under fire

Chapter 1099 Veterans

Chapter 1099 Veterans
Enemies appear in the valley to the east.

The group of devils chased by Zhang Weimin, who wanted to retreat southward, had fought each other, and it was clear that the fighting power of that group of devils was not very strong.

He even wanted to eat those devils.

Now to protect the staff, if the devils don't get too close, he has no intention of doing anything to the devils.

I really don't know why that idiot Jin Shanchuan thinks that this large army of devils will go north to copy the rear route of the Eighth Route Army that is blocking the advance of the devils.

The mopping up devils each had their own targets. This group of devils chased them all night yesterday, and their target was clearly themselves!

There was only a small group of devils in the north, which made him feel uneasy, and he was a little worried that other devils might cut off his way to the south under the mountain ridge in the south.

It's a pity that the staff officers couldn't march faster at all.

The vanguard soldiers facing south have almost reached the opposite mountain ridge.

The staff officers were still walking slowly down the hill on the low slope.

Fortunately, so far, no traces of enemy activities have been found on both sides of the valley and on the opposite mountain ridge.

Now the fight is about speed, as long as you can cross the opposite mountain ridge and enter the continuous mountain before the outflanking enemy is in place, then you will be able to enter Li Tie's head defense zone in a day at most.
Second Lieutenant Guizi currently has a lot of troops, a whole squad!
Now that they have taken advantage of the location again, they didn't pay attention to the vanquished soldiers of the national army who were coming up the mountain ridge.

Seeing that the vanguard soldiers were approaching, the devils dispersed into the bushes and thatch on both sides of the mountain road.

There was even time to clean up the traces left on the ground.
The leading soldiers of the national army heading south finally climbed the mountain ridge.

Panting like a cow, he lay on the ground in a mess.

The squad leader who led the team continued to observe carefully to the south with a telescope.

In the field of vision, there are many mountains and ravines.

After looking at it for a while, I didn't see anything unusual.

Temporarily relieved, he sat down directly on the edge of the thatch, pulled out the kettle and unscrewed the lid to pour it into his mouth.

A soldier with a face like the bottom of a pot pulled a handful of thatch from the nearby thatch, trying to pull two thatch roots and chew the sweetness in his mouth.

Suddenly he found that there seemed to be traces of someone stepping on the thatch.

Having been engaged in reconnaissance for a long time, although this man was shocked in his heart, he remained calm on his face.

Putting the thatch root in his mouth, he deliberately stretched his waist, shook his head and took the opportunity to look around, there must be traces of someone walking in the thatch not long ago!
The more I looked at it, the more frightened I became. Even the ground where everyone is sitting now has traces of being cleaned up!

Under normal circumstances, there will be some dust on the ground, but here, it is too clean.
He didn't dare to turn his head to look around. Out of the corner of his eye, some old footprints on the road he saw when he went up the mountain earlier disappeared completely!

Scalp numb, forced myself to calm down.

I looked at the crooked thatch again, and the time it took to step on these thatch. It must not exceed half an hour!

No one would do such a boring thing as cleaning up footprints on the mountain ridge!

If things go wrong, there will be demons, and they will not leave after finishing the job, but instead get into the thatch, the purpose of which is self-evident!

My heart was almost in my throat, my hands and feet seemed to be trembling with tense muscles, but my face was pretending to be calm. I walked slowly to the monitor with a gun in hand, and yelled loudly: "Hey, monitor, shall we move on now?"

Before the squad leader could answer, this man continued to approach and lowered his voice, his voice trembling: "Don't look around, there is something nearby, there must be enemies in the thatch, and there are quite a few of them!"

The squad leader was taken aback. They were all brothers of his own. Naturally, they knew each other's personalities very well. He replied loudly, "Of course we have to continue to the south. Today we have to drive another night. We should be able to return to the station before dark tomorrow."

The squad leader didn't make any gestures.

I only ran for a day yesterday. When I went up the mountain, I agreed to find a safe place to sleep after dark.

Hearing what the squad leader said, the soldiers next to him immediately became nervous, no one looked around, and no one made any abnormal movements.

The real thought in my heart is: No, there are enemies on the mountain ridge!
I don't know how many people there are on the other side, but now my ten or so people must have been surrounded. There are two reasons why the other party didn't attack. So I dare not do anything to my dozen or so people.

