under fire

Chapter 1105 Inner Spear and Shield

Chapter 1105 Inner Spear and Shield

Due to the direction of sunlight, the vegetation on the north side of the valley is always better than that on the north side.

The serpentine queue was listless.

The devil's medical soldiers were at the end of the line.

He wears a cowhide medical kit on his back, and has a red cross cuff on a white cloth background on his left arm.

It took him a lot of energy to treat the wounds of three wounded soldiers in a row.

Outside the bare rocks, shrubs and thatch are blown by the mountain wind like waves.

21 Passed through the valley and hid in the grass on the north side.

I was so excited, I couldn't remember how long I hadn't felt this way.

It's like holding a gun for the first time after serving in the army. This feeling seems to be good. Even if you hide in the thatch, you still try to keep your body down.

In his eyes, these ten devils seemed to have become corpses.

He didn't know why he felt this way. Facing the well-trained devil, his first thought was not to turn around and run away.

Maybe it's that I'm no longer afraid of death, maybe it's the brothers who died for their country cheering me up in the sky.

If only there was a submachine gun, it would be very possible to bring down these ten devils.

It's a pity that I am the rifleman in the class, and all the brothers' submachine guns were picked up by the devils.

The muzzle swayed up and down, left and right.

The sight moved from the first devil's head to the last.

There is only a small turf in the hiding place. If you shoot at this time, you will definitely be exposed, and you will definitely be outflanked by devils.
If you hit the devil's body, you can only hit the side, either the arm or the thigh, which is not easy to hit.

Do you want to shoot?
21 hesitated.

He didn't think he really had the ability to fight ten against one.

Until the ten devils slowly went away, the index finger pressed the trigger countless times, but in the end it still didn't pass the critical position.

Three of them were on stretchers, and the devils could actually hit only seven of them!
The company commander said before that in the Japan-Tama Convention, two arms should be protected for both warring parties, one is the pilots who made an emergency landing, and the other is the field hospitals and medical soldiers.

I don’t even have a plane, you make a treaty to protect only little devils in a disguised form, the person who made the treaty must have been kicked by a donkey, or received money from little devils.
Devils even kill prisoners, let alone protect any health soldiers.

21 raised his hand and slapped himself: "Desert at the critical moment! Coward"

Brothers may be watching from the sky at this time.
He stood up suddenly, half-kneeled, and raised his gun.

Adjust your breathing rhythm.

The barrel of the gun hit his body backwards, the bullet flew out of the muzzle, and the mountain wind took away the puff of smoke.

21 immediately retracted the muzzle.

The stretcher team heard the gunshots and immediately looked back.

Blood mist sprayed out into a puff.

An egg-sized mass of bright red appeared on the military uniform on the chest of the overturned medical soldier.

The mouth and nose made a whoo-ho sound of pulling bellows, and sprayed small clouds of blood mist continuously.

Boom, the medical soldier fell to the ground, his body immediately rolled into a ball, and violently twitched.

The ghost carrying the stretcher immediately yelled strangely: "Attack."


While talking, he squatted down, put down the stretcher, and then picked up the gun.

Pull the bolt and look around for a warning.

One of the devils rushed in front of the medic, pulled out a blood clot and tried to seal the wound.

Pulling away the medical soldier's hand that had just covered the wound, tearing off the military uniform and then the shirt, the devil immediately froze. Can the egg-sized wound be blocked?

The valley was full of chills, and there was no one at all.

A faint puff of gunpowder smoke was brought by the mountain wind.
Those who carried the wounded were retired veterans from the main division of the Devils, with rich experience in the battlefield.

The south wind blows in early summer, which means the dastardly raiders are hiding in the south!
The medical soldier was shot in the back, and the bullet shattered his lungs and came out of his chest.

After chattering for a while, the ghosts began to alternately search backwards and forwards.

Six to seventy meters away in thatched grass.

That head just filled the rear sight on the 21 gun.

The muzzle flashed.

All the devil veterans immediately dodged subconsciously.
It's a pity that the distance Taibing, just before he reacted and did not make an evasive action, the bullet has already arrived
The leading devil immediately fell forward and fell silent.

The devil who also fell on the side immediately fought back
The thatch bushes were not high, and the stems and leaves that had been broken by the bullets kept flying and flying.

Having changed position 21, he pushed another bullet with a grim expression.

Fighting devils. It seems that it is not as difficult as imagined?

