under fire

Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047

The mountain ridge to the east.

The six Nakajima I-style "Falcon" fighters completely became the overlord of the sky.

There is no aircraft that can fight with three guns and eight roads!

The Tuba road on the east and west hills is hard to fly!

It's only a matter of time before these Tuba Road agents are wiped out
After diving back and forth and plowing the mountain ridge several times, some pilots finally noticed that something seemed wrong.

As for how many Eighth Routes were killed by the airborne machine guns, and whether they even hit Eighth Routers, it is almost uncertain.
In the gaps between the planes' strafing, Tubalu always seized the opportunity to take the lead, and used the most primitive method: throwing stones down the mountain ridge!
And the ground troops who were about to approach the top of the mountain ridge were thrown off the cliff by stones from time to time!
Looking at the steep mountain road, in addition to continuing to dive and shoot eight ways on the mountain ridge, the pilot is really helpless.

The purpose of entering the mountain this time is mainly to support the attacking ground troops. The position under the wing that could have been used to mount two aerial bombs is now empty, and it is okay to throw a bomb.
The Devil's plane was originally equipped with an advanced radio walkie-talkie, but it's a pity that the call quality of that thing is extremely poor, and it is almost useless except to increase the weight of the plane!

The way to coordinate between pilots is either to use sign language or use the aircraft's flight attitude to coordinate.

More pilots habitually bring a blackboard and a few sticks of chalk in the cockpit before going to the sky, and use it to write bird songs on it to communicate with teammates
The ghost lieutenant who attacked above the mountain ridge was even more aggrieved, the mountain road was narrow, and every time the grenadier just erected the grenadier, the eight roads above could always hit the stone accurately.

It looked like he was being beaten.

The heavy-fire mortars behind have not been delivered yet.
The terrain on the mountain ridge is unknown, even if the pilot can see it, there is no way to immediately convey it to the ground troops.

The pilot was not stupid, and immediately changed the direction of the strafing, and adjusted the flight direction to north and south, thinking that this would make Balu nowhere to escape. However, the pilot was disappointed. There were too many rocks on the mountain ridge, and Tubalu was as agile as a monkey. Before the ballistic arrives, dodge behind rocks that the machine gun bullets cannot reach.

If the flight was too low, Tubalu would occasionally shoot the plane with a machine gun.
It felt that the wing seemed to be hit by a Tuba machine gun. Fortunately, there was no problem with the plane, but the pilot did not dare to fly too low.
The six planes hovered helplessly in the sky, and once again turned around and dived and strafed
"Mancang, frankly, if you can shoot down a plane, I'll ask your sister Osmanthus to tell you a daughter-in-law." Tang Dagou stared at the plane with itchy teeth. Missed.
Mancang shook his head in embarrassment, looked at the plane going away, and adjusted the position of the machine gun to avoid the bullets of the machine gun of the Devil plane that was about to face again: "I obviously hit the front one, but the Devil plane doesn't seem to be afraid of bullets at all." .”

"You missed the plane's engine or fuel tank." Throwing a stone weighing several tens of kilograms down the cliff again, Liu Manhe yelled loudly.

After he finished speaking, he shook his head, and a cloud of dust rose from his military cap, all of which were stone chips splashed on the stones by machine gun bullets.

"Fuck it with three machine guns, even if the plane is not afraid of bullets, if it happens to be covered by the devil who is flying the plane, it can still be shot down." The big dog thought that the army had used this method before, but it used ten times that time. With several machine guns, it took a long time to shoot a plane into smoke, but the plane still flew away in the end.
Don't have an anti-aircraft machine gun and want to masturbate?Crazy Yang, who was hiding in the crevice of the stone, looked at the group of two hundred and five, and couldn't help but shook his head: "Impossible"

The observation post shouted loudly: "The plane is coming again, pay attention to concealment."

The impatient Ma Liang turned a deaf ear and still held up his binoculars to look at the mountain ridge on the west side of Jiuying.

The gunpowder smoke on the mountain ridge in the distance seems to be rolling, and then it is carried away by the mountain wind.

He knew very well that the devils had already started to attack the battalion commander.
However, there is simply nothing he can do now.
Even if it gets dark, the battalion commander probably won't be able to break through
Li Lao Si next to him looked at the direction of the roaring plane, and quickly pressed Ma Liang's head behind the stone.

After throwing stones on the mountain ridge, the soldiers of the secret service group screamed strangely and jumped down among the piles of rocks to the cover that their comrades had found earlier.

