red moscow

Chapter 2517: An act of concealment

Chapter 2517: Deception (Part )

Sokov was very curious. Even if Lucas's wife was dead, the Germans still had many ways to identify the authenticity of "Major Lucas", so he continued to ask: "What about Sagar?" How did it pass the review?”

"The Germans asked Sagar a lot of questions during the review. For example, where in Berlin does he live? What reference points are there when he turns twenty steps to the right? Who was his math teacher in primary school, etc. wait……"

When Sokov heard this, he suddenly felt dizzy. If there is any reference for turning twenty steps to the right outside the door, this is still nonsense. After all, the person responsible for the review has to go to the scene to check to find out whether what he said is true or false. But you can't make it up about who your math teacher was in elementary school. Just pull over Major Lucas' file and you'll be able to tell the truth immediately.

"Agelina, these questions from the Germans are really tricky." Sokov said with emotion: "Even if the intelligence agency interrogates Major Lucas, no matter how detailed the questions are, they will still notice that the primary school mathematics teacher is so indifferent. problem. It seems difficult for Sagar to pass the German review."

"Misha, you are wrong. Sagar answered these questions correctly."

This time it was Sokov's turn to be curious: "Oh, Sagar even answered such an obscure question correctly, how did he do it?"

Agelina smiled slightly, and then explained: "Anyway, Sagar has lived inside the enemy for such a long time as Major Lucas, and he has long been familiar with the German interrogation style. "

"Even if he knew the German interrogation style very well, how could he answer such a remote question from a primary school math teacher?"

"Misha, I haven't finished speaking yet, don't interrupt me in a hurry." Agelina continued: "After Sagar escaped from Kiev and returned to Moscow, when the intelligence agency officials talked to him, he told him directly He plans to send him back to Kiev and continue to pretend to be Major Lucas to obtain more intelligence..."

"This idea is really ridiculous." When Sokov heard this, he couldn't help but interrupt again: "Don't say it's the fake Major Lucas. Even if the real Major Lucas escaped back to Kiev, his superiors would probably He will not be allowed to continue to engage in intelligence work, but will be transferred to an unimportant department or even sent to the frontline combat troops. In the eyes of his superiors, the best outcome for Major Lucas is to die on the battlefield. superior."

Agelina punched Sokov lightly on the back and said with an unhappy face: "Misha, don't interrupt me all the time. I haven't finished speaking yet."

Sokov also wanted to know how Sagar caused Agelina's identity to be exposed, so he nodded and continued to listen to Agelina's story.

"After Sagar finished talking with the intelligence agency officials, he knew that it was a foregone conclusion that he would be reassigned to Kiev, so in the following days, he went to the place where Lucas was being held every day and carefully interrogated every detail." Agelina said: "During that period, whenever he thought of a question, no matter it was day or night, he would send someone to bring Lucas, conduct repeated cross-examination, and write down the answers in a notebook. In this way, he successfully passed the German inspection, but he was still locked up before his identity was finally confirmed. "

Seeing that Agelina still didn't say what he was interested in, Sokov coughed slightly, cleared his throat, and asked tentatively: "Then how was he released later?"

"The prisoner of war who escaped with him was a German colonel." Agelina said: "That man felt that he could return to Kiev only because of this 'Major Lucas'. When he returned After he was freed, he inquired about the major's whereabouts and found out that "Major Lucas" was still in custody. He went to find someone to intercede. It happened that one of his old friends, who was responsible for examining Sagar, met his old friend. The friend came forward to explain, and their cross-examination of Sagar found no flaws, so Sagar was released."

"After Sagar was released, where was he assigned to work?"

"Although Sagar was released from the cell, he has not been assigned any job for the time being." Agelina continued: "And there was a black car parked on the street near his residence for a long time. There were two Gestapo men wearing black leather jackets, whose mission was to monitor Sagar."

"Have you taken any action now that he is under German surveillance?"

