under fire

Chapter 1066 Brave 1 and a half

Chapter 1066

Let Luo Fugui lead the charge, Hu Yi did not make a temporary arrangement on a whim.

Attacking with a machine gun, you can't do it without any strength.

As long as he can suppress the devil's machine gun, there is a high probability that Luo Fugui will not die!

Most people think that charging is death.

The Military Law Office also often sent the captured deserters to the battlefield again to serve as death squads.

When shooting in the dark, no one is stupid enough to aim at the enemy's head. Even if you get a shot in the arm, you will basically lose your combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

After being shot, there is no one in a hundred who can carry the gun and fight again!

Because, pain will make the brain of most people enter the protection mechanism!
There are naturally exceptions, one is that people who are stimulated by the battlefield to look like crazy are not included.
Because he can completely forget the pain!It felt like the arm that was shot was not his own at all!

The second is special circumstances. Those who are shot in the abdomen will have less nerves in the abdomen, and some strong-willed soldiers can continue to act.

Luo Fugui is typically stimulated by the battlefield!

Hu Yi's idea is very simple, there is no one under him, even if Luo Fugui is not up to the mark, he has to fight at this time.

This guy is born to be good at "losing battles", but he has a lot of people who are not afraid of death under his hands!
Hu Yi didn't ask Luo Fugui how to fight at all, nor did he ask him to take down the devil's position.

The focus itself was not on him.

Therefore, the focus of the frontal assault arranged by Hu Yi was actually the squad led by Dirty Face!

Dirty Face lived up to everyone's expectations, and directly pulled the pistol and called the devils who came up with bayonets one by one, breaking through the devil's first line of defense in one fell swoop!
The devil is not stupid, the position has depth!
The commanding lieutenant on the second line of defense also said: "Shooting indiscriminately"

Don't care about the "elites" who are still entangled with Tubalu!
However, the order from the lieutenant was a little late!

In addition, the first line of defense set up earlier was retreated 50 meters under his order, so that the distance between the front and rear lines of defense was too close!

Suddenly, dense grenades appeared in the sky
The eight-way power does not let people.

Hu Yi quickly moved forward from the flanks into the position set up by the devils, lying behind a rock with a machine gun in hand, and had already set up the machine gun.

The position established in the valley has no obvious directionality, and the stones can be used as bunkers in front and behind.
Da da da.
A trajectory rushed towards the devil's second line of defense, which was shooting indiscriminately.

followed by the second ballistic
third way.
Fourth way.
fifth way.
At the last sound of the machine handle, Comrade Luo Fugui, who was lying on the ground, also started shooting.

"Damn mule, get up and charge!"

Luo Fugui murmured, "I'm rushing, right?"

No, the sound of a machine gun is so loud.
The sound of Xiao Hongying gnashing her teeth hidden behind.
How could it spread so far?

Luo Fugui thought that he must have hallucinated, and the trigger finger of the machine gun that was pulled did not lift at all, and directly emptied a magazine against the devil's second line of defense.

"Can you be a little promising?" Luo Fugui, who was changing the magazine, shook his head, and the voice of the little girl biting his teeth came again.

Subconsciously turned his head to observe, the one with the pigtail on the head behind the stone next to it wasn't that wicked girl but who could it be?
Ears are still ringing.
Perhaps the "brain" was buzzing, and Xiong subconsciously asked, "Why did you rush up too? Where's Boss Hu?"

"Everyone from behind is coming up! Dirty faces have rushed into the enemy's second line of defense. If it weren't for the fact that you can change the magazine, I would have thought you had been shot." Xiao Hongying crouched wretchedly behind the stone, Shaking the rifle laboriously"

In the flash of gunfire, a certain devil holding a command knife seemed to have a black spot on his chest, and his body fell sideways.
Bandaged and using their rifles as crutches, the soldiers limped past Luo Fugui and rushed past the devil's first line of defense.

Rush towards the devil's second line of defense.
The frontal devils finally fled!
Many people started chasing and killing directly in the dark!

There are limping figures everywhere on the chaotic battlefield.
One who cleaned the battlefield murmured: "Who said devils would not give up when they die?"

"Hey, the commander of the little devil is dead, the rest of the little devil can run faster than a rabbit"

"Hey, I want to hand over this command knife to the battalion commander myself!"

"No, I discovered it first, so I have to hand it in."

"Squad leader? That's fine, can the grenadier be hidden?"

"Everything is seized and returned to the public!"

"But, why should you hand in the job?"

"Because I am a male"

"The surname is Gong, I'm not finished with you"

"It's the other way around, do you think the soldiers in the second squad dare not listen to my squad leader?"

The fire was finally lit, and the valley slowly became brighter.

The shell guns on the ground were picked up one by one.

There were still bullets in several guns, but the owner was no longer breathing.
After asking about famous soldiers, a burly soldier finally stood in front of Hu Yi, who was covered in blood, and saluted: "National Revolutionary Army No. 20, Major Battalion Commander, [-]th Regiment, [-]th Division, [-]th Division, Zhang Weimin .”

Division 53?Hu Yi was a little confused, the former [-]rd Army of the Northeast Army was under the jurisdiction of the troops!

The person in front of him obviously spoke with a Jiangnan accent. Obviously, he is not from Heishan Baishui
Zhang Weimin was a little displeased when he saw this man staring at him in a daze and didn't speak back, and asked again: "Excuse me, what is your ministry's number?"

Only then did Hu Yi come to his senses: "National Revolutionary Army No. 18 Group Army *** Division. Independent Battalion, Battalion Commander Hu Yi!"

