red moscow

Chapter 2320

Hearing that Yakov was going to invite her to the restaurant of the guest house for dinner, Sonia had a proud smile on her face.The nurses also cheered, and one bold nurse even held Yakov's face with both hands and kissed him on the face.

Sokov originally wanted to stop Yakov, but now that the other party's words have been spoken, if he objects again, he may be unable to kill him.In desperation, he had no choice but to give in and let Yakov return to the guest house with these nurses.

On the way back to the guest house, Bezikov deliberately fell behind and walked side by side with Sokov. He asked in a low voice: "Comrade Commander, where did these nurses come from? Are they reliable?"

"I don't know, Comrade Major." Sokov replied with a grimace: "When I was wandering on the street during the day, I met one of the beautiful female nurses. Well, she was the one who was wearing a more special dress. I originally planned to Invited her to dinner, but she unexpectedly invited a group of sisters. While we were eating in the restaurant, we encountered a gunfight and almost lost our lives."

Bezikov looked at the nurses who were chatting and laughing with Yakov and couldn't help but frowned, "Is it appropriate to bring so many strangers back to our guest house?"

To be honest, Sokov was not willing to take these nurses back to the restaurant of the guest house for dinner.But in any case, Sokov really couldn’t do it when someone else had just experienced a life-and-death experience with him, so he would give them an order to be kicked out of the restaurant as soon as they left the restaurant: “Anyway, Yakov only took them to the restaurant of the guest house to eat, and wouldn’t let them go. If they go to other places, the chance of leaks is low. Fortunately, they are all nurses in a military hospital. If you want to find out their details, you only need to send someone to the hospital to find out."

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Since Sokov said it didn't matter, Bezikov, as a security guard, naturally couldn't say anything more: "I will immediately arrange for manpower to go to the hospital to verify their identities. "

"Wait a minute," Sokov said with some embarrassment: "Except for the nurse who is wearing a special dress named Sonia, I don't know the names of the other nurses. I don't know the names of the others. How do you check?"

Unexpectedly, Bezikov just smiled faintly after hearing this, and then said: "Comrade Commander, don't forget what we do. Don't tell us that one of us is named Sonia. Even if we don't know everyone's name, we can still do it." Find out their details."

"Okay." Seeing Bezikov so confident, Sokov felt relieved.He always had doubts about Sonia in his heart, and felt that there seemed to be some secret about her, and wanted the other party to investigate more carefully, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated again. After all, he was only suspicious of Sonia, but there was no substance. evidence of.If Bezikov obeyed his orders and paid too much attention to Sonia, it might not be a good thing, so he changed his words and said: "Then send someone to the military hospital to investigate as soon as possible to find out their details."

After everyone entered the guest house, they went directly to the restaurant under the leadership of Bezikov.Sokov did not follow him immediately, but returned to the second floor. Such a big thing happened, and he wanted to go and talk to Lu Jin first.

Lu Jin already knew what happened in the restaurant. Seeing Sokov appear, he quickly asked urgently: "Misha, I heard that you were trapped in the restaurant by friendly forces. How are you? You are not injured? Where is the Chief of Staff? , where is he?"

Sokov first told Lukin in detail what happened in the restaurant, and then said where Yakov was going: "As for our chief of staff, he is having a meal in the guest house restaurant with a group of nurses at the moment."

"Then why don't you go?"

"I guess Bezikov must have told you about this when he took people to the restaurant to rescue us." Sokov explained to Lukin: "Such a big thing happened. Before I explained it clearly to you, How can I go to a restaurant to eat with peace of mind?”

Lu Jin nodded after hearing this, and then said to Sokov: "I know about this. You go to have dinner with the chief of staff and the others."

"Won't you go together?" Sokov invited the other party.

But Lu Jin waved his hand and said, "No need. If according to you, there is something wrong with the female nurse named Sonia, I'm afraid it will arouse her vigilance if I appear again. If she secretly takes photos of us, And hand it over to her superiors, and our identities will be exposed."

"Okay, Comrade Deputy Commander." Sokov felt that what Lukin said made sense, so he no longer forced him: "Then I will go to the restaurant first."

When Sokov arrived at the restaurant, the food had just been put on the table.

Seeing Sokov's arrival, Yakov quickly greeted him and said, "Misha, the food is on the table, why did you come here?"

"I went upstairs and put down the gun." Sokov said casually: "The guest house is full of our own people, so we don't bring guns to dinner."

After Sokov sat down, the freckle-faced nurse sitting next to him said with admiration: "Comrade Major, you looked so handsome when you fired the gun just now. With just a few shots, you killed those two damn little kids." Spies were killed in those days.”

Freckles Nurse's words resonated with everyone, and everyone praised Sokov's performance in the restaurant, which was an eye-opener for them.

"Comrade Major," the freckled nurse asked Sokov cautiously after everyone calmed down, "when did you join the army?"

Sokov couldn't help but be startled after hearing this. Even though he had been in this era for four years, he still didn't know exactly what year the host joined the army.When he heard the question from the freckled nurse, he could only answer vaguely: "I joined the army before the war."

"You joined the army before the war." The freckled nurse continued to ask: "Then did you participate in the defense of Moscow?"

"Participated." Sokov nodded and replied: "To be precise, he participated in the major counterattack under Moscow."

"What about the Battle of Stalingrad?"

"I also participated. Before the defense war began, my troops stayed in Stalingrad. I did not leave Stalingrad until Paulus's troops surrendered."

"What about the Battle of Kursk?"