"No." Agelina shook her head and said, "We know that Sagar is under the surveillance of the Germans. If we contact him at this time, it will be equivalent to exposing our identity."

"But your identity was exposed in the end." Sokov raised his chin at Agelina and asked: "What on earth is going on? Also, how did you know about Sagar's situation? So clear."

"The reason why I know so much about Sagar's situation is because I checked the files on Sagar after I withdrew to Moscow." Agelina explained: "Of course, Sagar was safe shortly after I withdrew to Moscow. The land returned."

"Why did he withdraw? Has his identity been exposed?"

"Yes, it was indeed exposed." Agelina nodded and said in a positive tone: "Do you still remember that I said that a prisoner of war was hit by a bullet while escaping, and then no one was alive but no body was seen. Did you find a pool of blood by the river?"

"Remember, of course I remember. I'm not old, how could I forget what you just said not long ago." Sokov said: "Did the German prisoner of war not die after being shot, but escaped along the river? "

"Yes, he is indeed not dead." Agelina said: "I found out from the German army files that this German prisoner of war was a lieutenant colonel. When he escaped, he was shot in the leg and fell in the river. He was keenly aware that the prison break organized by 'Major Lucas' was a planned conspiracy to help the fake major sneak into the German defense area. According to his guess, the prison escape was. Inside, only one or two people were able to survive, return to the German defense zone with the fake major, and become witnesses to his identity.

At this time, he heard our soldiers in charge of searching heading this way, and immediately turned over and got into the water, hiding in the grass on the shore to avoid the search of our soldiers. When the soldier in charge of the search came to the place where he entered the water, he saw blood stains on the riverside and looked into the river for a while. No one was found. He thought he must have been washed away by the river, so he stopped searching and turned around to leave. . The prisoners of war hid in the water for more than two hours. After confirming that there were no our soldiers around, they got up from the river and stumbled towards the German defense area.

Because he had an injury on his leg and could not walk fast, and also had to avoid possible pursuit by our army, it took him half a month to reach the German defense area. After explaining the situation to the commander of the local garrison, he was sent to Kiev. After he arrived in Kiev, he was also scrutinized. When questioned, he gave a detailed report on the causes and consequences of his escape. The German command learned that a major who had returned some time ago might be a Russian pretending to be a Russian, and immediately aroused vigilance. Originally, they planned to arrest Sagar directly, but to be on the safe side, they had to take time to verify the identity of the prisoner of war. And I happened to see the arrest warrant that the commander put on the table. I felt something bad, so I immediately found an opportunity to leave the German headquarters and report the matter to my superior. "

When Sokov heard this, he realized that the truth about Agelina's identity would soon surface. He could not help but lean forward slightly and continue to listen to the other party's story.

"When my superior learned about this, he couldn't help being shocked. Therefore, he received an order from his superior to ensure Sagar's safety. Now that he learned that the Germans planned to arrest Sagar, he could not sit still, so he immediately reported it to his superior I sent a telegram asking for instructions on what to do next." Agelina said with a wry smile: "The call from the superior will arrive soon, asking us to find a way to send Sagar out of Kiev."

"You said that there was a Gestapo monitoring Sakir outside his residence." Sokov said thoughtfully: "This is only surface surveillance. It's hard to say whether there are hidden sentries in other places. If you If we go to rescue him like this, we might fall into a trap by the Germans.”

When Agelina heard what Sokov said, a look of astonishment appeared on her face: "Misha, how did you know that the Germans had laid a trap?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing." Sokov urged Agelina: "Go on."

"In addition to the Gestapo stationed outside the residence to monitor him, the Germans also had two groups of people secretly monitoring his actions in nearby residential buildings." Agelina said with a wry smile: "We who were responsible for the rescue thought that Just avoid the two Gestapo outside the main entrance. Unexpectedly, there are hidden sentries not far away. As soon as they approached, they were discovered by the Germans. During the battle, the four men we sent immediately exchanged fire. , two people were killed on the spot, one was seriously injured and captured, while the other managed to escape.

