under fire

Chapter 1061 Breakthrough

Chapter 1061 Breakthrough
The dozen or so grenades that Balu had thrown down from the mountain ridge earlier caused serious damage to the two light machine guns in front.

The battlefield observer ran up to the lieutenant and told the lieutenant that it could not be repaired in a short time.

The lieutenant hurriedly ordered that all four light machine guns on the wings be adjusted to the front.

It just happened to encounter an eight-way charge, and the machine gun team had not had time to play a role, and then suffered heavy losses.

The entire squadron, including six machine gun groups, was misfired by Tubalu one after another.

Lieutenant Devil was shocked!

The firepower of the machine gun was suppressed one after another at the moment of firing. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that the situation he was facing was far more serious than he imagined.

Keep reminding yourself to be calm.

As the commander, he quickly received reports from his subordinates that the four machine gun groups were only hit by eight dense bullets.

There should be no problem with the machine gun itself. According to normal conditions, the deputy shooter will soon be able to get the machine gun team to work again!
However, after waiting for nearly 1 minute, I didn't hear the familiar yelling!

Before the firepower of the machine gun recovers, even if you can kill some eight roads just by throwing grenades and shooting with rifles, it will definitely not be able to stop the suicide charge of Tuba road!

What's more, the key is that there are also four machine guns on Tuba Road!

At this time, bullets were pouring down on the warriors, and warriors were constantly being hit.

The lieutenant had to desperately urge the machine gunner to quickly set up a position to fight back.

At the same time, give an order to the grenadier soldiers next to them: shoot rapidly at all costs.

As long as the grenadier team can destroy the four flame tongues of the eight roads, the two sides will be on the same starting line again!

He believes that as a defensive side, the Warriors will never lose to anyone if they fight face-to-face and shoot with rifles!
The lieutenant didn't know that the opponent was completely different from the three guns he had seen before!
Because Jiuying is better at using shell guns!
As for the remnants of Tian Sanqi Company that he saw now charging with bayonets and constantly falling down.

It's just Tian Sanqi's hobby...

Tom… Tom… Tom
The grenade keeps throwing grenades into the air.


"Be careful, Battalion Commander..." The ammunition hand who was pressing the bullet suddenly screamed strangely, then jumped up from behind the stone where he was hiding, and threw Hu Yi who was concentrating on shooting...


A grenade that landed with a whistle exploded near the machine gun!

"Battalion Commander..." The deputy shooter's voice was filled with panic...

Then, a machine gun in the devil's team screamed again

The terrain to the west of the valley is slightly gentler.

The bottom of the north-south valley is naturally much narrower, only about three miles wide from east to west!

After the sun went down and it was dark, the team of friendly troops who sneaked down the mountain was swaying down in the darkness, clattering their helmets and swaying their feet.

Gunshots and explosions continued in the valley, obscuring the movement of the descending team.

Because there was no guide, it took a lot of time to go down the mountain, and the battle in the valley seemed to be extremely fierce.

Finally descending from the gentle slope to the bottom of the valley, the soldiers in charge of security immediately dispersed.

The major panted heavily, looking at the fierce battlefield ahead, but did not hear the familiar sound of automatic submachine guns.

My heart sank, the ones who broke through should not be the officers of the staff department.

The leading company commander also found the problem and hesitated for a moment: "Battle commander, I don't think we should be in this muddy water."

The major shook his head: "We lost contact with the military headquarters, and wandered around the mountains for another day, and now our eyes are darkened, no matter who is surrounded by devils, we should help them, maybe they know the news of the staff headquarters Maybe!"

"It would be fine if it was a deserter from the New Fifth Army."

"No, their entire army was ordered to surrender to the enemy"

The company commander was stunned for a moment: "Being ordered to surrender to the enemy? What do you mean?"

"Don't ask about this, some things are better not knowing than knowing"

"Is it"

"Shut up!"

The conversation between the two is over.

A black figure slipped back from the front and reported to the colonel lying in the bushes the general deployment of the devils in front of him.

