under fire

Chapter 1083 The feeling of being shot

Chapter 1083 The feeling of being shot

Endless fear.

The moment Lieutenant Devil was hit by a bullet.

It felt like being hit by something again.

Immediately afterwards, the body fell to the hillside, feeling that the place where the bullet was shot began to heat up, and subconsciously reached out to touch the place where the bullet was shot.

It seemed that he had been shot several times in various parts of his body!
Under the moonlight, I turned my head to look at the wound.

At this time, severe pain suddenly came.

The tumbling body kept colliding with the rocks, and the whole body seemed to be numb, very similar to the feeling of numbness in the calf after standing up after squatting for a long time...

I don't know how many times I turned over, but I was finally blocked by a bush and stopped turning.

The muzzle flames that seemed to be far away above the hillside flashed like stars, and the sound of gunshots continued to ring in our ears.

Bullets whizzed past his body, feeling... as if dulled?
There should be a shot in the abdomen, and there is a kind of cramping pain in the injured place, and the body feels like the pain of being torn apart alive.

As a result, he couldn't stand at all, and his body began to curl up uncontrollably.

The right arm was also shot, and there was a strong burning sensation of flame burns, a bit like the feeling of being bitten by ants.

The thigh should have also been shot, probably hurting the bone, and the moment he was shot, it felt like being hit by a train.

At this time, no other tactical actions can be made at all.

Maybe it was because of his determination, or he had been injured many times before, so he gritted his teeth and tried to find a shelter nearby based on experience.

The assistant has long since disappeared.

The lieutenant’s mind suddenly flashed what the military doctor had said to him: the bullet caused great pain because the bullet entered the body and was blocked by the musculoskeletal body to absorb the kinetic energy, stall and turn over, and at the same time, a cavity effect was generated, which produced instantaneous high-pressure gas inside the wound. The gas vented and exploded, causing great damage to the muscle tissue inside the wound...

It hurts, the whole body hurts, even the brain hurts!
Maybe it's because of fear, maybe it's because of anger, suddenly it seems that the pain seems to be weakening...

The military doctor said that under certain circumstances, if a person’s brain is carrying strong emotions, whether it is sadness, fear, anger, etc., the body will secrete a large amount of adrenaline, and adrenaline can restrain the pain from the human nerves to the brain, so that A very small number of people may feel no pain at all for a few minutes or even as long as half an hour after being hit by a bullet
Until... the dampening effect of the adrenaline wears off.

The lieutenant didn't know why he was thinking about these useless things at this moment!
Tubalu. His mood became even more angry, and his anger reached the extreme.

Tubalu is too despicable!
There is still endless aggrieved in my heart!
The dignified soldiers of the empire were defeated by Tubalu one after another!
Not long ago, he was ambushed once by the Tuba Road guerrillas and the national army when he was besieging the fish that slipped through the spring sweep on the plain!
After supplementing, before the training was completed, he hurried into the mountain again, and chased the fleeing Eight Road from the valley, and was once again overshadowed by Tuba Road before going up the mountain.

And now, he was shot again and again.
Li Xiang was also aggrieved.

The friendly army sponsored [-] rounds of ammunition before leaving, but was deducted [-] by the little girl. Otherwise, none of the devils who entered the valley would be able to escape!
All shell guns are set to single-shot mode.

Gotta save bullets.

The devils all wore steel helmets, and the first round of bullets hit almost all the devils in the side.

After the gunshots, the well-trained devils did not panic, and most of them immediately started looking for cover.

As a result, the shooting effect behind the shell gun is far inferior to the first and second rounds.

A class of devils in the most advanced ditch became the focus of care, and none of them could fight back with a gun.

It is not known if the devils lying or lying on the ground on the mountain road were injured or injured.

Nearly half of the devils jumped down the mountain path and hid on the hillside below the mountain path, and began to fight back with their guns.

Li Xiang didn't think too much about it anymore, and ordered again: "The first squad is on guard against the devil's wounded soldiers, the machine gun squad fights the devil's rear, and the rifle squad charges forward."

The soldier who ordered the order followed with a loud voice.
The two crooked handles finally rang, and the ballistic trajectory was directly sprinkled on the crowd running from the mountain road to the ditch, holding rifles and fighting back at the devils
Hu Yi was lying outside the northern ridge of the ravine, and the trajectory of the machine gun began to tear at the devils rolling down the mountain road.

