red moscow

Chapter 2385

Chapter 2385

Looking at Sonia's back, Sokov began to wonder again: "Is this Sonia a real Resistance Alliance or a spy of the Kwantung Army? Let's say she is a spy. The time she entered Khabarovsk was In 40 years, not to mention the Pacific War, even the Great Patriotic War had not yet broken out, and the Kwantung Army had not yet recovered from the disastrous defeat at Nomenkan. It seemed a bit impossible to send spies to the Soviet Union at this time. Say no. Well, judging from her various behaviors, it seems that she is deliberately getting close to herself and Yakov, and intentionally or unintentionally inquires about some important intelligence about the Soviet army."

The dean saw Sokov staring blankly in the direction Sonia left, and he couldn't help but have some thoughts about the relationship between the two.In order to find out what was going on, he asked carefully: "Comrade Commander, how long have you known this head nurse from Khabarovsk?"

"It didn't take long." Sokov withdrew his gaze: "I met her when I went to Khabarovsk for a meeting. At that time, my public identity was still Major Matevosian, and my relationship with her was very ordinary. "

"Oh, that's it." Sokov's explanation seemed to be a bit of a cover-up, and the dean even imagined the relationship between the two. He felt that Comrade Commander suddenly came to the field hospital today, maybe just to see him. This head nurse Sonia, it seems that if he takes more care of her in the future, she can help him speak well in front of the commander.

After seeing off Sokov, the dean asked the political commissar: "Comrade political commissar, I wonder where the medical team who came from Khabarovsk to support us live now?"

"Isn't there a military camp next to the hospital?" the political commissar replied, "I'll let them live there so that if anything happens, it will be easier to greet them."

"I visited the military camp, and the environment was not very good. With more than a dozen people crammed into one bunk, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to sleep well." The dean shook his head and said, "The medical team came all the way from Khabarovsk to support us. But it is obviously inappropriate for us to let them live in such a poor place. I think we should change their residence to another place so that they can have a good rest every day, so that they can have more energy to treat the wounded."

"Comrade Dean, there is a guest house not far away, and the environment is much better than the military camp." The political commissar said awkwardly: "But I am the political commissar of a hospital, and I cannot give orders to others to give orders to the medical team. Gay provides better accommodations.”

"You can tell the person in charge of the other party that Comrade Commander personally asked about this matter. Do you think he has the courage to go to the commander to verify?" The dean taught the political commissar his experience: "As long as you can frighten the other party, then he It will be possible for us to provide convenience and arrange good accommodation for the comrades of the medical team.”

"But what if the person in charge of the guest house really goes to the commander to find out about this matter?" Although the dean has already said this, the political commissar is still uneasy in his heart: "Will we get ourselves into trouble then?" trouble."

"My comrade political commissar." The dean couldn't help but feel dumbfounded when he heard what the political commissar said: "You didn't see the expressions on the commander's face when he was talking to the head nurse just now. If you say there's nothing going on between the two of them, beat me to death. I don’t even believe it. Don’t worry. If the person in charge of the guest house really goes to find the commander, someone will speak for us. Besides, when we do this, we are originally doing a favor to the commander. He is grateful that we are too late. Where can we go? They will blame us."

The dean's words finally convinced the political commissar. He nodded and said, "Okay, Comrade dean, then I will go to the guest house over there and have a good talk with their person in charge."

While the hospital director and political commissar were still working to improve the accommodation conditions of the medical team, Sokov had returned to the headquarters.

Seeing Sokov walking in from outside, Yakov said: "Misha, you are back!"

Sokov's eyes quickly scanned the room, and when he saw no trace of the kid, he nodded and asked, "Is the negotiation between you and Nobata Obata over?"

"Yes, it's over." Yakov replied: "We have repeatedly discussed the surrender of the 44th Army."

Sokov found a seat, leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair and asked, "Where are they going to surrender to us?"