Even though they knew how to avoid the ballistics of machine guns, several guerrilla fighters and student platoon leaders were bitten by machine gun bullets.
At this time, there is no way to give first aid to the wounded, only to bandage the wound, life and death are fate.
Hu Yi risked his head being hit by the rain of bullets, quickly looked at the devil's offensive formation on the gentle slope, and immediately ordered to the messenger next to him: "Hurry up and inform Tian Sanqi, you must wait for the devil to get close to the cliff before pulling Sound the mine."

Having been beaten by devils countless times, he knew very well what kind of means to attack in such a situation.

It is absolutely impossible to compete with the devils.

But it's no problem to put some eye drops on the devil.

With long-term experience in fighting devils, he knew that devils would bombard them, so there were not many people who asked Tian Sanqi to pre-arrange positions on the edge of the cliff highland.

Even so, Tian Sanqi Company still suffered more than a dozen casualties.

The devil can only be brought closer to make the devil's mortar useless.

Having used machine guns for many years, he knew better that the Devil's machine gun can only shoot in a straight line, and when attacking upwards, it poses little threat to the soldiers hiding behind the rocks.

Tian Sanqi's heart was bleeding, and half of his subordinates lost their fighting power before the battle even started!
Staring at the devil infantry under the cliff with blood-red eyes, he yelled at the orderly next to him: "Hurry up and ask Wan to shoot a few shots and blow up the devil's machine gun position."

"Yes" the messenger hurriedly took advantage of the cover of the rocks, and carefully crawled away from the position of the bullet.
behind a boulder.

The machine gun bullets were too dense, and the ten thousand soldiers with the mortar team didn't dare to take the risk of probing.

He ordered the four or five soldiers who followed him to push a stone to the side of the boulder that was integrated with the mountain beam according to his request.

In this way, a gap can be formed between the two stones.

Soon, amidst the puffing sound of the bullets from the Devil's machine gun hitting the stone in the distance, Wan narrowed his wide eyes to the gap and began to observe the position coordinates of the Devil's machine gun position.

He felt a little upset, these Tubalus thought they were educated if they knew a few words.

These two hundred and five don't calculate ballistics at all!
He has to do everything himself
From observer to first gunner and second gunner, he is the only one
The eight ways to learn artillery with him are all [-].
In addition to learning the No. [-] charge and the No. [-] charge, even adjusting the height of the machine is a blind adjustment
Chief Hu can calculate, but he is the commander
The old Qi bandit will also count, that guy will not go to the front line at all on the grounds that he is a wounded soldier
Li Xiang wanted to guard against the rear, so naturally it was impossible for him to be his assistant
Thanks to myself, I managed to get the little devil Sergeant to give these [-]s two days of artillery lessons.
That devil should be damned, just talk about theory, there is a fart.
If two of the eight roads can calculate the ballistic trajectory, the coordinates of the firepower positions that may be deployed by each enemy should be marked in advance, and there is no need for him to scratch his head and scratch his head for temporary calculations.

As for using his strength at this time, probing his thumb to measure the distance and azimuth, shooting under the dense machine gun bullets of the devils will definitely punch [-] holes in his head
Naturally, you can't do purely death-seeking jobs.
While scratching his head, he wrote and scratched ghostly symbols on the cigarette paper that no one could understand. His education level was not good, and he cursed for a long time, but he didn't think he was ugly.
Unexpectedly, an orderly crawled up next to him, shouting loudly: "Brother Wan, Company Commander Tian asked if you could shoot the Japanese with a machine gun."

"Fight, fight, do you think I don't want to fight?"

"Why don't you let me try?"

"You? Get out now."

The orderly of Tian Sanqi Company didn't leave, hesitating for a while and made a serious suggestion: "I can shoot bullets!"

"That's right. The Devil's artillery position is far away, and the grenade can't hit it. The machine gun position is 300 meters, isn't it just within the firing range?" Wan Baxi muttered to himself, and slapped the soldier lying on the ground on the shoulder, and turned to Li Xiang next to him. The second "artilleryman" under his command: "Hurry up and get all the grenadiers here."

When the grenade was delivered to Wan Baxi, the correspondent sent by Xiao Hongying braved the heavy rain of bullets, crawled to Hu Yi's side among the rocks, and yelled loudly.
The little devil's bullets whizzed above his head like he didn't want money. Hu Yi frowned: "Speak up. What did you just say?"

The soldier who sent the order hurriedly reported: "The brother of Crazy Yang, Liu Yuanqing, said that he has a way to make the devil unable to eat this time."

(At the end of this chapter, thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, 4026, 4766 for the reward... Desperate brothers who are smoking for nothing, hurry up and start. Click on the book, and vote for two free recommendation votes.)
(End of this chapter)

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