unfinished cigarette from his mouth, walked over with it in his hand, and said to Sokov: "Brother, your girlfriend is good-looking, let me Let her accompany us to a movie."

Hearing the young man talking like this, Sokov realized that he might have met a hooligan.During the war, everyone had endless work to do, and it was rare to see anyone idle.But now that the war is over, life is gradually returning to normal, and some social idlers have begun to become active again.

Sokov quickly pulled Asiya behind him and said coldly to the short man: "This is my wife, please be respectful."

Unexpectedly, the short man sneered after hearing this, then turned to the tall man and the fat man behind him and said, "Igor, Peter, did you hear that? He asked me to be more respectful, hahaha..." After that, he was unscrupulous laughed.

Sokov didn't want to get entangled with such people, so he took Asya and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, the tall and fat man named Igor and Peter got there first and blocked their way: "Brother, It’s okay if you want to leave, but your girlfriend has to stay and watch a movie with us.”

Sokov stared at the tall Igor who was speaking, and said coldly: "Igor, I'm warning you, if you don't get out of the way, you will be responsible for all the consequences." Unexpectedly, Igor After hearing this, he burst out laughing and said to his two companions: "Did you hear that? This man actually threatened me. What do you think we should do?"

After saying that, three gangsters surrounded him from three directions at the same time, ready to teach Sokov a lesson.Especially the tall Igor. Without saying a word, he punched Sokov in the face.

Amidst Asiya's exclamation, Sokov tilted his head and barely dodged the opponent's fist.He took advantage of the opponent's retraction of his fist, stood up straight, raised his leg and kicked the opponent's calf.With just a crisp sound, Igor flew into the air face down, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Facing Fat Peter's fist, Sokov grabbed his wrist with his left hand, took a step forward with his right foot, bent down and grabbed his right ankle with his right hand, and lifted it up with the strength of his left hand.Peter, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, spun 180 degrees in the air, and came into intimate contact with the ground in the posture of a dog chewing shit.

Then Sokov used his left foot as the pivot, turned around, and kicked the short man on the chin.The short man who was hit by gravity fell to the ground on his back without even a groan. Under the action of inertia, he slid backwards five or six meters away.

Originally, Asiya was worried about Sokov when she saw three gangsters dealing with him. But now, in just half a minute, the three gangsters were easily knocked down by Sokov. This scene made her look stupid. Oh, she didn't expect Sokov's kung fu to be so good.

Although the three hooligans only received one blow from Sokov, Sokov showed no mercy when he attacked. It would take a while for the three of them to get up.

Seeing that the three gangsters were defeated, Asiya quickly took Sokov's arm and said softly: "Misha, let's get out of here quickly."

But Sokov shook his head and said: "Asia, no. Fortunately, it was me they met today, so they didn't take any advantage. But if ordinary people met them, they might suffer. I We need to send them to the police station in the town and lock them up for a few days, so that they can reflect on their actions."

"There are only two of us, and there are three of them." Asiya said with some worry: "What if they run away separately on the way to the police station? We won't be able to catch everyone by then."

Just when Sokov was in a dilemma, three jeeps drove up from a short distance away.As soon as the car stopped, the doors opened one after another, and several soldiers with guns and ammunition rushed out.As soon as they got out of the car, they rushed towards the hooligans lying on the ground with their guns drawn. Two of them held each other, and they dragged the hooligans up from the ground.

Sokov couldn't help but wonder, where did these troops come from?Just when he was about to ask one of the soldiers, he saw one of the majors getting out of the passenger seat of one of the jeeps.After seeing clearly that the person coming was Major Bezikov, Sokov quickly turned to Asiya and said: "It's Major Bezikov. It seems that they have been protecting us secretly."

After Bezikov got out of the car, he called a sergeant and loudly ordered: "Comrade Sergeant, take them to the police station in the town and lock them up. Just say that they maliciously attacked the horses that had just returned from the front line." Major Tevosyan and his wife, do you understand?"

The sergeant obviously knew Sokov, and he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what Bezikov said.He looked at Sokov, then at Bezikov, wondering whether he should remind his superiors that the man in civilian clothes next to him was not Major Matevosyan, but the distinguished Sokov Admiral.

"What are you still doing?" Bezikov said displeasedly when he saw the sergeant standing still, "You still haven't followed my order?!"

Since Bezikov issued a strict order, the sergeant did not dare to neglect, and quickly asked the soldiers to escort the three hooligans to the police station in the town.

After the soldiers escorted the gangster away, Bezikov came to Sokov, raised his hand in salute and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, General Sokov! Because of our negligence, you almost encountered danger. But I I still want to say that your skills are great, in the blink of an eye you knocked down three gangsters."

Seeing Bezikov suddenly appearing in front of him, Sokov asked tentatively: "Comrade Major, so you have been protecting me secretly?"

"Yes, Comrade General." Bezikov nodded and replied in a positive tone: "I received an order from my superiors. I am responsible for your safety during this period in Moscow. At the same time, my superiors also told me , please do not let this protection affect your normal life. I wonder what your plans are next?"

"I plan to go home, and my wife will stay at her parents' house for a few days." Sokov looked at Bezikov and asked: "Can you send Asya back first?"

"Okay." Bezikov nodded, then called a soldier and told him: "You take the third car and take Comrade Asiya back to her parents' house. After you deliver it, rush over immediately to meet her parents." Let’s meet up.”

"Asiya," Sokov said to Asiya after Bezikov finished making arrangements: "Now that Major Bezikov has brought people to pick me up, you don't have to send me off anymore. Follow the major's men first. , go back to your parents' house."

After sending Asiya away, Bezikov curiously asked Sokov: "Comrade General, your skills just now were really great. Can you teach me?"

After hearing this, Sokov just laughed, and then said: "Comrade Major, you are very grateful. I was just an instinctive reaction at the time, and there was no good skill. If you are like me, stay on the battlefield for a few years and fight with the Germans In a few hand-to-hand battles, you might be stronger than me."

(End of this chapter)

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