"Zhengjiatun." Yakov might be worried that Sokov didn't know where Zhengjiatun was, so he took the initiative to introduce it to him: "Although it is called Zhengjiatun, it is not a village, but an ancient city with a long history. It is located in the west of Jilin, Shuangzhou. The southwest of Liao City is located at the intersection of Jilin, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia provinces, and on the west bank of the Liao River. It has been known as the 'Liao River waterway hub' since ancient times and is an important town in the northeast that is a battleground for military strategists."

After Sokov waited for Yakov to finish speaking, he asked: "I remember that the 44th Army is affiliated to the Third Front of the Kwantung Army. Where does their front headquarters Harem Chun plan to surrender to our army?"

Yakov was silent for a moment and replied: "It should be in Xinjing. According to the final negotiation results between the Far East General Command and the Kwantung Army, the Kwantung Army Commander Yamada Otsuzo and some senior generals will report to our army in Xinjing surrender."

"Xinjing is the combat area of ​​the 39th Group Army." Lu Jin next to him sighed and said: "I really didn't expect that General Lyudnikov was so lucky that he could personally accept the surrender of the Kwantung Army's supreme commander. This took a long time. Entered into history.”

"Yes." Yakov said with some disappointment: "If the superiors swap the combat areas of our group army with the 39th Group Army, then we should be the troops who accept Yamada Otsuzo's surrender."

When Sokov heard what Yakov said, he thought quite speechlessly: In order to ensure your safety, Marshal Malinovsky used our group army as the reserve force of the front army, and he almost had no chance to participate in this Far East campaign.Now being able to accept the surrender of the 44th Army in Zhengjiatun is already more than enough.

This was what he was thinking in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. He could only nodded and pretended to be depressed and said, "Yeah, it's such a shame."

After a pause, Sokov promptly changed the subject: "By the way, does General Afnin have the latest report?"

"Yes, Misha. General Afnin sent a telegram with a detailed report." Yakov nodded, picked up a piece of paper from the table, and was about to hand it to Sokov.

But Sokov waved his hand and said, "Yasha, just read the contents of the telegram to me."

"General Afunin reported that the 4th Guards Airborne Division of Major General Ye Liaoming has all been stationed in Fengtian." Yakov said: "The Kwantung Army's troops stationed in Fengtian are the 44th Division under the 136th Army. The division commander Lieutenant General Zhongshan Dun is in charge of the 371st, 372nd, and 373rd Infantry Regiments, as well as the 136th Field Artillery Regiment. Due to the limited strength of our army, we have not collected the weapons of the Kwantung Army for the time being, but let them assist our troops in maintaining Fengtian City. order."

Hearing Yakov mention the 136th Division, Sokov couldn't help but laugh. This unit was just established in July this year. Only one month after its formation, it had to lay down its weapons and surrender to its own troops.And this Zhongshan Dun was unlucky enough. Not only was he the first division commander of the 136th Division, he was also the last.With the surrender of this unit, the organization of this unit will be completely cancelled. It can be regarded as the shortest-lived division of the Japanese army. "When are we going to surrender?" Sokov asked.

"It will be possible tomorrow." Yakov said: "We have two options. One is to drive overnight and arrive at Zhengjiatun after dawn; the other is to take a flight to Zhengjiatun tomorrow morning and accept the surrender of the 44th Army. ."

"Yasha, we are going to accept the surrender of the Kwantung Army, not to attend a wedding. There is no problem of being late or not." Sokov said: "We will set off after dawn tomorrow. Let the little devil wait for us a little longer. , I think they, as losers, will not feel impatient."

"I agree with Misha." As soon as Sokov finished speaking, Lujin agreed: "Since the Kwantung Army is the losing party, it is up to us to decide when to accept their surrender. I think we should wait. After dawn tomorrow, let’s take the bus to Zhengjiatun.”

"Okay then." Seeing that Sokov and Lukin had the same opinion, Yakov could not raise any objections.However, he still put forward a rational suggestion: "Do you think you should send an army to Zhengjiatun first to avoid any sudden changes in the Kwantung Army?"