The gunfight outside the house caught Sagar's attention. When he saw this situation, he also realized that something was wrong, especially when he saw the Gestapo who was responsible for monitoring him in the car on the roadside. After hearing the gunfire, he also rushed towards his residence. He quickly opened the door and walked towards Run upstairs. Later, he climbed onto the roof and escaped.

The Germans took the wounded man back for severe interrogation. The man could not survive the German torture, so he told the Germans everything he knew. He even confessed to the Germans where my superior lived. "

"Oops, if your superior is caught by the Germans, doesn't that mean your identity will also be exposed?"

"Yes, it is indeed the case." Agelina nodded and said in a positive tone: "Based on the clues provided by the traitors, the Germans broke into my superior's residence, captured him, and brought him back to the headquarters for interrogation. ”

Although Agelina was right in front of him at the moment, Sokov's breathing became rapid. He eagerly wanted to know whether Agelina's superior would confess her after he was arrested. How did you escape?

Fortunately, Agelina did not sell out and continued to tell what Sokov desperately wanted to know: "After my superior was arrested, he was taken to the headquarters for interrogation. As the commander's secretary, I can naturally participate in such an incident." Interrogation. When I saw my superior in the interrogation room, I was shocked. My superior was also shocked when he saw me. He secretly sent me a massage when the Germans were not paying attention. Password, let me move immediately, otherwise my life will be in danger.

I knew that my superior was arrested and I was soon implicated, so I was thinking about what to do next. Now that I saw the Morse code he sent me, I knew that if I stayed in Kiev, I would end up like my own superior, being imprisoned by the Germans. So I made an excuse to leave the headquarters, found a barrel truck and drove out of the city. Along the way, I used the special pass from the headquarters to successfully pass the checkpoints. It wasn't until I was only seven or eight kilometers away from our army's position that I abandoned the barrel truck and returned to our army's defense area from the path. "

"It's a pity, it's such a pity." Sokov shook his head and said: "If the officials of the Intelligence Bureau hadn't come up with such a ridiculous plan, I think your underground intelligence organization in Kiev would have been fine before I regained Kiev. "

"Yes." Agelina nodded and said, "If we persist for another six months, we can wait until Kiev is liberated."

After Agelina said this, the room suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Agelina took the initiative to break the silence in the room and said: "Misha, what do you think of General Vatutin's abilities? If he is still alive today, will he also become a marshal?"

Sokov did not expect that Adelina would suddenly talk about Vatutin. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "Adelina, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"No need to say this, of course it's the truth." Agelina said in an encouraging tone: "Misha, tell me what's on your mind. Anyway, there are only two of us here. Even if you say something wrong, I I won’t tell anyone else.”

Sokov looked at Agelina and saw her sincerity. After a short ideological struggle, he felt that he could still express his views on Vatutin: "In my opinion, General Vatutin is A commander with great ambition and talent. Perhaps the position of commander of the infantry corps is the highest position he can hold. "

Adelina did not expect that Sokov would actually comment on Vatutin like this, with a look of astonishment on his face: "But I heard many people say that he is an excellent commander. You know, Kiev is the unit he commands. Liberating.”

Sokov laughed dryly, and then said: "As an agent of the Intelligence Agency, you should have the opportunity to see various battle reports."

Seeing Agelina nodding, he continued: "If you have read these battle reports, you should know that the troops commanded by Vatutin have not made any progress at the original crossing point, and in the end the Supreme Command had to intervene. , allowing the Belarusian Front commanded by Marshal Rokossovsky to move north to give Vatutin's troops room to attack. If there was no intervention from the headquarters, then the liberator of Kiev would not be Vatutin, but Rokossov. Marshal Kossovsky."

Agelina obviously didn't believe Sokov's statement. In her mind, Vatutin was a great commander. If he hadn't died young, he would have achieved greater achievements. maybe.

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