red moscow

Chapter 2323

Chapter 2323
The new location of the 88th International Brigade is in the northern suburbs of Khabarovsk, about ten kilometers away from the meeting location.

After the convoy entered the forest, Sokov saw figures flashing behind the trees from time to time. When they saw clearly that the jeep driving ahead was the one occupied by his brigade commander, they all retreated behind the trees.

Lu Jin also noticed the figures moving in the woods on both sides of the road, so he smiled and said to Sokov: "Misha, I really didn't expect that the comrades of the 88th International Brigade are quite vigilant, and they arranged such a thing in the forest. There are many hidden sentries. Even if an enemy does approach, they can be prepared in advance."

But after hearing this, Yakov said disapprovingly: "Comrade Deputy Commander, just having a hidden sentry is of no use. You know, once the enemy comes, he will definitely be preparing to launch a large-scale attack. If there are no solid defenses, A perfect defense system cannot stop the enemy's attack."

"Yasha, you can't say that." Sokov waited for Yakov to finish speaking and immediately clarified his point of view: "There are various indications that the comrades of the 88th International Brigade have just moved here not long ago and have not had time to build Fortifications. But in today's situation, even if there are no fortifications, there is no need to worry about being attacked by the enemy. After all, the enemy is located to the south of us. If they want to attack the International Brigade's station, they first need to Break through our army’s defensive positions in the Khabarovsk area.”

"Yes, Misha is right." Lukin agreed with Sokov's statement: "It seems that the International Brigade just moved here not long ago, and there is no time to build fortifications. In addition, I The army's border defense troops are well prepared, and even if the enemy in the south wants to attack, they will probably have to weigh whether they can break through our army's defense line based on their strength."

"Misha." Yakov turned to look at Sokov and asked, "Tell me, if the Kwantung Army really takes the lead in attacking us, do you think our army can stop them?"

"Yasha, the assumption you mentioned does not exist." Sokov retorted without hesitation: "Our army has fought two battles with the Kwantung Army in the Far East, and each time it was after paying huge sacrifices. , and achieved the final victory. But today's situation is different from previous years. Most of the elite Kwantung Army were transferred to the Guanhai or Pacific battlefields to fight against the Chinese army and the U.S. military. The Kwantung Army currently remaining in the Far East is The quality of the soldiers newly added in the later period is far inferior to that of the original troops. However, after our army has been tempered by the Patriotic War in the past few years, whether it is the technical and tactical level of the officers and soldiers, combat experience, or weapons and equipment, etc., they have generally improved. We have reached a higher level. One is regressing, while the other is progressing. Even if I don’t say who is the final winner, you will be able to draw an accurate conclusion in your mind.”

"That's true." Yakov nodded and said: "While our strength is increasing, the enemy has been weakened due to various reasons. I believe that in the upcoming Far East campaign, we will definitely be the ones to win the final victory. .”

"This is for sure, Comrade Chief of Staff." Lu Jin said: "But how long will our battle with the Kwantung Army last? Is it one or two years, or can it be resolved in a few months like Misha said? fighting."

"One month is too short." Yakov shook his head and said: "After all, the Kwantung Army has millions of people. No matter how strong our army is, it will take two or three months to defeat such a large number of enemies. Time is still needed.”

Having said this, Yakov paused for a moment, and then said a piece of news that shocked Sokov: "Misha, you may not expect that just before entering the headquarters building, I saw Chernyakhovsky General!"

"What, General Chernyakhovsky?" When Sokov heard what Yakov said, his eyes almost fell to the ground. He asked in an unbelievable tone: "Yasha, you didn't Are you wrong?" The reason why he asked this was entirely because in real history, Chernyakhovsky died not long after being shelled by the German army, and even the marshal uniform made for him No chance to put it on.At this moment, when Yakov said that he had seen Chernyakhovsky, he thought it was simply a fantasy. Could it be that a person who had died long ago would lift the coffin board and crawl out of the graveyard?

"You can't be wrong." Yakov said firmly: "Misha, don't forget, I once served as his deputy chief of staff. Don't I know what my immediate boss looks like? ?”

"So, General Chernyakhovsky's injury has recovered?"

"I think so." Yakov said: "But I don't know what military rank he has now, because when I saw him, his shoulder straps had the rank of lieutenant general."