How could you not beat it before?
Hiding in thatch is almost invincible.

Bullets whizzed overhead.

It hit the ground next to it with a puffing sound.

There are more and more flying thatch stems and leaves.

Three devils climbed up from the ground, and the other two devils were still lying on the ground to cover the shooting
The charging devil suddenly fell down after rushing for more than ten meters, and disappeared from 21's muzzle sight.

After finding the cover that he had hoped for earlier, the devil followed up and raised his gun to suppress and shoot into the thatch.

The ghost behind the cover just bounced off the ground, rushed left and right and rushed forward for a while.

There's no way to shoot with a rifle while charging, god knows how stupid a fool would be to do that
No, the national army with submachine guns seems to like doing this too.

Relying on firepower to fight randomly, it is also possible to deceive one or two opponents
When the devil who was shooting on his stomach raised his gun to shoot again, he saw the thatch root flashing again, and immediately felt bad
The muzzle trembled slightly, and the fingers pressed quickly.
Boom. Before dying yesterday, I finally heard the legendary bomb sound.

That's right, I heard from some wounded soldiers who survived by being shot in the head that when the bullet hit the head, they felt the sound of an explosion.
It's feeling, not hearing.
This time he finally felt
A bullet hit the bridge of his nose, followed by a large cloud of red and white spray from the back of his head.

Devil's final impression: The voice is really not small.
The devil's shooting skills are indeed not boastful. The bullet hit the outside of the rifle, and the ricochet scraped his arm and blocked the military uniform.

There was a sharp pain in his arm, and 21 quickly rolled sideways, pressing down on a large piece of thatch and changing positions again.
Quick Legs trotted eastward with a warrior.

Seeing that the mountain ridge in the south is getting shorter and shorter, it should merge with the valley in the south in a Y shape not far ahead.

We were about to approach the intersection, when we suddenly heard a crisp gunshot from the south side who did not know how many ridges separated us.

Without hesitation, he jumped into the bushes next to him, pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

After a while, the gunshots from the south gradually became more intense.

Quickly raised his finger and pointed to the southern mountain ridge, and ordered to the recruits who followed him: "Spread out, go up and have a look."

The two happened to be at the pass of the mountain ridge, and they were not high.

After more than ten minutes, the two climbed to the pass.

Quick legs pulled out Cao Changjing from the bag, and immediately shook it to the south in the direction where gunshots were still coming from time to time.

Suddenly, gunshots sounded towards the top of the mountain ridge, and a head appeared in the field of vision of the telescope.

Looking at the military uniform, it should be a friendly army.

The whole body of the stumbling soldier quickly appeared on the mountain ridge.

The friendly soldiers swung their legs quickly and did not run sideways along the mountain ridge.

Instead, he ran wildly down the crooked trail and down the mountain ridge.

Soon, a figure appeared again on the short mountain ridge opposite.
It's a devil!
Another one appeared.

The ghost soldiers are striding after them.

Soon, two ghost figures appeared again.

The fleeing allies did not run in a straight line on the mountain road.

So that the devils who kept shooting on the mountain ridge behind failed to hit the fleeing friendly troops.

The distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther.

It's not that the devils don't work hard, but that these four devils are all retired wounded soldiers!

When 21 was running towards the mountain, he could alternately suppress 21 so that he could not run quickly.

After arriving at the downhill section, the distance between the two sides immediately widened rapidly.

The devil had experience, and did not give up, and continued to pursue.

There is a limit to human physical ability!
Like the guy in front of him who ran desperately, if he ran for another three to five miles at most, his legs would definitely not be able to run fast anymore as if they had been filled with lead.

Although the devil veteran has been injured, his physical explosiveness is not as good as that of the deserter.

But experience is definitely richer than deserters.

This kind of pursuit and escape, the two sides compare endurance!

Whoever can last longer will be the final winner!
It is far away from the mountain ridge.

21, who was running happily, turned his head occasionally, and the ghosts chasing after him didn't stop at all.

He ran away to save his life, and the chaser was just to save his life.

The two sides have different understandings of fate, which causes the two sides to run at different speeds.

Bullets kept whistling beside him.

Brothers bless you, but don't let the devil's bullet hit you
But don't sprain your feet.
I just killed three devils!

Eighteen miles to the goal.
 You can't hold your breath when shooting, because the body muscles will tremble from lack of oxygen.

  Of course, some recruits and veterans are excluded (this seems to be wrong).
(End of this chapter)

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