The trend of the battlefield situation is not much different from what he imagined.

Hu Yi suddenly thought of Gao Yidao, because, in this situation, it is far faster to charge directly with a bayonet than to shoot a target.

He knew very well that the shell gun bullets in the hands of the soldiers brought by Li Xiang had been exhausted!
The situation on the battlefield changed again.

Li Xiang's platoon, who had emptied the shell gun bullets, saw the battalion commander leading the machine gun team and began to suppress.

There are only eight people in the rifle class!

They were all the rest of Tian Sanqi Company, and Li Xianglian was temporarily added to make up a platoon.

However, more than a dozen empty-handed fighters also jumped out of their hiding places.

Regardless of the steepness of the hillside, follow the soldiers of Tian Sanqi Company and rush down!
Because, there are a large number of devil wounded soldiers or corpses on the mountain road!
At least, this time the battalion commander's plan was not perfect, because the battalion commander let them all use the holstered shell gun this time, and gave up the rifle.
Next time, be sure to bring a buckler and a rifle.
A grenade exploded when a devil wounded a soldier knocked on his hood.

The wounded soldiers wrapped in bandages kept running into the ravine and southward, stabbing people on the ground with bayonets indiscriminately.

Then lie on the narrow mountain road and shoot down the mountain with a crooked body.

Soon, I had to withdraw my gun, and I didn't care that I couldn't walk normally on the steep hillside, so I chased down
Because Tian Sanqi's eight subordinates have rushed down the mountain road
Lieutenant Guizi kept turning his head, watching the incredible scene on the hillside.

He took a grenade from the corpse of his subordinate who rolled to his side, removed the insurance, and slammed it on the helmet of the corpse.
A figure that almost fell from the sky and rushed past him was lifted high.
On the outside of the south ridge of the valley, the devil lying on his stomach lost his soul after breaking the guard post, and muttered a few words to the orderly next to him.

The two got up from the ground and ran back with their backs bent.

After arriving at the fork in the road, I ran up the mountain and prepared to go back to the east valley to ask for help.

The other went south, and was going to report the situation to the team leader who was chasing south. Now, he should immediately return for help.
The next soldier Cao of Shangbing Mountain has rich combat experience, and he jumped out of the hillside the moment the eighth road first threw the grenade.

At this time, it was more than [-] meters away from the mountain road.

After finding the cover position, he raised his rifle and aimed at the machine gun that Tubalu was shooting.

A machine gun above the mountain road immediately misfired.

The crosshairs are aimed at the second
The machine gun suddenly stopped firing. Based on the feeling, it should have emptied the bullets in the hopper.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned his guns to the machine gun positions in the north that were firing.
pull the trigger slowly
Hu Yi felt as if his arm had been bitten by a mosquito.

Then, a burst of pain came, and the body tilted sideways involuntarily.

The Czech machine gun was carried sideways in the left hand.

The deputy shooter next to him was startled all the way: "Battalion Commander."

"No, I was shot!" Hu Yi leaned against the stone, his brows were furrowed because of the pain in his arm, and he tried to move his fingers, but the wound hurt even more.

The bullet was shot from the bottom of the ravine, and based on experience, it should be a penetrating injury!

The soldier was about to support Hu Yi, but Hu Yi gritted his teeth again and said, "Leave me alone, get rid of the remnants first."


The ghosts who chased to the foot of the mountain finally stepped on the landmine.

Luo Fugui was lying behind a boulder 50 meters away in the valley, looking up at the mountainside to the north from time to time.

The gunfire is dense, and there seems to be not much noise
Faintly came the sound of killing.
It seems that there should be no problem with Boss Hu.

According to the plan, he had to stop this group of devils in the valley, and wait for Boss Hu to go down to the valley from the north before meeting them.

Not far from the side, hiding behind a rock, kept looking at the dirty face with the bullets in the machine gun magazine, and looked up from time to time to see the devil's movement.

Suddenly, Dirty Face called out in a low voice: "Mule."


"The devil seems to be retreating up the mountain."

"Huh?" Luo Fugui cautiously peeped out his bear eyes under the steel helmet: "Grandma, can a small group of devils be scared away by planting a mine?"

(End of this chapter)

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