For some unknown reason, he did not report the number of the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment to the other party.

Seeing that this man didn't say thank you at all, Zhang Weimin hesitated for a moment: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Battalion Commander Hu, I have something to inquire about."


"I don't know, have you ever met someone from our staff department?"

Staff?Hu Yi remembered that when he passed the New Fifth Army defense area, he happened to go to the staff headquarters of the Third Temporary Division: "Aren't they in the Third Temporary Division of the New Fifth Army?"

"Have you seen them?" Zhang Weimin was overjoyed: "Can you tell me what you know? It is like this. The army headquarters sent a staff department to support the new fifth army. After the new fifth army surrendered to the enemy, the staff department called the army. They left and returned to the army headquarters before the New Fifth Army surrendered to the enemy, and their whereabouts are unknown in this area."

Hu Yi suddenly remembered what Officer Zheng had told him, and hesitated for a moment: "I remember that some members of the staff of the New Fifth Army had been transferred to your defense area a few days ago. Are they missing?"

Zhang Weimin was overjoyed: "Have you really seen them?"

Hu Yi was also not sure: "It should have happened four days ago."

Seeing that Hu Yi knew a lot, Zhang Weimin quickly pulled out the map: "Can you mark where they left?"

Adjutant Zhang Weimin moved quickly and turned on the flashlight.

After all, the other party helped Jiuying break through this time, and Hu Yi did not refuse.

After squatting down, mark the approximate location on the map.
Zhang Weimin looked at the map in thought.

"Hey, Boss Hu, I'm hurt." Luo Fugui leaned over to Hu Yi like a child.

"You can still move, so it's a minor injury."

"I've been shot three times."

His thigh was scratched, but his arm was shot twice
Hu Yi was a little curious: "Then there is another place?"

The girl next to him smiled and replied: "The shell gun in his waist was nailed to the holster by the bullets."

Hu Yi turned his head to look at the mountain ridge.

Li Xiang has brought people down.

But the old gangster Qi has no news so far.
The little girl urged Luo Fugui to come over, originally she wanted to find out the origin of the friendly army that helped the Ninth Battalion break through the encirclement.

The Ninth Battalion has a submachine gun, and most of this man's men actually wear that thing on their chests.

Xiao Hongying was jealous.

Zhang Weimin, who received the map, looked at the two men who were not completely out of proportion in size in front of Hu Yi, and hesitated to speak.

Before he could speak, Xiao Hongying's bright voice rang out first: "Hey, thanks to you this time, who are you?"

Zhang Weimin was stunned for a moment. Legend has it that there are not only children in the Eighth Route Army, but also female soldiers. This one seems to be both a child and a female soldier: "My lord Zhang Weimin"

Opening line: "You guys are amazing."

"You're not bad either." Zhang Weimin was anxious about the people in the staff department. Now that there are many more wounded under his command, he was obviously not in a happy mood. Fortunately, he knew where the staff department left last, and immediately turned to look at Hu Yi: "Brother Hu , this place is not suitable to stay for a long time, I suggest that you better get out of here!"

Seeing that Xiao Hongying didn't pay attention to her at all, she immediately rolled her eyes, and began to think in her heart, how could she keep the few submachine guns in their hands
Luo Fugui, who was next to him, was startled, quickly took two steps back, then turned and ran away.

It is so difficult for wounded soldiers to clean the battlefield, and they must set an example.

My heart is like a cat scratching, how can I miss him at this time.
No, as a company commander, there will be a lot of casualties in this time. As a company commander, you have to howl a few times.
 The evolution of the national army:
  1. Whampoa was established, and Sun took the teaching group mainly composed of students from the first phase of Whampoa as his direct line.

  Sun personally designed the Soviet-style organization: the three-three system, one army with three divisions, one division with three regiments (divisions are the focus), one regiment with three battalions, and one battalion with three companies.
  2. In 13, after Sun's death, Jiang reorganized on the basis: numbered from [-] to [-], a total of [-] divisions, the No. [-] division was missing, and the number of teachers and supplementary divisions was not counted.

  The actual situation: The situation of each division is different, some are overstaffed, and some are just empty shelves, such as the Ninth Division.
  3. After the Northern Expedition ended in 28, the national army was huge and financially unable to support it, so it was decided to downsize: a total of [-] divisions across the country!

  360 regiment code numbers
  The division is divided into A and B: three brigades and six regiments or two brigades and six regiments. The division directly controls the artillery battalion, cavalry company, engineer battalion, and communication team.

  Before the Northern Expedition, the strategic unit was the army, and after the reorganization, the strategic unit was the army division.

  Due to Jiang's experience in Japan, the establishment was closer to that of the Japanese army.

  4. Sixty divisions are naturally not enough, and the warlords of course will not do it.
  In 30 years, it was reorganized, the second brigade and the sixth regiment of the A division, the third brigade and the sixth regiment of the B division, and a C division: the second brigade and the fourth regiment.

  The top ten numbers are the Central Army.

  Due to the insufficient establishment, confusion continued to appear. For example, the 21st Division had [-] regiments, and Han Fuqu's [-]th Division had [-] regiments.

  5. In 32, the Second Brigade and the Fourth Regiment of the Type A Division were reorganized: Artillery Battalion was promoted to Regiment, Cavalry Company was promoted to Battalion, Engineer Battalion, Communication Battalion, Engineer Battalion, Sanitation Team and Secret Service Company were added. Don't sell it at all.

  6. Encircled and suppressed in 33, then downsized: one of the two brigades and five regiments was a supplementary regiment.
(End of this chapter)

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