under fire

Chapter 103 The Devil Has a Way

Chapter 103 The Devil Has a Way
Okawa Toyoshi was sleeping at the foot of the mountain, and the sound of the earth shaking and the mountain shaking woke up the group of devils. A few second lieutenants followed the lieutenant, ran to the front and held up binoculars to watch for a long time. It was the eight-way group who marched in front of me last night. I regretted it, but I didn't care.

With such a terrain, the whole division did not withdraw after pulling it over, and it might not be effective to let the aviation troops come out for tactical guidance. There is such a large piece of land on the mountain, and this is the only way up the mountain. A devil came down, and the two roads were blocked.If you make a detour, it will take three or two days.

According to the news from the headquarters of the First Army, the North Route Army had already attacked not far from the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. Shigeo Mashiko was lucky, the terrain in the north was not as steep, and the road was much easier.

The artillery position had already suffered a round of stone rain, with one death and four injuries. Instead, the grenades dropped from above were not accurate enough and did not cause any casualties. Now the terrain, all the devils were dumbfounded.

Okawa-kun, ours is very passive. Even if we fight, even if we succeed, there will be too little time. Captain Guizi looked at the middle-aged man in eight-way costume in front of him.


The two lines on the spread map are useless, and the big eyes and small eyes don't get the point.

It seems that extreme measures must be taken.Lieutenant Okawa didn't feel that he was in Jedi.

"Oh? Do you have a solution?"

"Notify the troops that I want a rope, a strong rope." Did Tubalu think that with the advantage of the terrain, the imperial army would not withdraw?

"What do you mean? You mean you are going to climb up the mountain?" Looking up, the captain was a little dazzled: "This place, you can also go up?" After finishing speaking, he was in awe.

The imperial army on the North Road was still waiting for the two westward marching teams to encircle them. After much deliberation, Lieutenant Da Chuan came up with what he thought was the smartest way to go over the mountain!

Da Chuan has a ruthless heart in his bones, and has no interest in the ordinary goals of ordinary people in China. He speaks a fluent Shanxi local accent, and he is usually nice to ordinary people, and his play is deep.

A group of guys in eight-way costumes among the devils began to gather, no longer advancing, but retreating southeast along the steep foot of the mountain.

An hour later, a second lieutenant among the devils found a place and reckoned that it might be possible to climb up.

"Report, the position ahead is very suitable for climbing, it should be possible."

Dachuan was followed by a group of devils, who were temporarily drawn to serve as heavy soldiers. Of course, Dachuan's team had to maintain their strength if they were going to cross the mountain.

The captain of the heavy soldier led the team, looked up and looked, his scalp was numb, from here, if the rope was broken, or his hands were not grasped firmly, and he fell, he didn't know how many pieces he would be broken into.

There is no soil on the mountain wall, let alone green shade, only sparsely dotted with sporadic grass at the crevices of the rocks, and straight, bare, white, and naked peaks stand in front of you. The mountains are like knives, and the walls are like The sword is cut, standing majestically, upright, the only thing that can be used is just a crack from the ground to the top.

Saoyue Shushui, Convincing Qi and Bigu, Addiction and Rehabilitation, Everyone Follows Their Wills, Meditating in the Shadow, Far from Other Concerns, Duyun, Stone Pine, and Misty Waterfall are refreshing, the team leader is quite educated, and he thinks of so many Chinese fancy words in his heart.

Since you are blocking from above, then the warriors go up in another place, wipe out the Tuba Road, occupy the mountain pass, cut off the escape route of the Eight Road, and the brigade can advance quickly.

Since you insist on arguing, do you think my imperial army has nothing to do, hehe, then I will come from behind you and wait for a large number of warriors to come up. If it succeeds, it will be regarded as a miracle in the history of war.

With an order, the devils began to prepare. The three devils came out of the queue and carefully checked the rope on the ground. Each of the two carried a loop of rope on their backs. The devil in the front tied the end of the rope to himself, and the three of them connected together. The devils at the front are responsible for exploring the way, the devils in the middle are responsible for inserting steel nails in the crevices of the rocks, and the devils at the end have to drive another steel nail in the crevices of the rocks, double insurance operation.

Even if the first devil misses, he won't pull all three people down. Double-rope rock climbing safety considerations are very thoughtful, although not as good as those professional western rock climbers.

The most important thing is that the devil's physique can't keep up, but he can barely do it by connecting the people who went up first, carrying steel nails and hammers, and climbing up the gap between the two rocks.

Although the speed of the devil going up the mountain was not fast, he looked at the heavy soldiers of the devil: that's okay?

Chen Chong believes that the reason why the Nine Company has stayed here until now is because the company commander thinks it is too easy to stop the devils here. Can he find a more suitable position than here?
I have been waiting for the attack of the devils, but the devils have died down and there is no movement, very disappointed.

The devil only occasionally fired two shells with a mortar. The position and movement of the devil was determined, but the situation of the battle was not clear. some experience.

I don't know what flowers can be pulled out by throwing two stones.

The little girl thought to herself, the fox is trying to hold back the enemy in front of him. In such a blocking position, the devils can't do anything with all their strength. A few grenades go down, and the devils don't seem to send anyone to attack. The sun in the sky is very poisonous. The devil can see clearly, the yellow is pressing, one piece after another, connected into a thick line, going south, the devil will come up, unless he can really fly.

Pan Zhuzi's commissioned soldier sacrificed another one. Among the soldiers was a gunshot wound. The hole of the bullet passed through his right lung, and he vomited blood and died. He Gensheng was almost crushed to death by Pan Zhuzi. I scolded Hu Yi several times in my heart, saying that there is nothing wrong with Hu Yi's selfishness. He obviously just wanted to vent his anger. Although he was arrogant, you, as the company commander, didn't even try to persuade you. It's too despicable and shameful. The political commissar is also there The front, but seems to have forgotten the back.

Mule looked at the scene and wanted to laugh, but Ding De gave him a stare, and immediately turned into a sad face, and took back his steps to help Tang Dagou.

Squad leader Model Wang saw that the independent regiment was clearly showing an internal attitude, so he quickly stood behind Political Commissar Ding. After all, it was safe here. After thinking about it, there were four wounded soldiers in his squad there, so he had to run over to try to persuade them to fight.

He didn't know that in Tang Dagou's class, the national army was all defeated. Since they were defeated, how many simple defeated soldiers could survive the battlefield?The big fools have already lost their lives for the party and the country, or were wiped out during the siege of the Ninth Company.

As soon as Squad Leader Wang went up, he stood behind Tang Dagou. Doctors are in short supply. It is said that there are no two in the division, except for a foreigner who used the country to support the Eighth Route Army. Sacrifice, right now, Dr. He is the lifeline of the soldiers.

Li Xiang was inspecting the military appearance of the soldiers in the platoon under the sun, watching the soldiers at the end of the line thinking: This kid is so short, it affects his image too much, he has to go to Tang Dagou's security army to change another day, or go today?But for what reason?

(End of this chapter)

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