under fire

Chapter 1064 Charge Bear

Chapter 1064 Charge Bear

The devil's combat effectiveness is indeed not something to brag about.

Since ancient times, the leader of the Devil's Trailblazer, who was able to win the honor of the vanguard and the most arrogant general, was ambushed unexpectedly.

Follow closely behind the squadron leader.
Also ambushed.

Originally chasing and encircling the Tuba Road on the mountain ridge, I was full of anger, but there are still people who dare to stroke the majestic imperial army's tiger beard.

The dispirited squadron leader ordered his subordinates to attack the despicable raiders in the valley.

It's a pity that Tubalu, who had been hiding from a long way to sneak attack, spread his legs and retreated up the mountain ridge along the gentle slope behind him.

Seeing that Tubalu can run faster than a rabbit.

If it weren't for the fact that it was more important to outflank the secret service group in the north, even if they were pushed to the horizon, they would have to wipe out this group of bastards.

As the opening squadron, he must ensure that before the arrival of the large troops behind, he will open up a fast marching road, and at the same time be responsible for the safety along the way.

Before the order from the major came later, the lieutenant had no choice but to give up even though he was holding back his anger.

The vanguard squad was ordered to move on, and most of the squadron continued to move north.

A squad was left to guard the Tuba Road on the mountain to prevent the large troops following behind from being attacked again.

The lieutenant swore that he would definitely come back after cleaning up the Eighth Route Special Service Group in the north.

However, the vanguard squad did not walk two miles along the valley in a hurry to the north.

A wave of sporadic bullets fired again in the dark night, and the scout squad walking in the forefront was brought down in half again.

The moonlight shone on the west side of the valley, and the bottom of the valley was hazy, and it was impossible to see how many attackers there were in the night.

The exasperated team leader immediately ordered to set up a crooked machine gun, and a wave of fire suppressed the position of the attacker's gunfire.

There was no movement on the other side.

Judging from the opponent's firepower, there are not many Tuba passers-by.

A word popped up in the second lieutenant's mind: Harassment!
Judging from the location where this group of Eight Routes appeared, it is likely to have something to do with the spy group.

Could it be the peripheral troops of the Eighth Route Special Service Regiment?
That being the case, leave a squad to destroy you!

The well-trained devils are not stupid, and the really stupid ones have already returned to the west.

The squad leader hurriedly sent someone to report his analysis results to the lieutenant behind.

Soon, the lieutenant agreed to the squad leader's arrangement.

A squad of devils split into two parts and quickly left, and got into the bushes on both sides of the nearly dry river.

It's still the old routine: Attract from below, assault on both wings!
Most of the devils in the team marched slowly and vigilantly among the rocks along the river, while the devils on both sides advanced quickly from the two wings.

It is not easy to advance in the dark if you are not familiar with the terrain. Fortunately, all non-combat weapons that may make noise, such as kettles and lunch boxes, were discarded.

Holding a rifle and hanging a grenade, go forward bravely in the rocky bushes!

"Are the grenades buried?" Yi Lianchang asked the black shadows who ran back.

"Company commander, don't worry, the little devil is coming from both sides, this time, he will definitely kill those bastards
"Boy, don't talk too much."

"Hey, company commander, I always feel that it's not good for us to bomb the devils with grenades all the time."

"Uh, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. It would be nice to have grenades."

"Li Xiang of the Nine Company just came up with a new gadget, the grenade will explode when the fuse is pulled!"

"Then this grenade is not allowed to blow itself up? Is there any use for it?"

"Of course it's not good for dropping bombs, but it's good for making landmines!"

"That's how landmines are supposed to be, okay?"

"We're missing a detonator, I mean the fuse inside the grenade is cut short."

"You know what, do you know the difference between our grenade and the devil's hand grenade, which is what we often call grenades?"

"Of course I know. The Devil's grenade has less explosives and uses fragments to injure people. Our grenade has more charges and injures people by the shock wave when it explodes."

"People have been studying it for so many years, just to make the time delay accurate. It's good for you, don't delay it. If you report your request to the division arsenal, how much trouble will the arsenal's master save?"

"Then we'll need this kind of grenade from now on."

"You idiot, it's a fucking mine."

"Aren't mines round like watermelons?"


"Report to the company commander, the devils coming from both sides are coming soon"

Before the words were finished, a fire flashed suddenly on the west side of the valley, followed by a loud bang.
For the proud squadron leader of the devil, this battle is completely beyond the scope of his command or control.

This is completely different from the battle he has experienced.

I am used to the scene where a round of grenade grenade is thrown, and those Chinese people directly raise their rifles above their heads and line up to surrender.

The warriors of the imperial army stabbed those disobedient soldiers straight through with their bayonets.

The squadron's machine gun intermittently didn't have a bullet that could finish a barrel.

There is nowhere to play with the blood in the air!

An illusion, it must be an illusion!

Before the battle, I had already overestimated the three guns and the eight roads, but the firepower in front of me was stronger than that of the imperial army, how could this be the eight roads!

Now it is besieged by three directions!
Where do you put the faces of the imperial soldiers?
Behind him was the sound of automatic weapons.

Compared with the military equipment sent by the ally Mustache to exchange, it is not inferior in any way!

I can't go on like this anymore, I have to show the most heroic spirit of the imperial soldiers!
After a brief discussion with his assistant, he finally sent a messenger to the north to report the situation.

