under fire

Chapter 1111 The devil didn't leave

Chapter 1111 The devil didn't leave
It's getting dark.

The desolate valley no longer has the tranquility of Japan.

Gunshots echoed everywhere.

Kazuro Takahashi is like a bird frightened.

He stopped again and got into a bush.

Birds were startled again where they had just walked.

After getting out from another place, he was sure that someone was following behind!

Wanting to understand one thing, Tubalu let himself go on purpose!

They want to find the advancing team by themselves.

Now, even he himself doesn't know where to advance to the team!
I can't die!
The family spent such a high price on cultivating themselves!

We must leave the mountain as soon as possible, and then find a way to arrange a suspended animation.

Then reappear with a new identity, and the family will not have any flaws in doing this kind of thing in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

As long as it gets dark and the moon rises, and he gets rid of the people following him, he has absolute confidence to get rid of the eight roads following him.

There are imperial troops everywhere in the mountains.

You must make sure that you cannot meet any imperial soldiers before returning to the county!
So, after hearing gunshots and explosions ahead.

This product was originally going east.

Turned the direction again, and climbed up the mountain ridge to the south.

Kuaileg, who had been observing, was stunned: "Hey, why did that kid go south?"

"Maybe it's a single deserter." 21 stood up: "We'd better get out of here immediately"

Quick Legs nodded: "We are going east, do you want to come with us? There are so many people, so we can take care of them."

"Are there ghosts in the east?"

"There are ghosts everywhere in the mountains these two days. If you are afraid, let's just stay away."

"I'm afraid of shit, I'm afraid there are no devils in the east"

"Hey, I think you have a lot of combat experience."

"You can run pretty well."

"Brother Quick Legs, there are still three rifles on the mountain ridge."

"Aren't you satisfied with carrying a submachine gun? Anyway, we will come back."

21 thinks that it is safest to go eastward along this valley, because there are ghosts in the west, and you may encounter ghosts, messengers, or even trains at any time.

Kuaileg thought it was the safest way to go, but in fact, 21 said insurance meant that he would definitely run into devils!
Juechen couldn't take it any longer, because he had too many things to carry on his back.

The three stopped for a while, and decided to have a submachine gun and a rifle for each of them.

The devil's lunch box was thrown away on the side of the road, and I will come back to pick it up later.

The cowhide medicine box taken from the ghost medic on the back of the fast leg
It was dark at last, and the moon had long since risen.

Going back the same way is equivalent to following the retreating devils, which is naturally inappropriate.

The vanguard squad, half of which were militiamen, split in two at a fork in the road.

The eight fighters pulled away and continued south.

The two soldiers followed the two militiamen who were familiar with the mountain road and turned to the southwest direction.

The old bandit Qi led eight soldiers and followed the vanguard on the trail to the southwest.

The cursing Luo Fugui broke his mouth all the way.

Xiao Hongying was annoyed: "I didn't ask you to come along, who are you howling here for?"

"If Boss Hu didn't ask me to come, do you think I would do this thankless job?"

"How much did you get out of the mountain this time?"

"Fart, it's not thoughtful to give it all to Li Huanzhang for gold."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, if you exchange so many gold bars, sooner or later the news will leak."

Xiao Hongying shook her head: "You only know now? Sooner or later you will be searched by the vixen."

The team went southwest around the mountain ridge and through the deep valley.

The gunfire that rang out for several nights in a row seemed to show signs of resting.

The procession stopped by a bushy stream.

The old bandit Qi decided to start a fire here and cook some hot porridge before he left.

No one objected.

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion, who had only slept for half a day, lay on the marching blanket and silently looked at the stars in the sky.

The moonlight illuminated the sky, but the light did not reach the valley.

Several soldiers jumped directly into the cold stream to take a bath.

Xiao Hongying didn't shy away from it at all, but a few female militiamen began to swear unrestrainedly.

