under fire

Chapter 1074 Flying Knife

Chapter 1074 Flying Knife
The moonlight shrouded the towering mountains.

On the desolate mountain ridge in the east.

The two small bodies were walking hard in the bushes with their backs bowed, straightening their waists and poking their heads out to look around from time to time.

Suddenly, an unknown night bird chirped from behind.

The sneaky figure immediately disappeared into the bushes.

Immediately afterwards, a long line of figures appeared about 30 meters behind the two, and they also stopped.

Ma Liang squatted on a small high ground, carefully watching the distance with a telescope.

After watching for a while, he quickly moved his body to the west, and carefully observed the situation in the valley to the west with his probe.

After carefully looking at all suspicious locations in the valley, return to the small highland and wait.

Liu Manhe, who came back from observing from the east side of the ridge, raised his finger and pointed to a highland directly in front of him: "If there is really an enemy eyeliner in front, it must be one of the three highlands."

Ma Liang nodded in agreement, and waved to Li Laosi who was following him: "Go up and have a look, it's best if you can catch someone alive, you must be careful, safety first"

Li Laosi grinned: "Company Commander Ma, just put your heart in your belly."

Liu Manhe next to him disagreed: "Wait a minute, the devils are all in groups of three or five, so I'll send two people there too."

Li Laosi didn't say a word, and after the two soldiers arranged by Liu Manhe changed their equipment, the figures of the three quickly disappeared into the bushes.

Soon, the three of them rushed to the figure hiding in front.

From time to time, the three heads stuck out of the bushes a little, looking at the small high ground about 50 meters ahead.

After a while.

"Uncle Li, is there really an enemy in front?" A childish voice asked.

"Don't talk." A soldier next to him lowered his voice: "During reconnaissance, communicate with each other and make gestures."

After waiting for a little while, Li Laosi patted the two people beside him, gestured for a while, and the three of them didn't directly touch the small high ground, but went eastward, and slipped to the ridge on the edge of the cliff.

Stick to the mountain wall and continue south.

The howling mountain wind covered up the sound of the three people's footsteps trampling on dead branches as they marched.

After reaching the northeast direction of the small cone-shaped highland, Li Laosi took the lead to climb up the ridge, and kept approaching the small highland along the bushes on the edge of the cliff.

Li Laosi suddenly raised his hand, and his movements were a little rusty to signal the two members of the secret service team to stop, then he shrank in the bushes and lowered his voice: "There are at least three people."

"how do you know?"

"Master Dao has a very good nose."

The summer wind blows from the south to the north, and it is possible to smell it. A soldier was dubious: "Then how many did you say?"

In the field of view of the telescope under the moonlight, three black shadows were lying on the south side of the plateau and looking north nervously. Li Laosi put down the telescope: "I only smell three. I don't know if there are others!"

The mountain ridge plateau was tapered, and the three of them did not approach from the north to the south, so that the people on the small plateau did not know that someone ventured to touch it from the edge of the cliff.

The soldier who asked earlier suggested in a low voice: "Do you want to scratch your tongue?"

Li Laosi shook his head: "There is not so much time. Once the enemy blows the whistle or shoots, our whereabouts will be exposed. At this time, don't make trouble."

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the three of them no longer stretched their waists, and crawled forward directly in the bushes.

Li Laosi took out a sickle with a serrated blade, and carefully cleared away the bushes in front of him.

Li Laosi turned around suddenly, and complained in an inaudible voice: "I said, don't just stand behind me, and help to tear away the cut branches, okay?"

The three of them moved slowly in the bushes, slowly approaching the shadow on the small high ground.

The howling mountain wind almost took away all sounds.

The three black shadows with their heads covered so that only their eyes were exposed have been looking northward. Earlier, they found that someone was coming from the north, but suddenly there was no movement.

"It's absolutely impossible to be dazzled!" A voice muttered: "How about... go back and report to the lieutenant first?"

Another voice responded immediately: "Our task is to keep an eye on here, in case people from the Tuba Road Special Task Force cross from here to the south. If no abnormalities are found, this is the combat post!"