The freckled nurse asked about several major battles in succession. Sokov was one of the participants, so he naturally answered in the affirmative.But after listening to Sokov's words, the freckled nurse pursed her lips and said with some disdain: "Comrade Major, since you have participated in so many famous battles, why are you still an ordinary major now? As far as I know, You know, a commander who has participated in so many battles and survived successfully is now at least a lieutenant colonel or a colonel, or even a general if you are lucky. But you are still carrying the epaulettes of a major."

Sokov didn't care at all about what the freckled nurse said. He said with a smile: "Maybe it's my bad luck. Although I have participated in so many battles, I still have no chance of promotion, so until now , and can only hold the rank of major."

Yakov, who was sitting on the other side, almost couldn't help laughing when he heard Sokov's serious nonsense.Sonia next to her saw Yakov's strange expression and asked quickly: "Yakov, why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something funny."

"What a funny thing." Unexpectedly, Sonia was very curious and insisted on pestering Yakov to find out: "Just tell us."

"Yes, yes, Comrade General, if you have anything funny, why don't you tell us about it."

Yakov didn't think of anything funny, but he just thought Sokov's serious nonsense was more funny.But Sonia's words were like putting him on the fire, leaving him wondering how to deal with it.Fortunately, Bezikov appeared in time and rescued him: "Comrade General, and you, Comrade Major, please come out. I have important things to report to you."

"Sonia, I'm so sorry." Yakov took the opportunity to say: "My subordinates have important things to report to me. You eat first without waiting for us."

Seeing that Bezikov had something to report, Sonia couldn't hold on to Yakov and could only say helplessly: "Then come over as soon as you're done."

Sokov and Yakov followed Bezikov to the open space outside the restaurant.Sokov asked: "Comrade Major, has the investigation yielded results?"

"Investigation?" Yakov heard Sokov say this, with a confused expression on his face: "What investigation?"

"Yasha, the situation is like this. I just asked Major Bezikov to send someone to the military hospital to find out the details of these nurses." Sokov was worried that Yakov would have any bad associations, so he took the initiative to say : "Our identities must be kept secret. I don't want there to be enemy spies lurking among these nurses."

Yakov expressed his understanding of Sokov's statement. After all, in the restaurant outside today, he witnessed with his own eyes the spy from his childhood wearing a Soviet military uniform, hiding by the door of the restaurant, fighting with the soldiers who were chasing him. A gun battle ensued.In order to find out if there was any problem with the nurse sitting at the same table with him, Yakov asked tentatively: "Comrade Major, have you found any problems?"

Bezikov said: "I sent someone to find out that Sonia came to Khabarovsk around 40 years ago and worked in a military hospital on the recommendation of an Anti-Union member. In the past five years, her work He is diligent, has been commended many times, and seems to have no problems.”

"What about the other nurses?" Yakov asked: "They don't have any problems, right?"

"The other nurses all joined the army after the outbreak." Bezikov said: "Although they entered the military hospital later than Sonia, they have all gone through strict vetting and there should be no problems. ."

After listening to Bezikov's story, Yakov nodded with relief and said, "So, they have nothing to do with the two young spies who were killed by Misha today. Am I right?"

"Absolutely correct, Comrade General." Bezikov nodded and said in a positive tone: "I think the shootout that happened in the restaurant today had nothing to do with them. It was just a coincidence."

"Misha, let's go back to eat. I just ordered so many dishes in the restaurant, and I haven't even taken a few bites before you knocked them all to the ground." Yakov said to Bezikov: "Major Comrade, thank you for the information you brought me."

Although after Bezikov's investigation, there were no problems with these nurses, Sokov felt uneasy. He always felt that there was something wrong with Sonia, but he couldn't find any evidence, so he could only follow Yakov back. The restaurant of the guest house.

After dinner, Sokov and Yakov sent Sonia and the others out of the guest house.

As the two walked back, Yakov asked Sokov curiously: "Misha, I want to ask you, why did you conduct a secret investigation on these girls?"

"The reason is very simple." Sokov simply replied: "Our identities must be kept confidential. For these nurses who deliberately approach us, we must first find out their details before we can decide whether to keep a distance from them or continue to interact with them. Go down."

After listening to Sokov's explanation, Yakov nodded slightly, "So that's it. Then who do you think is the most suspicious among these girls?"

"Who else is there, of course it's Sonia." Sokov sneered and said, "Among so many people, I think the most suspicious person is her."


"I thought about it, and her appearance during the day was very sudden." Sokov said with a frown: "At that time, I was stopped by a lieutenant colonel, who said that I did not salute him, and was going to contact my superiors, and I would be detained for a few days. Fortunately, the two soldiers sent by Bezikov to protect me showed up in time and resolved the crisis. And Sonia appeared under such circumstances, and then offered to be my guide..."

Yakov said nothing, just listened quietly to Sokov's analysis.After finally waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he said: "Misha, after hearing what you said, I also feel something is wrong. Logically speaking, you should get to know each other first. We invite her and her colleagues to have dinner. She should go with you. She should be relatively close. But whether it was in the restaurant outside or in the restaurant of the guest house, she always stayed by my side and kept asking questions, as if she wanted to get some useful information from me. intelligence."

"I just think something is wrong with her, but I can't find any evidence." Sokov said helplessly: "I thought Bezikov would send someone to investigate and get some useful information, but who knows what he knows? There are as many things as I know.”

"Okay, Misha, since there is almost something wrong with her, there is no need to check anymore." Yakov said: "In two days, the special military meeting will begin. Once the meeting is over, we will return to our own In the defense area, I estimate that we will never have the chance to meet them again. Even if there are indeed spies from Xiaozhi among them, there will be no way to obtain any useful information from us. "

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