"Where did you see it?" Sokov asked cautiously: "Is he also here to attend the military meeting?"

"As I just said, I saw him before entering the headquarters building." Yakov said: "At that time, he was talking to another general I didn't know in the parking lot. Before I entered the building, I also said I looked back and confirmed that it was him. But I didn’t see him in the following meeting. It was obvious that he was not here to attend the meeting.”

"It'll be fine once the injury is healed." Sokov thought to himself, there is another person who has changed his original destiny because of his appearance. I wonder if it will have any negative impact on future generations?He said casually: "Yasha, if you have the chance, you should still meet General Chernyakhovsky. After all, he was once your immediate boss."

For Lukin, Chernyakhovsky is an unfamiliar name.Although Chernyakhovsky is a Ukrainian, after the outbreak of the war, when Lukin commanded the troops to fight the German army in Shepetovka and Smolensk, he was still in the Baltic Naval District, which later became the Northwest Front Army, serving as the division commander of the 12th Tank Division of the 28th Mechanized Army. The two had no intersection at all.

Because Sokov knew this, it was not surprising to hear Lukin ask about Chernyakhovsky.He pursed his lips towards Yakov and said, "Yasha, you are more familiar with General Chernyakhovsky, so you should introduce it to our deputy commander comrade."

Yakov nodded after hearing this, and then told Lukin about Chernyakhovsky's experience.

After hearing this, Lu Jin nodded repeatedly and said: "I really didn't expect that he was such an excellent commander. Before the war broke out, he was just a division commander. In just a few years, he grew into a front commander. By the way, was he finally promoted to marshal?"

"I'm not sure about this." Yakov shrugged, spread his hands, and said with a grimace: "Ever since he was injured, I have completely lost contact with him. If I hadn't been outside the venue today When I see him occasionally, I almost forget about my former immediate boss.”

"Yasha, I think Marshal Vasilevsky has done a lot of work in front of your father if you can come to the Far East this time."

Yakov had no objection to Sokov's statement: "Misha, you are right. Since Commander Chernyakhovsky was injured, Marshal Vasilevsky replaced him. I have told him more than once that as long as the war is not truly over, I will continue to stay on the battlefield. This time as chief of staff of the 53rd Group Army, I am afraid it was also arranged by him."

"Yasha, since you are so familiar with Marshal Vasilevsky, why not find an opportunity to ask where General Chernyakhovsky is now." Sokov said to Yakov: "No matter what No matter what, the other person was once your immediate boss, and now that he has recovered from his injury, you must always find an opportunity to meet him."

"When we return to Khabarovsk, I will go find Marshal Vasilevsky." Yakov nodded and said, "See if he can arrange for me and Commander Chernyakhovsky to Let’s meet.” The motorcade drove forward for a while and then stopped.

The lieutenant colonel got out of the jeep in front and came to Sokov's car. After opening the door for Sokov, he said politely: "Comrade General, our brigade's location has arrived!"

Sokov got out of the car and looked around, and found that there were many tents in the forest, and he could see soldiers wearing Soviet uniforms coming in and out.There was a wooden house more than 30 meters ahead and to his left. It looked like it had just been built not long ago. It should be the brigade headquarters of the International Brigade.

Thinking of this, Sokov pointed at the wooden house and asked the lieutenant colonel: "Comrade lieutenant colonel, is this your brigade headquarters?"

"Yes, Comrade General." The lieutenant colonel replied in a positive tone: "Our brigade just moved here last week. This is our temporary headquarters. Please come in!"

When Sokov saw Lukin get out of the car, he was originally going to push him into the cabin himself, but Bezikov had already taken the lead and pushed the wheelchair over.

The lieutenant colonel led four people into the brigade headquarters. It was a busy scene here. The staff members were looking at maps and making phone calls at their desks, while the radio operator sitting by the wall was sending telegrams.

Seeing the lieutenant colonel entering, followed by several commanders, including two generals, the busy chief of staff quickly stopped what he was doing and shouted loudly: "Stand at attention!"