The black shadow next to him murmured to himself: If you don't want to run errands, just say it, it's not a good job to stay here and blow the mountain breeze.

The leading black shadow suddenly asked in Chinese with a somewhat weird tone: "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything?" I muttered to myself, that person was taken aback, could it be possible that the corporal knew what I was thinking?

Li Laosi was lying on the root of the bush less than five meters away from the three dark places, observing without moving.

After watching for a while, he didn't find any signs of activity behind the three people, so he grabbed a stone next to them and threw it into the bush valley on the other side of the three people.

A clear voice came
Li Laosan was a little confused, he was just playing stone throwing to ask the way, how could the stone make a metallic sound, and the sound was so loud?

Quickly shrank his neck, lying on the root of the bush without moving.

The three people who were lying on the small high ground and observing heard the sound, and immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and scattered into the nearby bushes.

One of them happened to be hiding in the bushes less than three meters in front of Li Laosi, and his movements were unusually vigorous.

After hiding, he stared wide-eyed and looked towards the place where the noise came from to the west, but Ben didn't notice anyone behind him.

After a while, a black shadow covered in dust hiding to the west suddenly whispered under the moonlight: "The kettle seems to have been blown down by the mountain wind."

The black shadow running south slowly came back: "Impossible? Can the mountain wind blow the kettle?"

"Hey, it's an empty kettle." The black figure holding the kettle on the west raised the black thing in his hand.

The other two fell silent.

After a while, the black shadow cat crouching in front of Li Laosi left the bush and returned to the high ground: "I always feel a little restless."

Li Laosi cursed inwardly: If you walk slowly for a while, Lao Tzu's lancet can directly stab you to the point of chilling your heart.
The soldier behind stretched out three fingers, pointed to the front, and then pointed to himself, meaning: there are exactly three enemies, one for each!
Li Laosi nodded, stretched out his hand, and pointed to the left, middle, and right, which meant to spread out and take care of each other.
There is a black line on the back of the two, can you point directly to the front?

Li Laosi did not move.

Because he pinched another stone in his hand and threw it into the air again.

The stone accurately hit the empty kettle that Sombra had just put down.
When there is a sound again
The one who was lying on the high ground and observing couldn't help cursing: "Baga. You put a kettle on and it makes noise."

The person who put the kettle was a little confused: "I obviously put the kettle in the grass, so it can't be loud?"

While the three were talking and poking their heads, the two soldiers next to them jumped up from their hiding place, the sharp bayonets in their hands gleamed coldly in the moonlight
It must be ensured that when approaching the enemy, the enemy in front of him has absolutely no chance to pull the trigger and fire a warning shot!

For this kind of environment, I have trained countless times!

The two moved like rabbits, and suddenly found that Li Laosi didn't seem to be moving at all...

The two were anxious at the same time. If they only killed two enemies, the remaining one would definitely make a noise before being killed by the two of them: "Lao Si Li, you bastard!"

The two of them stretched out their hands bravely, just about to reach the neck of the enemy who was staring wide-eyed and reacting to the sudden attack.

A panicked roar suddenly appeared: "Enemy attack."

Then, that person's voice didn't continue, and he stretched out his hand to cover his neck, and looked at the black figure rushing up with some disbelief.

Li Lao Si whistled: "Hey, if you want to avoid Lao Tzu's throwing knife, there is no door."

Three more throwing knives appeared in his hand.
He was looking to see if the enemy was completely dead. As long as someone moved and pulled the gun, he was sure that the throwing knife in his hand would definitely penetrate the back of the gun puller in an instant!
Two soldiers of the secret service group stretched out their hands to pinch the enemy's neck, and almost cut their fingers with a flying knife stuck in the neck
Fortunately, these two fingers are extremely sensitive to the blade...

After a while, the devil on the ground stopped convulsing!

Li Lisi stepped forward and drew a heavy conical throwing knife from the devil's neck.

A soldier complained: "These three guys can speak our words, how about grabbing their tongues?"

While searching the corpses on the ground, another soldier turned his head and stared at the stars: "Brother Li, can't you teach me your flying knife skills?"

(End of this chapter)

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