under fire

Chapter 1102 What is the difference between Taoism and conspiracy?

Chapter 1102 What is the difference between Taoism and conspiracy?
"Report to Staff Officer Liu, the devil has a radio station, and it is sending out signals intensively, and there are three sources!" The devil's plane dived again and then pulled up to the north. The operator roared at Liu Jianghe not far away.

"What do you mean?" Liu Manhe froze for a moment.

"The devil's plane in the sky should be equipped with a radio this time. It is impossible for him to use two at the same time. It is basically certain that the devil in the north has a radio." The operator reported again.

"Hey, why do you still understand this stuff?" The voice of the big dog came from behind a pile of thatch.

"Shut up," Crazy Yang, who was hiding next to the big dog, stopped him.

The radio operator next to him immediately explained: "It's just the most basic radio direction finding technology."

After the operator finished speaking, he took the telegram handed over by the operator hidden in the same vertical slit.

After a while, there was a strange cry: "No, the deputy chief of staff is surrounded by devils."

The thirty or so devils had to retreat northward and down the mountain ridge in a panic before they had time to charge up the mountain ridge.

Behind them, the muzzles of submachine guns and Czech guns in the hands of a group of national army soldiers continued to spew out tongues of flame.

The fighting power of the devils in the garrison is not weak.

But compared with the national army soldiers equipped with automatic weapons, they are completely at a disadvantage.

No matter how accurate the gun is, it can't withstand the charge of many people holding submachine guns and firing intensive fire.

The grenade thrown by the devil did blow up many charging national army soldiers.

But there are too many national army soldiers on the mountain!
Only then did the invincible devil realize that not all Chinese soldiers would tremble under their guns!

The second lieutenant of the devils who led the team made a mistake. The first to touch the mountain was only the advanced squad of devils. Although many devils behind them had strong tactical awareness, many of them were unable to meet the requirements of the main force due to injuries. They were ordered to retire before being transferred to the garrison .

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been thrown away directly when chasing Zhang Weiminlian who had fled.

After another shot in the forehead, the fifteen devils on the mountain ridge were completely turned into corpses.

The company commander who led the team to recover the mountain ridge ordered: "Collect ammunition."

A soldier muttered: "Everyone is not used to this thing."

Although his subordinates recaptured the mountain ridge this time and paid more than [-] casualties, the company commander was still in a good mood and explained: "Although the guard battalion is not short of ammunition, every shot will lose one shot. Who knows if it will be just short at the critical moment?" So how many bullets?"

"Hey, company commander, tell him that this gun can sell for 200 yuan on the black market, and whoever picks it up will own it. I guarantee they will fight."

"Then according to what you said, doesn't the Cao Changjing mirror you hide in your bag belong to you?" The company commander kicked it over: "Hurry up and hand it over, I have to borrow it from the battalion commander if I want to use the telescope. A broken platoon leader is bigger than Lao Tzu's spectrum?"

Jin Shanchuan ran desperately, drenched in sweat, kept falling, struggled to get up and climbed to the top of the mountain with difficulty.

His chest was heaving like a bellows. Seeing the deputy chief of staff holding up the binoculars, Zhang Weimin was directing the soldiers to rescue the wounded, panting and urging: "Why are you still standing there, hurry up and break through to the north!"

Zhang Weimin picked up a submachine gun, and his eyes were unfriendly under the helmet: "If you interfere with the command again, I will beat you into a hornet's nest now!"

Jin Shanchuan's face froze: "There are devils on both sides of the valley. For now, there are fewer devils in the north. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Zhang Weimin sarcastically said, "Since you are in such a hurry? Why don't you take someone away first?"

Jin Shanchuan turned pale: "You"

"If you want to live, shut up for me!"

Zhang Weimin knew that what this man surnamed Jin said actually had some truth.

The devils had just retreated after being defeated and had no time to establish a position. At this time, it was the best opportunity to charge north.

But what about after rushing down?

He probably understood the thoughts of the deputy chief of staff. The army was besieged by devils and lost contact, so the possibility of the radio station being damaged could basically be ruled out.