Following his shout, everyone stopped their work, straightened up and saluted the four officers who followed the lieutenant colonel in.What caught their attention the most was Lieutenant General Lu Jin in a wheelchair. Almost everyone was thinking, who is this general in a wheelchair and what is he doing here?
The lieutenant colonel introduced the identities of Sokov and others to the members of the headquarters. For the sake of confidentiality, when he introduced Sokov, he still used Sokov's pseudonym and fake military rank.After the introduction was completed, he said to the staff and communications personnel: "Everyone, continue working."

While everyone continued working, the lieutenant colonel introduced his chief of staff and political commissar to Sokov and others.Sokov looked at the brigade chief of staff and political commissar. They all wore the rank of major. He couldn't help but widened his eyes in surprise: "Comrade lieutenant colonel, why are your deputies all with the rank of major?"

Hearing Sokov's question, the muscles on the Lieutenant Colonel's face twitched, and then he said with a grimace: "Comrade General, after we withdrew into the Soviet Union and was reorganized into the 88th International Brigade, the three of us were awarded Until recently, I was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel."

Sokov shook his head and said: "Why is this? Since you are a brigade-level organization, you should at least be awarded the rank of colonel, and the chief of staff and political commissar should also be awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel."

The chief of staff next to him explained: "Comrade Major, you don't know something. When we first entered the Soviet Union, there were only more than 700 people left. It was originally planned to be reorganized into a regiment, but Comrade Ivanov, the person in charge of the Far East Border Zone, said , the supply standard of a regiment is too low. You can establish a brigade organization and get more logistical supplies. More importantly, when the number of troops increases in the future, there is no need to readjust the organization..."

The political commissar sitting next to him asked the brigade commander a question after the chief of staff finished speaking: "Brigade commander, why do you call this major comrade general?"

The brigade commander smiled slightly after hearing this, turned to look at Sokov, and when he saw the other person nodded towards him, he whispered Sokov's true identity: "Chief of Staff, this commander wearing the uniform of a major, actually It is General Sokov, commander of the 53rd Army. He used a pseudonym and changed into this outfit just to hide his true identity."

"Hello, Comrade General." When the chief of staff and political commissar learned Sokov's true identity, they quickly stood up and saluted him.

Facing the seniors who saluted him, Sokov quickly stood up and raised his hand to return the salute, saying: "Hello!"

After sitting down again, the brigade commander introduced the situation of his troops to Sokov: "The whole brigade is organized into 4 infantry battalions, 1 radio company, 1 mortar company, and 1 teaching company. Each battalion has two companies. , each company has 3 platoons; each battalion is equipped with 6 heavy machine guns, each company is equipped with 9 light machine guns, and each platoon is equipped with 15 submachine guns. The main posts of brigade, battalion and company officers are held by Anti-League cadres, and the deputy posts are held by Soviet officers. Platoon leaders and above are paid according to Soviet military officer standards.

The military ranks are: the brigade commander is a lieutenant colonel, the deputy brigade commander, brigade chief of staff, and heads of the brigade headquarters are major, and the battalion commander and deputy battalion commander are captains.Company commanders and deputy company commanders are captains, platoon leaders can be awarded lieutenants and second lieutenants, and soldiers can be awarded the rank of sergeant, sergeant, corporal, private, private, etc. "

After listening, Sokov nodded and then asked: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I wonder which troops you plan to send to cooperate with our actions?"

"Comrade General, please wait a moment." The brigade commander turned to call a staff officer and told the other person: "Go and call Section Chief Feng."

Shortly after the staff officer went out, he came in with an officer wearing the rank of captain.The officer came to the brigade commander, raised his hand in salute and asked: "Brigade commander, what are your instructions?"

"Comrade General, let me introduce you." The brigade commander pointed at the captain and said: "This is Captain Feng, the intelligence section chief of our brigade. I am going to ask him to lead twenty capable soldiers to cooperate with your actions. After introducing the captain's identity, the brigade commander lowered his voice and said to the captain, "Our superiors ordered us to deploy personnel to cooperate with the Soviet army. This commander wearing a junior college uniform is Colonel Sokov, commander of the 53rd Group Army. General, you immediately dispatch twenty capable warriors to his troops."

Although the brigade commander said these words in Chinese, Sokov heard them clearly and clearly.Since the other party has sent a brigade reconnaissance section chief, it proves that the commanders and fighters who will be sent to his unit soon are all elite soldiers of the brigade.With their cooperation, your troops can achieve better results.

(End of this chapter)

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