"I agree." Sokov knew that the little devils had a deep-rooted tradition of conquering superiors. If there was a group of stubborn young officers in the 44th Army who were unwilling to surrender the troops to the Soviet army, they would launch a mutiny at night and take control of the 44th Army. The Military Department will cause trouble for tomorrow's surrender ceremony.Precisely because he understood this, Sokov readily agreed to Yakov's proposal: "Which army is closest to Zhengjiatun now?"

"The 57nd Division of the 252th Army, Colonel Yilin's troops."

"Yasha, call Chumakov and ask him to send Colonel Yilin's 252nd Division to station in Zhengjiatun overnight." Sokov warned: "If you find any unusual movements by the Kwantung Army at night, you can do so without hesitation. Take decisive measures.”

“What are decisive measures?”

"That is to launch an attack on the Kwantung Army until all resisting enemies are wiped out."

"Understood, Misha." Yakov nodded and said, "I will convey your message to General Chumakov."

"Misha," Lukin took advantage of Yakov's phone call to revisit Sokov's old story: "The Kwantung Army is about to surrender. How do you plan to dispose of these prisoners?"

"After several years of war, our country's population has decreased significantly, especially in the Far East, and there is a lack of sufficient manpower to carry out construction." Sokov looked at Lukin and said: "I will suggest to the front army headquarters that all these prisoners of war Sent to Siberia for construction.”

"Send them all to Siberia?" Lu Jin asked in surprise: "You know, the number of prisoners we will accept may reach tens of millions, and they will all flow into Siberia at once. I am worried that the food supply will become a big problem. question."

Sokov laughed after hearing this, and then said: "Comrade Deputy Commander, I will report my thoughts to the front army headquarters. As for how to solve the problem of food supply after these prisoners of war arrive in Siberia, it is not an issue that I have to consider. .”

"That's true." Lu Jin said with a smile after hearing this: "If there are tens of millions of people captured, how to resettle them is not a big problem. But now there are tens of millions of prisoners to be accepted, how can Providing them with enough food is really not something commanders of our level should consider."

Sokov sat up straight, grabbed the high-frequency phone on the table in front of him, picked up the phone and started dialing.

When he heard a voice coming from his earphones, he announced his home: "I am Sokov, the commander of the 53rd Army. Please help me pick up General Zakharov, the chief of staff of the front army."

"Misha, this is Zaharov." Zaharov's voice soon came from the receiver: "What do you want from me?"

"That's it, Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army." Sokov said into the microphone: "I just had a chat with my deputy commander, Comrade, and talked about how to deal with the prisoners of the Kwantung Army. I think it is necessary to send my I would like to report my thoughts to you, hoping to provide you with some ideas when solving the problem of prisoners of war in the future."

"Tell me what you think."

"According to various indications, there will be as many as 10 Kwantung Army prisoners who have surrendered to us in recent times. My idea is to send these people to Siberia to help us solve the problem of labor shortage."

"Well, Misha, your idea is similar to the result of our discussion." Zakharov said: "Before you called, I was discussing this matter with Marshal Malinovsky. We agreed that considering Due to the labor shortage problem in our country, these captives should be sent to Siberia to do manual labor and engage in logging and mining."

"That's great." When Sokov learned that Marshal Malinovsky and General Zakharov had the same idea as his, he couldn't help but smile: "Siberia suddenly has so many hundreds of thousands of labor forces, and it must be a good job." Efficiency can be greatly improved.”

"I'm worried that these prisoners will not be productive at work." Zakharov said with some concern: "It will only add hundreds of thousands of mouths, which will not only have no effect, but will also increase our logistical supply pressure. "

"Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army, you are worrying too much." Sokov said cheerfully: "If you encounter prisoners of war who are passive and sabotaging their work, just drag them out and shoot them. If you shoot a few more, the remaining people will be honest. You can help us work obediently."

"Well, that's a good idea." Zakharov couldn't help but nod after hearing this, "When Comrade Marshal and I go to the headquarters for a meeting, I will convey your ideas to Marshal Vasilevsky for It provides some ideas for his future work.”

(End of this chapter)

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