The old bandit Qi threw a few stones into the pool and cursed at him, and the naked soldiers in the water hurried ashore, picked up their military rifles and ran downstream in a hurry.

There are pools of water everywhere in the valley, is it not easy to find a place to take a bath?

Xiao Hongying followed the female militiaman and hurriedly washed her face in the pool, her wet hair sticking to her little face.

The stream water was cold, Xiao Hongying couldn't help shivering.

Platoon leader Hongying, wipe your face quickly
A female militiaman offers a towel.
"It's cold in the mountains at night, dry off and move your body quickly"

Explosions were faintly heard from the south.
Except for the militiamen who looked up at the sky, the people in the valley paid no attention to the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion.

The sound of the explosion is too far away. Based on my feeling, it must be at least 30 miles away!

Old bandit Qi unfolded the map Xiao Hongying had given him by the fire, marking the source of the sound.

He hurriedly poured a few mouthfuls of hot porridge into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls of dry food, and immediately ordered Li Xiang and Luo Fugui to prepare to go!
Maybe everyone thinks that old gangster Qi and Hu Yi are the same kind of people.

Therefore, squad leader Qi had no psychological pressure at all to give orders to the two company commanders of the Ninth Battalion.

And Li Xiang and Luo Fugui also obeyed the squad leader who was two grades younger!
There was no sense of incongruity in the team.

Xiao Hongying tied a high ponytail on the back of her head, and seeing that old bandit Qi had finished making arrangements, she took a square step and stood three meters away from old bandit Qi: "Let's go this way, if the people who come back miss you How to do?"

"You worry completely unnecessary, the class going south will meet them."

"What if they catch up to that team of little devils?"

"If there is less than a large group of devils, he will definitely run faster than a rabbit."

"It takes at least two more hours to take a detour from here!"

"What does that matter? Anyway, we should be able to arrive when the rooster crows again."

"What if the devils who besieged us are gone?"

"Going away? At worst, it's just a waste of time."

"Tell me, did the devil really win the tiger?"

"I dare not say anything else, anyway, those who have been fed water by us will definitely be poisoned"

"That's not poison, it's called bacteria."

"Anyway, it's almost the same, as long as the meaning is the same."

The team set off again.

In the middle of the night, after turning over several mountain ridges, the team finally circled back to the opposite side of the village where the wounded of the Ninth Battalion were about to fight the devils.

The militiamen's physical strength was no worse than that of the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion, and they climbed up the mountain ridge, or sat or squatted looking at the opposite mountainside.

A raging fire was burning at the village on the opposite mountainside.

There was a lot of talk: "The damn devil set fire to the house again.
"The devil is too hateful."

"Fortunately, the folks moved ahead of time."

"Yes, otherwise God knows how many people will die"

"Do you think the devil is still in the village?"

"When we left, the village was emptied, and there was no one there. The devil must have left long ago."

"I heard that devils sometimes pretend to leave after setting off a fire, secretly hide in a dark place and wait for us to go back to put out the fire, and then take the opportunity to kill people."

"Then we must be careful."

"Let's not be scouts, just listen to the command of Comrade Ninth Battalion."

"Why do you think Captain Li's face burned so badly?"

"I don't know, you can ask yourself if you have the ability"

The three soldiers each led two militiamen and slowly slipped down the valley.

A set of vigilance.

Another group scouted the opposite village.

Another group of tasks is to climb the opposite mountain ridge to see if the devils in the valley are still there.

It is not difficult to find the devil's camp with the fire.

Secret whistles must have been set up near the devil's camp. It was very difficult to approach the devil's camp silently.

not long time.

The soldiers who went to the village to reconnaissance took Lao Zhang who stayed near the village and climbed up the mountain ridge to the west, panting.

Lao Zhang didn't wait for someone to ask, and immediately went to Luo Fugui: "Commander Luo, the devils have stayed in the valley to the west without moving, and... when it was dark, a battalion of puppet troops came. Those damn puppet troops set fire to it." out of the village."

(End of this chapter)

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