At the same time, a combat order was issued to the three teams: "The first team will attack eastward, the second team will attack south, and the third team will attack north!"

The lieutenant's mind is almost indistinguishable from that of an animal.

Very similar to a dog.

Whichever direction you attack it, it roars in that direction.

If hit hard, it will also run.

Of course, there is one kind of dog that is different.

Mad dog!

The harder you beat him, the more energetic he will be, even if he is beaten to death, he will not run away, and will bite you before he dies!
The squadron leader's adrenaline is soaring now, and the firepower of the Tuba Road is obviously not very good, but the configuration is very reasonable.

There are not many despicable sneak attackers behind, and they must be the elite of the Tuba Road.

Now the terrain is superior, the troops are superior, and only the firepower suffers a little.

Just relying on the so-called elite of the No. 30 Tuba Road who attacked behind, they are nothing in the eyes of the imperial army!

With just over twenty automatic weapons, can they stop the iron hooves of the imperial army?
Don't stab the despicable sneak attacker alive, just cut through his belly!

Seeing the warriors under him stand up from the ground under the rain of bullets, the lieutenant raised his command knife and shouted hysterically: "The three squads spread out and shoot alternately to cover the attack! Crush Tubalu into powder! On board!"

The two genuine team leaders and the team leader who had just come from the bench were also aggrieved, facing the upcoming attack targets, they gritted their teeth angrily and screamed at the whole team under the rain of bullets.

The eighth road that broke through the siege actually started to attack again, don't think about it, the eighth road wants to run!
There are no doors!

Just wait, the imperial army's invincible big move is about to be launched, the onboard anti-pig burst!

No suddenness is not enough to release a cavity of anger.

The dense bullets kept bringing down the warriors of the imperial army. However, it was impossible to dispel the courage of the imperial army to charge back!

The grenade thrown by Shuangli continued to explode, and the battlefield continued to flicker
The strange picture of the diffuse gunpowder smoke being torn into columns by the ballistic tumbling
Luo Fugui, who was wrapped in a quilt, lay on the ground and threw the empty magazine behind him. Without looking at it, he pulled back a full magazine from behind, loaded the magazine, held the machine gun handle in his left hand, and pulled the trigger in his right hand. The index finger stuck into the trigger hole, rolled on the ground and jumped up: "Little devil, I call you grandma"

The trigger was pressed to the bottom, the butt was against the belly, and the Czech muzzle flashed non-stop.

Scanning a large area, the muzzle of the gun held by the black figure in front has not turned to the machine gun bear who has changed positions, and the bullet trajectory has already begun to tear.

The platoon leader next to Luo Fugui, who was in charge of covering, held a flattened pistol in his hand and shouted: "Hit, hit hard. Kill the little devil who dares to shoot at the company commander."

Luo Dalian rushed to the left wing, dirty face to the right wing, and both machine guns fired violently while running.
The two suppression machine guns on the rear flanks fired evenly and continuously.

The charging bear knew that it was Boss Hu and the other three machine gun teams!

The six machine guns that had descended to the cliff were all firing at this moment.
Six bullets tore back and forth among the devils in line.

With Boss Hu around, the Charge Bear's confidence doubled.

Suddenly, I felt that charging was like this, as if I was the only one who could beat the devils, and those devils pulled the bolts of their guns so fucking slow
As soon as the rifle was pointed at himself, it was overturned by a bullet fired by someone who did not know.
Anyway, it was either the bullets from his machine gun or the bullets from the slightly slower shell guns of the soldiers covering him nearby.

There was another machine gun that Dirty Face was carrying.

There are also two wing suppression machine guns
fucking fun
The figure of the devil on the opposite side was getting closer and closer, and occasionally a devil's muzzle flashed.

The soldiers under him were shot and fell down from time to time.

The eardrum seemed to be squeezed suddenly, and a scream went away quickly.
The waist seemed to be grazed by bullets flying at high speed
It looks like my arm has been bitten by a mosquito.
You have to bring down all those guys who stand up with their waists down and release mosquitoes!
You have to step on the stinking corpses of those little devils!

Gotta beat all the brains out of those shits
Gotta tear these mad dogs to pieces
This bloody feeling lasted only a few seconds, and the machine gun magazine in his hand was empty.

The charge bear, who had run more than a dozen steps, rushed forward, screaming strangely: "Magazine."

Another empty magazine was thrown behind him, and a full magazine was pulled back
On the other hand, the dirty face next to him seems to be muttering the blessings of the Bodhisattva
The footsteps did not stop at all, and with more than a dozen subordinates who screamed "Chong" and "Kill", they directly crashed into the crowd of devils
The machine gun was swung round, and directly smashed the devil's rifle stabbed with a bayonet in front of him, and his left hand still had time to take out the shell gun and shoot directly.
clap clap clap.
Intensive shell gun noise
A group of three and a group of two with one missing, the devils holding bayonets and preparing to hurt each other were surprised to find that many of the Tubalus who rushed over didn't even have rifles in their hands!

They all held short guns in their hands and fired.
He emptied the bullets in the gun, and didn't even touch the gun directly, but quickly pulled another one out of his waist.

Fucking face to face is a good opportunity to make friends with martial arts
This is a battlefield, okay?How can you not have a bayonet?

This fucking doesn't talk about martial arts at all
(End of this chapter)

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