Three or five devils would dare to drive a platoon of the national army away. If there are devils on the mountain, then he is definitely in the first case, and the target must be someone from the staff department!

Then, the devil has probably blocked both sides of the valley!
The monitor inadvertently looked at the northern hillside, the staff had already entered the valley
No longer hesitating, he directly ordered loudly: "The wind is tight, copy the guy."

In less than two seconds, the national army who had been sitting on the ridge basking in the wind and sun in groups of three or four jumped into the chest-high thatched grass next to them.

Seeing this situation, the second lieutenant Guizi was only taken aback for a moment, and immediately ordered to open fire decisively!
The rout soldiers in the north had already descended into the valley, and it was completely difficult to fly at this time.

In any case, we must first annihilate the more than ten national troops under our noses!
bang bang
chug chug.
Rifles, submachine guns, and submachine guns fired one after another.

The gunshot was very sudden, and the two sides were separated by less than [-] meters in the thatch, and they immediately caught fire.

On the one hand, it was well prepared, and on the other hand, it was a temporary cover.

The black grenade began to swirl in the sky, and the grenade was swirling. As soon as it came up, the two sides showed their box-pressing skills!
Bullets were flying, and the thatch was too deep, completely covering the tracks of both sides, and no one dared to look up in the rain of bullets.

Shooting at close range, there were screams soon.

Boom boom boom.
Grenades and grenades exploded one after another, and the howling shrapnel cut off the branches of the shrubs, shattered the stems and leaves, and scattered in all directions with gunpowder smoke.

The battle has been intense from the very beginning, surprisingly fierce, with bullets whistling and shrapnel falling like raindrops in a strong wind.

Without warning, there was a storm-like noise on the mountain ridge.

Although the friendly guard battalion that has been together for a long time is not as powerful as the devils, at least they have worked hard in training.

The squad leader did not choose to meet the enemy in all directions, but instead used the method of assaulting in one direction.

Concentrate the firepower of the whole squad to take the initiative to attack eastward along the mountain ridge, and strive to make close contact with the enemy.

They are all veterans, and they are very clear about the firepower configuration of the devils. If it is a squad, in addition to the three infantry groups, they only have a machine gun and a bombing group. Also completely useless.

And I have a submachine gun team on my side, as long as they get close, they can completely crush the enemy in terms of firepower!

Assuming that there is more than one squad of devils, and now they have entered the core area surrounded by devils, no matter whether they are attacking or retreating, there is no chance to escape!

If you run south, you are completely selling your back to the enemy himself as a target!

The friendly squad leader's command ability is not bad.

The direction he chose to attack was not blind, because the south was sunny and the thatch grew deeper.

On the other hand, as long as the battle started on his side, the large troops behind would definitely know that there were enemies on the mountain ridge, so he tried his best to attack fiercely, even if he died, he had to "beat" the enemy's troops on the mountain ridge!
At the same time, remind the large forces behind to take countermeasures.

As for immediately retreating back to the mountain ridge, or turning east and west in the valley, it was completely out of his consideration.

The Second Lieutenant Ghost was in a bad mood. He originally planned to let this squad go first, and wait until all the rout soldiers in the back entered the valley before attacking. When he had to open fire, he suddenly found that after entering the thatch, the soldiers seemed to have got into the mud. loach.

And the firepower is also extremely fierce.

The thatch fell in pieces, and the machine gun team directly misfired after being hit by a grenade.

The sound of bayonets piercing flesh finally sounded in the thatch.

But the opponent has a submachine gun, an artifact of melee combat, and for a while, the two sides were evenly tied.
The two sides fired indiscriminately in the thatch, and the bullets flew randomly, causing the elites among the more than [-] elites who were hiding in the west to dare not come for reinforcements.

The opponent obviously only had one squad, but the most elite troops of the imperial army couldn't speak against him. The second lieutenant was so angry that his mouth was crooked!
However, in the current environment, he found that he couldn't think of any way!

In addition to letting the imperial army stabilize their position first, they threw grenades at places where submachine guns fired.

It seems that there is no choice but to let the men shoot in the direction where the enemy may come.

A group of rats almost disrupted his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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