It is very likely that the military department was also taken over by the devils!
On the other hand, Li Tie was still resisting, but he refused to let his group pass by. There must be something hidden in the middle.

As for what happened, no one knows!

In just a few days, the situation took a turn for the worse. If Li Tietou failed, then Lingchuan and the surrounding counties would all fall into the hands of the devils. The hand of the Japanese invaders!
Turn on the radio, contact the theater command!
"Report, it has been tried before, and the password has been changed in the theater."

"Invention Code"

Di di di
After a while, the radio operator ran to the deputy chief of staff: "Report, the unified reply of the theater: order to stay in each department, disperse into the enemy's rear, and deal with enemy guerrillas."

Staff Officer Wei next to him sighed: "In the past two years, every time an army has lost a battle, this is what was posted in the theater."

fight as a guerrilla?Jin Shanchuan's eyes lit up next to him, he was familiar with the situation around the station, and immediately stepped forward: "Brother has an opinion, I don't know if it should be said or not."

"If you fart, let it go."

"Since we can't go back for the time being, why not go west into Taiyue to fight guerrillas"

"Could it be that you don't seem to be worried about such a big incident in the military department?"

"Now I can't contact the military department. If worrying can solve the problem, we have so many people now, the general department has already given 'worry' out!"

The deputy chief of staff raised his head and calmly looked at the valley to the north: "Follow the mountain ridge to the west, and after entering the plain, find a way to go to Taiyue."

He wasn't afraid of Jin Shanchuan, as long as he waved his hand, these three people would disappear immediately, and he didn't want to meet his former enemy, Balu.

The way is different, do not conspire with others!

To the east is the former New Fifth Army defense area. If the New Fifth Army voted for the devils, it is absolutely impossible for him to turn back.

Now, in fact, there is only the only option left to go west.

As long as you persist until dark, it shouldn't be difficult to get rid of the devils chasing after you.
The deputy chief of staff didn't think that the devils who appeared around would be as elite as the advance team.

After all, Zhang Weimin can get rid of the wounded soldiers
A squad in the front served as vanguard, and the team behind carried more than a dozen stretchers.

The deputy chief of staff gazed across several mountain ridges, and the planes on the other side of the mountain were still buzzing and circling strangely.

He held the telegram in his hand and there were two other telegrams under it, one of which read: Stand firm and provide the exact location.

Second: Our reinforcements arrived in the dark.
The message was torn into pieces the size of a fingernail and scattered with the mountain wind.

The mountain ridge in the south.

The mountain wind rustled the bushes.

There was a smell of burnt meat in the grass.

Under the steel helmets of the soldiers who climbed up again after rolling down the mountain, they were staring blankly at the corpses of their comrades-in-arms.

Everyone has a long and narrow hole left by a bayonet.

Perhaps the devil put out the fire in order to carry away the dead devil's body.

Perhaps it was the blood of comrades in arms that extinguished the dead branches and leaves that were ignited by the grenade.
He knew that the devil didn't search for him down the mountain because the devil was very busy and was heading north to chase the battalion commander.
That's why I was lucky enough to take my life.

The comrades on the ground still stared wide-eyed, looking at the sky blankly, feeling unwilling.
He dragged his comrades together, pulled some dead grass, and picked up a lot of dry shrub branches.

He took out a match, lit it, and threw it into the dry grass.

Soon, the dry grass started to burn.
Silly watching the crackling of the mountain fire, he took off his helmet and saluted, muttering in his mouth: "Squad leader Wu left Jiang Erwa. The celestial master has a bottomless pit."

"As long as I don't die, every Qingming Festival, I will burn paper for you, and I will definitely avenge you."

"Don't let the devils kill you, I swear not to be human"

"You must protect me. Don't let me die too soon."

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid that no one will burn paper for you in the future, and no one will buy you wine"

A large snot bubble bulged out, and the soldier raised his arm and wiped it with his sleeve, covering his face all over: "Your pension, I will definitely keep an eye on you, and when I have money, I will fix it for you." The big grave must be bigger than the one dug by Sun."

"You wait!" The soldier raised his rifle and fired a shot into the sky.

Pull the bolt again.
Five shots were heard over the ridge
(End of this chapter)

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