In fact, the major had already seen the general situation of the battlefield. After listening to the report of the enemy's situation by the reconnaissance vanguard, he ordered without hesitation: "The first row and the second row immediately deploy to the left, outflank the attack from the two wings, and pay attention to keeping the distance!"

No matter who broke through, it must be right to fight devils!
It's a pity that the current position is very awkward. The two sides in front of the battle are fighting in full swing, with stray bullets flying around.

Although he was behind the devil, he couldn't sneak up on the devil's back, because if he went up from behind the devil, he might be injured by the stray bullets from the enemy's breakout force!
After marching in a hurry for a long time, and just coming down from the mountain ridge, the scattered soldiers' legs were shaking when they walked.

The cat bent its waist and gritted its teeth, and ran forward out of breath in the valley full of rocks mixed with low bushes.

You can see the devil's plaster flag clearly from the mountain ridge, so you won't be able to mistake your opponent.

left wing.

Suddenly a voice came out from the darkness and asked, "Stop! Password!"

"This is the password!" The leading platoon leader kept on stepping, cursing in the same bird language.

The gunfire was too dense, and the devils who kept shooting from the front didn't have eyes in the back of their heads. Even the devils' battlefield observers didn't hear the gunshots coming from behind.

At this time, all attention was focused on the eight roads that were crawling on the ground and getting closer.

They were all busy throwing grenades into the darkness, how could they have thought that something would suddenly appear behind them at this time.

Due to the tight front, the devil infantry, who were shrinking from the two wings to the front, found someone shooting a hundred meters behind the flank of the position.

A certain devil immediately ran close, and asked questions at the top of his voice amidst the dense gunfire.

The leading platoon leader thought for a while when he heard the voice of the devil's bird's voice, stuck his head out amidst the continuous flashes, and followed the bird's voice, screaming strangely: "Password. fire fire repeat, password. fire fire"

Hearing the birdsong faintly, the devil who went to check the situation immediately turned around and ran back. After hearing the report, the second lieutenant who led the team closer to the front ignored the "warning post" behind him, thinking to himself, wait until the battle is over before throwing him away. He slapped a few times!

He hurried to the front with a group of devils.

The second lieutenant platoon leader lying in the dark was a little surprised, what does the little devil mean?
Look down on me?

The second lieutenant platoon leader did not hesitate: "Give it to me, beat him a son of a bitch."

At a distance of more than [-] meters, the team still touched in the dark for nearly half a minute.

Suddenly a voice came out of the darkness: "Hit!"

chug chug.
The ten submachine guns of the automatic fire team immediately began to beat aggressively.

Ten rifles followed to clear the dangerous target.

Da da da. Da da da.
The machine gun crew hastily established a position and fired wildly at the flanks of the team in front of them.

The first wave of six grenades from the bombing team flew towards the crowd of devils
Hearing the gunshots, the devils couldn't understand, how could Tubalu run to the side and rear to attack?

Tuba Road has been pressed within 50 meters of the cliff!

Is there something wrong with the eyes?Or something out of my mind?

With the exploding flash of the grenade and the roar of automatic weapons, the devil commander finally discovered that the attacking imperial army turned out to be the blue army uniform wearing a steel helmet!

Hasn't the New Five Armies already surrendered?
Are these people in blue uniforms some scattered troops outside?
In front of the imperial soldiers, everything is ashes!
"Fight back!" The devil's second lieutenant, who had just reinforced the frontal battlefield, arrogantly commanded his subordinates to fight back against the despicable attackers in the dark.

The second lieutenant Guizi was used to being arrogant, and he didn't even have the consciousness to sneak attack on his national army team. It was completely different from those soldiers who saw the imperial army like a mouse seeing a cat.

Whether it is in terms of firepower configuration or battlefield timing, it is simply not something his team, which doesn't even have a machine gun, can handle.

"Report to the lieutenant, there seems to be intensive gunshots coming from the left wing!"

When. Puchi
The second lieutenant on the left, wearing a helmet, felt as if his head had been hit by a car, and then a wave of heat seemed to warm his brain
(End of this chapter)

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